U4 AOS1 Knowledge Flashcards
What were Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People?
‘Three Principles of the People’ 1905
• Nationalism – end domination by foreign powers, oust Manchu, Hans should rule themselves
• People’s Livelihood – improve welfare for WC, regulate agricultural land ownership, inc st influence in ind, single fairer tax system
• Democracy – become a republic w pop elected pres + parliament = modelled on W dem but retain Ch trad of entrance exams to civil service
3 phases: 3 yr mil dictatorship/6 yr ‘tutelage period’ to inc awareness + trial dem/9 yrs make constitution + hold elections
What were the strengths of Yuan Shikai’s leadership?
- Leader of Beiyang Army = strong, modern + loyal mil force → able to force Emp to abdicate (12 Feb 1912)
- Appointed loyal mil commanders as prov governors → enforce unity + stability (e.g. 2nd rev put down easily)
- Authoritarian style → significant progress + address problems decisively
- Reformed legal system
- Repressed opium farming
- Compulsory + free primary edu
- Standardised nat currency
- Inc crop yield thru intro new techniques e.g. irrigation, flood control, breed hardier livestock
- Apr 1913 secure $100mil loan from foreign bank to deal w issue of govt operating in continuous deficit
What were the limitations of Yuan Shikai’s leadership?
- YS’s leadership = dependent on support from provincial gentry + mil → centralising power too much (e.g. 1916 declaration of himself as Emp) = threaten power
- Strength of republicanism → SY’s 3POP/idea of republic = deeply imbedded in intel circles → 6 yr dictatorship tolerated but return to Emp = blatant regression
- Govt operating in deficit → needed $100mil loan Apr 1913 that led to 21D → damaged YS’s rep
- Continued foreign domination → 21D (18 Jan 1915) → J control:
- Extensive rights to econ dev on Manch + Inner Mong
- Control over mining in central Ch
- Control of Liaodong Pen near K
What challenges did the GMD face in its attempts to limit the authority of Yuan Shikai?
• YS’s control over mil esp Beiyang Army easily put down 2nd Rev July 1913
• Increasing dictatorial powers
• June 1912 pressure 4 GMD cabinet members to resign + henchmen assassinate PM Song Jiaoren
• Apr 1913 secure $100mil loan from foreign banks → financially ind from parliament
• Second rev = excuse to inc power:
- Nov 1913 banned GMD
- Jan 1914 dissolve nat + prov parliaments → replaced w advisory councils
- May 1914 new constit extends pres term 5 → 10yrs + inc dictatorial power over mil, dip + $
What happened to central political authority following the death of Yuan Shikai?
No clear successor → political vacuum following death
→ Ch ruled by warlords
→ Tibet + Mong declared ind
What were the details of the New Culture Movement?
Aim = expose C as antiquated + corrupt social structure → barrier to harmonious soc/modernisation → instead interested in democracy, Marxism, feminism etc
- Cai Yuanpei – chancellor of B Uni → foster comm/give platform to rev intellectuals/advocates
- Hu Shi – popularised ‘baihua’ writing style = more accessible to everyday Ch ppl → inc exposure to rev ideas
- Lu Xun – critic C ideals thru short stories + novels (e.g. The Diary of a Madman 1918) → show that C = outdated + corrupt = barrier to harmonious soc/modernisation
- Chen Duxiu = est New Youth rev lit journal 1915 → promo M + circulate rev ideas in intel circles
- Li Dazhao – M study grp → combo M + nat → promo idea of nat proletarianism where Ch = exploited by foreign nations
- Ding Ling – campaign for women’s rights e.g. right to vote + inc legal status (W influences)
What was the purpose of the New Culture Movement?
dismantle Ch socio-pol structure
• Define nat Ch identity
• Est peace + unity – reduce influence of corrupt warlords + foreign powers + reform nat govt
• Dec influence of C ideas in soc bc barrier to modernisation
What caused the May Fourth Movement?
- Ch in WWI on Allies side (20K labourers die on W front) → expectation that Ger defeat → Ch regain Shandong prov → appeal to US Pres WW for nat self-det
- Nat govt secret sign deal 1918 → give Ger concession → J – Ch dip in Versailles X aware of this → protest at ToV but nat self-det X fulfilled
How did anti-imperialist feelings increase as an expression of the May Fourth Movement?
