U4AOS1 STATS Flashcards
Modernisation successes during the Nationalist Decade
- 1927-36 highways inc 606% + factories inc x2 + aircraft x40 bc est nat airline
- Est Central Bank of Ch
- Devised modern style govt budget
What were the 5 bureaus (yuans) of govt that the GMD devised during the ND?
o Exec
o Legislative
o Judiciary
o Examination
o Control
Self-determination successes during the ND
- 10/23 Eur concessions renounced → Ch has control of customs + tariffs
- Ch diplomats part of high-level talks at LoN
How did Jiang enforce political unity?
o Generalissimo - fascism = ‘stimulant for declining society’
o Auth over Fam, Huangpu, Pol Study + CC cliques
o WJ opp govt + factions’ attempts to lim JJ’s auth = fail
o ‘reformation’ of comm + LW symp
How many communists and LW sympathisers did the GMD claim to reform?
24,000 comm + 155,000 LW symp arrested + ‘reformed’ 1927-37
How much of China did the GMD control?
- 1937 only 8 provinces
- Hunan still under warlord rule but allied w GMD
- max control 2/3 pop + 1/3 terr
When were the Blue Shirts established?
How many Blue Shirt members were there?
14,000 by 1935
How many people did the CCP claim the GMD killed during the ND?
Evidence of the Control Yuan’s ineffectiveness at addressing corruption
1931-32 69.5K reports of infringements/poor efforts (corruption) by GMD off → only 268 found at fault + 13 off. sacked
Evidence for issues collecting tax bc corruption + bureaucracy during the ND
o Slow transfer of taxes from prov to nat govts
o Prov have ‘special taxes’ e.g. Guansu 44 diff taxes
o Collecting tax yrs in advance e.g. Sichuan prov 1971 tax collected in 1933
o Taxes 11x higher in some prov → extra pocketed by officials
How much the GMD governments expenditure went to the military during the ND?
(= impact of fighting CCP)
(→ print more $ → hyperinflation)
Key provisions of 21D
• Extensive rights to econ dev on Manch + Inner Mong
• Control over mining in central Ch
• Control of Liaodong Pen near K
• Right to appoint J officials to Ch govt
How many provinces were in open rebellion within 1month of GMD-backed Jiangxi province declaring independence in July 1913 (2nd Rev)
How many GMD cabinet members did Yuan Shikai pressure to resign?
How big was the loan that Yuan Shikai got from foreign banks in April 1913?
What were the key changes made in Yuan Shikai’s May 1914 version of the constitution
- extends pres term 5 → 10yrs
- inc dictatorial power over mil, dip + $
When was the NE announced
1 July 1926 - 5 days before JJ elected chairman of GMD
When did the NE start?
27 July 1926
How many troops and officers did the NRA have when the NE started vs warlord troops
85,000 troops + 6,000 HMA officers
vs 750,000 warlord forces
How long was the general strike in Shanghai during the M4M?
What did JJ offer in return for the GG dealing with Shanghai’s ‘communist problem’?
legal amnesty
exclusive selling rights for opium in S
How big was the GG’s militia for the Shanghai Massacre?
2,000 men militia
How many workers/unionists were killed in the Shanghai Massacre?
Key features of Maoist land reform in Jiangxi
• Kill most exploitative landlords = universally unpop
• Redist land to all peasants incl rich peasants
• Abolish exploitative rents
• Intro 15-20% grain tax = acceptable to peasantry + sufficient to support RA
Key features of Maoist social/econ reforms in Jiangxi
• gave women equal right to marriage/divorce
• Est RA → help farm
• Est red postal service
• Est ‘People’s Bank’ w/ own currency
Outcomes of 1st All-Ch Congress of Sov
Ruijin (7 Nov 1931)
- CCP officially adopt M’s policies albeit w resistance
- Ch Sov Republic proclaimed – est govt structure, constitution + endorsed laws/policies
- M elected Chairman of exec comm (but 28B still officials leaders of CCP)
How many people were executed in October 1930, marking the beginning of the Futian purges?