- Students in B bring forward ‘day of shame’ protests due for 7 May → 4 May → 3K protest → arrested
- Protests erupt in support of students in cities across Ch
- Workers on strike – Shanghai 1wk
- Boycott J goods
What led to the founding of the CCP?
• Russian Rev → Karakhan Manifesto renounced all R’s imp claims to Ch → inc likability of Marxism = modern pol structure which aligned w anti-imp sentiment
• Direct Comintern influence
o Apr 1920 Comintern agents arrive in Ch → est comm cells around Ch + meet w/ Li Dazhao + Chen Duxiu
o July 1921 12 delegates from cells meet secretly for 1st Nat P Congress of CCP = official est of CCP → Chen Duxiu elected Sec-Gen of CCP
How did Soviet Comintern influence and support the GMD?
• 23 Jan 1923 Comintern encouraged est of 1UF w Sun-Joffe Declaration
• Late Jan 1923 Comintern agent Mikhail Borodin help SY reorg GMD:
o Intro dem centralism
o Est SY’s 3POP = cohesive ideology – additions to emphasise X warlords/imperial rule + role of workers/peasantry in rev
• 1 May 1924 est Huangpu Mil Academy = funded by Sov → train officers for Nat Army + instil rev values (simple living, initiative, bravery)
What was the significance of the First United Front?
- Demo deep disunity of Ch – GMD leading NE against Beijing govt but X co-op w CCP = key for enabling NE success
- Revealed distrust bw CCP + GMD – Wang Jingwei suspicious abt CCP’s intentions to build army → left faction of GMD expel CCP members from Wuhan govt (15 July 1927)
Who emerged as the leading contenders in the Nationalist movement following the death of Sun Yat-sen?
Jiang Jieshi
Wang Jingwei
Hu Hanmin
What happened during the Northern Expedition?
- 27 July 1926 85K troops + 6K HMA officers start marching Nth – up against 750K troops of northern warlords
- 22 Mar 1927 S under Nat control
- 12 Apr 1927 S Massacre
- 17 Apr 1927 JJ expelled from GMD govt in Wuhan
- 1 Jan 1928 JJ reinstated as CinC
- June 1928 NRA seizes B
Why were the Nationalists successful in the Northern Expedition?
Strengths of the NRA:
• Funded by USSR, Shanghai business + sml dynastic fam JJ married into
• Trained at HMA – disciplined + professional + high morale bc strong ideological focus
• JJ advised by Sov Gen Galen
• Tactics – comm agitators moved ahead of NRA troops → radicalise/mobilise peasants + workers → NRA overall inc in size bc defectors + limited warlord defence bc workers’ strikes
• Tactics – strategically elim warlords to cut off resources to big warlord provinces
Weaknesses of warlord forces:
• Divided → X co-ord defence
• Depended on pillaging villages for supplies + weaponry → X well financed/trained
To what extent did the Northern Expedition achieve its aim of national rejuvenation?
• overthrow all warlords + wipe out reactionary power
• Implement 3POP
• Complete the nat rev
• overthrow all warlords + wipe out reactionary power
- Eliminated warlord puppet govt in Beijing
• Implement 3POP
- Nationalism → semblance of nat unity bc 1st time Ch united under single govt since death of YS
• Complete the nat rev
- Ch official govt = under nat control
• overthrow all warlords + wipe out reactionary power
- Hunan still under warlord control but allied w GMD
• Complete the nat rev
- GMD control max only 1/3 terr + 2/3 pop
Fulfill the 3POP:
- Democracy → NE inc power + prestige of JJ → Chairman of GMD CEC + St council + Sec-gen of GMD + head of mil council → 3 yr mil dictatorship stage
What led to the Shanghai Massacre?
• NRA capture S 22 Mar 1927 → JJ immediately concerned abt comm influence e.g. M4M S workers staged 1 wk strike → JJ fears CCP = “fifth column aid for the Nationalists” (Fenby)
• JJ order ‘Green Gang’ to deal w comm ‘problem’ in exchange for legal amnesty + exclusive selling rights for opium in S
→ 12 Apr 1927 GG employ 2K-men militia dressed in workers’ overalls → round up + kill 5-10K unionists + workers
What were the consequences of the Shanghai Massacre?
Marked beginning of Nat’s WT → “a bloodbath that virtually destroyed both the CCP” - Meisner
(membership dropped from 57K in early 1927 → 10K end of 1920s)
BUT forced M into hiding in mountains → consolidate ideas + build army + peasant rapport
“Necessity was the mother of the CCP’s reinvention” - Womack
How did Comintern have influence over the leadership of the CCP?