1000 exec from 20th Corps of RA b/c rumours of plot to overthrow M
How many RA leaders did Mao round-up in June 1931?
200 → kills them all
When did the CCP move their capital from Shanghai to Ruijin?
Jan 1933
Details of early encirclement campaigns (starting Dec 1930)
Initially guerrilla warfare → 30K RA hold off against 100K NRA troops → escalated to 200K then 300K in 2nd + 3rd Campaigns → 28B adopt positional warfare tactic
Who advised GMD tactics for the 5th Encirclement Campaign?
von Seekt
GMD new tactics for 5th Encirclement Campaign
• X search + destroy
• set up ‘blockhouses’ linked by roads + barbed wire → ‘concrete and steel noose’
• 1mil troops
• 200 reconnaissance aircraft
• scorched earth policy → famine
How many CCP losses occured at Battle of Guangchang (11-16 Apr 1934)
How many counties in JS had fallen to the GMD by Sep 1934?
Who decided to start the LM?
28B + Braun (M excluded)
How large was the LM group when it started?
100,000 total - 80,000 troops + 20,000 CCP support staff
How many CCP were left in JS?
How many CCP were left by the end of Battle of Xiang River (25 Nov – 3 Dec 1934)
30,000 b/c death + desertions
How fast was the LM moving in the early months?
27km/day b/c carrying pp, x-ray machines + entire library
What strategy did Mao criticise when the LM arrived in Tongdao (12 Dec 1934)
Braun’s ‘Head On Straight On’
What happened at the Zunyi Conference (15-17 Jan 1935)
• M critic 28B + Braun for handling of 5EC + LM
• M backed by x2 Politburo + eventually Z
→ M given role as chief advisor to Z + promo to Politburo Standing Comm
→ 28B X longer in charge of LM – M, Z + Wang now ‘Central Triad of Leadership’ (Braun) of LM
What happened at the Battle of Luding Bridge (May 1935)?
22-men vanguard unit defeat Nat who occupied town/bridge → allow safe passage for main body of RA
Details of Great Snowy Mt
• Dressed in cotton clothes + sandals
• Troops died from slipped down cliffs + exposure
• Only 10,000 survivors reached Sichuan
Who was Zhang Guotao + why did he disagree with Mao?
founding member of CCP + head of 4th Front Army = 40K troops
pol div b/c M wants to go NE to sml sov of Shaanxi but Zhang want to go to W Sichuan
→ 2 wks rest → split sep ways = big risk for M’s reputation
Details of High Grasslands
• One big swamp → swallow men + horses whole
• Ate weeds, boiled belts + solid remains of faeces
• Rampant dysentery + diarrhea
How far did the LM travel?
12,000km in 1 yr
How many provinces, mountain ranges, rivers + deserts did the LM cross?
11 prov
18 mt ranges
24 rivers + deserts
How many pitched battles did the LM fight?
How many of the LM group survived to the end?
How many towns did the LM occupy?
Details of Battle of Loushan Pass
RA defeated x2 GMD div + took 3,000 POWs
Negative elements of RA
- Poor men often recruited by force (often pov caused by RA)
- Stole land from landlords/merchants redist to peasants or kept for supplies
- Pillaged towns w suspected Nat influence
Mao’s reforms to the RA during the LM
• Change name to 1st Front Army (like RA in Jiangxi)
• Pol commissars inc efforts → boost morale
• Mvmts expl to troops
• Catchy slogans → boost morale e.g. ‘March Nth to Defeat the J = portrays fleeing as patriotic defense against J
• Braun’s positional warfare strategy abandoned → guerrilla tactics reintro
• Large meetings in villages/towns expl purpose of RA
• Rules repeated = enforce good conduct build rel w peasants
Organisational impact of the LM
• M = prominant leader w/in CCP
• Peasant focused rev, M-style army = main party line
• Dec 1935 est new sov base in Yan’an
• Every PRC leader 1949-mid 1990s = vets of LM
When did Japan assume control of Manchuria?
When did Japan declare Manchuria independent from China?
18 Feb 1932
est puppet state ‘Manchuko’
How many more provinces fell to Japan from 1933-35?
What was the official beginning of the Sino-Japanese War?
7/7/1937 clash at Marco Polo bridge (16km from B)
What proportion of Jiang’s best troops were lost when a 2nd front opened up outside Shanghai on 13 Aug 1937?
What the GMD call the Sino-Japanese War?
15 Aug 1937 Nat declare “War of Self-Defense” bc strategy = long war of attrition
When did Shanghai fall to Japan?
Nov 1937
When did Nanjing fall to Japan?
Dec 1937
Details of Rape of Nanjing (Dec 1937 - Jan 1938)
200,000-300,000 killed
10,000 raped
What was the result of the GMD’s lack of preparation for major retreat?
100,000s refs block rd + rail network + wounded left w/out care
Consequences of the GMD blowing up the dykes of the Yellow River without warning on 7 June 1938
500K drowned
3-5mil ppl displaced
4,000 villages + 11 cities flooded
crops in 3 prov = ruined
→ contributed to Henan famine (1942-43)
Details of Ichigo Offensive
Apr 1944
poorly co-ord defence against J by Nat
→ J capture multi key cities + newly built US-funded airfields
Where did the GMD move their capital to?
20 Nov 1938
Chonqing = capital of ‘Free China’
Economic impact of war on the GMD
Smuggling = main source of resources into Chonqing → dec in Nat income tax + custom tariff revenue 67% → 6.3%
o Prices rise 50% in 1 mo
o Prices rose avg 237% 1942-44
Evidence of GMD corruption during war
• 30% aid ended up on black market
• Members of govt got rich off of speculation + insider trading
- officials X report casualties/desertions + pocket $ for those soldiers instead
How many people died in the Henan famine (1942-43)?
Causes of Henan famine (1942-43)
- Forced grain req
- corrupt officials steal little support govt did offer
- Flooding of Yellow River (7 June 1938)
- Severe drought spring 1942
How many Japanese troops were stuck stationed in China due to a stalemate from 1939?
Maltreatment of conscripted soldiers by GMD
o Beating by off = common
o Prov w inadequate supplies
o Roped together naked → X escape
JJ’s personal failings during war
• Misused Lend Lease by stockpiling resources for future anti-Comm campaigns
• Stalemate/’trading space for time’ strategy → Nat war effort by 1938 = “practically zero” + govt X able to “get the idea of offensive into their heads” (Stilwell)
• Pay delivered to off in lump sums → off pocket salaries of dead/deserted troops
• Attempted to deal w corruption w/in mil by issuing orders w poor intel → confusion
Consequences of ‘saving the nation by the winding path’ strategy
- bad for NRA morale b/c only option = stay and die or retreat
- damage rep of JJ b/c looks weak + leaving citizens defenceless against brutal J invaders
Overall consequences of Sino-Japanese War
• 3 mil Ch soldiers killed
• 18mil civ killed
• 95mil ref
• Mass destruction of towns + cities
GMD army vs CCP by end of Sino-Japanese War
x3 bigger than CCP + equipped w US weaponry + support
Evidence of GMD weaknesses by end of Sino-Japanese War
lacked governance/org skills – CCP control more terr + GMD req US help to airlift forces back to central Ch + US marines secured ports while waiting for GMD to arrive
Key features of CCP land reform in Yenan
• 1935-37 surplus land taken from merchants/landlords → redist to poor
• 1937 (bc 2UF) land only taken if abandoned BUT
• Interest on loans/mortgages 18% → 1.5%
• Rent capped @ 25% harvest
• Land reform carried out by poor peasant associations
• Tax benefits for landlords investing in local ind/sons in RA
Key features of CCP social change in Yenan
• Womens’ associations
→ support for women exp abuse or too poor to feed kids
→ edu midwives abt sterile equip to dec infant mortality
→ extra food rations for preg women + nursing mums
• Literacy 1% 1936 → 50% 1943
• Nights schools
• Letters on RA packs + end of furrows
• Est Uni of Anti-J Resistance
How many people died in the 1935-36 famine?
What proportion of their own food needs did the RA produce in Yenan?
Why was Yenan self-sufficient?