Jan 1931 Li Lisan replaced w 28Bol (Bo Gu + Wang Ming = leaders) advocate for Sov-style, prole-based rev
Jan 1933 CCP leadership move to Ruijin series of campaigns by Bo Gu undermine M’s influence over CCP policy + mil
How did Comintern have influence over CCP strategy?
• Uprisings following the end of 1UF
- Nanchang (1 Aug 1927)
- Guangzhou (11 Dec 1927)
→ both times Nat retook cities w/in days + inc persecution of comm (5700 killed after Guangzhou)
• 23 July 1930 Li Lisan (at behest of Comintern) orders series of campaigns on Yangzi River
→ counter-prod bc prompted proactive GMD repression of CCP (begin encirclement campaigns)
• Advisor Otto Braun → abandon guerrilla tactics + adopt positional warfare during 4th Encirclement Campaign → fail:
11-16 Apr 1934 Battle of Guangchang → 4000 comm losses
Sep 1934 60/70 counties in JS fallen to GMD
What significant strategies and reforms were developed by Mao Zedong and Zhu De during the Jiangxi Soviet period?
• Land reform
- Kill most exploitative landlords = universally unpop
- Redist land to all peasants incl rich peasants
- Abolish exploitative rents
- Intro 15-20% grain tax = acceptable to peasantry + sufficient to support RA
• Econ + social reforms
- Equal right to marriage/divorce for women
- Est RA
- Est red postal service
- Est ‘People’s Bank’ → own currency
• Use of RA inc peasant support
How did Mao develop the Red Army in Jiangxi?
• Pol instruction given alongside mil training in simple, understandable lang – pol commissars served alongside officers
• RA = volunteer force – captured warlord/Nat soldiers had choice to return home w/ some travelling money ( → spread goodwill for CCP) or join RA
• RA rehearsed communist values thru removing symbols of priv/superiority:
- Officers X badges/honours to signify rank
- Officers ate same food + lived amongst them
- Officers X allowed to beat common soldiers
- Post-battle meetings → soldiers praise + raise concerns → create sense of comm/maintain accountability/foster culture of learning + reflection → develop tactics
- RA soldiers X on active duty = expected to help comm → win respect of peasantry (reflected in Mao’s Eight Points for Attention)
• Code of conduct chanted by soldiers as they marched
→ reminder of expectations
→ boosts morale
→ accessible to illit soldiers
What were the strengths of the Nationalist government during the Nanjing Decade?
• Econ growth
- 1927-36 highways inc 606%
- 1927-36 factories inc x2
- 1929-36 aircraft x40 bc est nat airline
- Est Central Bank of Ch
- Devised modern style budget
• Formal government structure
o 5 bureaus (yuans) of govt:
o Exec
o Legislative
o Judiciary
o Examination
o Control
• Supported by Western powers bc anti-comm self-determination successes
- 10/23 Eur concessions renounced Ch has control of customs + tariffs
- Ch diplomats part of high-level talks at LoN
• Autocratic rule of JJ semblance of nat unity
- Generalissimo
- Auth over Fam, Huangpu, Pol Study + CC cliques
- WJ opp govt + factions’ attempts to lim JJ’s auth = fail
- Fascism = ‘stimulant for declining society’
- GMD claim 24K comm + 155K LW symp arrested + ‘reformed’ 1927-37
What were the limitations of the Nationalist government during the Nanjing Decade?
Ch X fully united:
• Max control 1/3 terr + 2/3 pop
• Hunan still under warlord control but allied w GMD
→ 80% budget = mil
Criminality + corruption:
• 1932 est Blue Shirts – 14K members by 1935 → CCP claim GMD killed 300K ppl during ND
• Control Yuan = ineffective
- 1931-32 69.5K reports of infringements/poor efforts (corruption) by GMD off → only 268 found at fault + 13 off sacked
• Issues collecting tax bc corruption + bureaucracy
- Slow transfer of taxes from prov to nat govts
- Prov have ‘special taxes’ e.g. Guansu 44 diff taxes
- Collecting tax yrs in advance e.g. Sichuan prov 1971 tax collected in 1933
- Taxes 11x higher in some prov → extra pocketed by officials
• Ongoing conflict w CCP → 80% govt rev spent on mil → print more money → severe hyperinflation by 1940s