• Off duty RA soldiers help peasants + peasants land set aside for RA soldiers while away → symb rel
Prod own matches, soap etc
• Women’s spinning co-op prod maj of comm’s clothing needs
• CCP est co-ops for peasants to sell prod
• BUT main source of income (40%) = opium farming (secret) → sold to J-occupied regions in Nth
Principle of ‘three thirds’
1/3 CCP, 1/3 other LW, 1/3 anyone but J-collab, landlords, ‘local-bullies’ or RW GMD
Which prominent rivals did Mao’s Rectification Campaign effectively purge?
Wang Ming + Ding Ling
Maoist virtues
- Cadres = humble → work amongst ppl
- Prioritise ppl>materialism
- Everyone should embrace LM spirit = struggle, sacrifice, perseverance, diligence + ingenuity → intrinsic to rev success
- disdain for dogmatic ideologists = ‘booklearning’ ≠ ‘cont rev’
Mao’s key allies in Yenan
- Chen Boda = Head of CCP Prop Bureau → write speeches + CCP history → glorify M’s role → build cult of personality
- Kang Sheng = Dir of CCP Soc Affairs Dept = secret police → arrest + execute ppl who resist ideological ‘reform’
Message of 1940 ‘On New Democracy’
embrace all soc class to form united front vs J = fusion of nat + comm
CCP membership growth
1936 40K → 1940 800K → 1945 1mil+
RA growth
1936 92K → 1945 860K
Yenan soviet population
50mil ppl 1940
How long did the 1933 Fujian uprising take the GMD to supress?
Consequence of 1935 agreement b/w JJ + Japan
allowed J to take 6 more prov
9 Dec 1935 Movement
1000s students Nanjing + S protest GMD response to J invasion
When did JJ order Zhang Xueling to start the 6EC?
When did Zhang make a truce with the CCP?
Jan 1936
When did Zhang and Zhou Enlai try to convince JJ to agree to 2UF?
Apr 1936
Impact of USSR’s 7th Comintern Congress (Aug 1936) on Xian Incident/2UF
USSR urge comm parties to co-op w LW to stop Fascism → M makes overtures to Zhang
New Fourth Army Incident
Late 1940 Nat ambush New Fourth Army at Yangzi River → massacre, imprison off + rape women
= end of 2UF
Key provision of 2UF
- Y = autonomous region → M able to cont dev ‘Y Way’ + Rect Camp
- RA absorbed into NRA
- GMD in control of mil strategy → CCP X blamed for GMD’s tactical failures later
Consequences of the end of WWII
race for terr + arms in Manch following J retreat → CCP + USSR alongside e/o
How did the CCP overcome the GMD’s superior military power?
JJ use US forces to airlift NRA into Manch cities → CCP retreat to countryside to build support of Manch peasantry + encircle cities → “sit them to death”
- Mar 1947 NRA take Yanan but CCP = focused + mobile + M X sentimental → retreat in orderly manner + prioritise keeping troops
- M use himself as bait to lure NRA to ambush
How many NRA surrendered in one city in 1948?
May 30 Atrocious Incident
30 May 1925 11 workers killed by Brit guards in Shanghai → protests in Guangzhou for ‘May 30 Martyrs’ – 52 protesters killed
How did Yuan Shikai ‘hold the country together’ (Ryan)?
- appt loyal supporters as prov leaders
- inc crop yield by intro irrigation tech + encouraging breeding hardier livestock
- reformed legal system
- suppressed opium farming
BUT also used martial law, secret police + terror to enforce autocratic rule (21,000 execs in Henan in yr following 2nd Rev)
How widespread was the May Fourth Movement?
- spread to 20 prov/100+ towns + cities
- 100,000 workers in S stage 1 wk general strike in support of arrested students
How many campaigns against rebellions did the GMD launch during the ND?
What did the RA tell peasants as they marched north on the LM?
“March north to fight the Japanese”
Why was the term ‘free china’ ironic?
- Secret police target subversive voices – esp students + intell
• Inc restrictions of freedom of press + speech
grain tax in GMD controlled areas during war