U4 Roles and Powers of the President Flashcards
What does it mean to be a Chief Legislator?
Aide in shaping public policy
How does the President aide in shaping public policy?
-Recommends legislation to Congress(F)
—–>Sate of the Union Address(F)
-Sign statements to bills (I)
-Veto bills (F)
-Convene/Adjourn Congress (F).
What is the State of the Union Address?
Annual speech to promote policy agenda and pressure Congress for support on said agenda. To Supreme Court Justices, Congress, etc.
What is Bully-Pulpit?
Bargaining and persuading, appealing to public leads to public pressuring Congress to support their policies which leads to securing Congressional Action.
What does it mean to sign statements?
To leave comments on bill/interpretation of law.
What is the veto power?
To veto a bill is to encourage Congress to consider President’s critiques on bill.
Is the State of the Union Address Formal or Informal?
Is Bully-Pulpiting Formal or Informal?
Is Signing Statements Formal or Informal?
Is the Veto Power Formal or Informal?
Is Convening/adjourning Congress (when necessary) Formal or Informal?
What does it mean to be the Chief Executive and Adminstrator?
To be the Leader of and hold power over the Executive Branch.
How does the President Lead the Executive Branch?
Faithfully executes laws/deicisons (F), Issues Executive Orders (I), Utilizes Executive Privelege (I)
How does the President Faithfully execute laws/decisions?
They nominate and manage the Bureaucracy which helps them in execute laws/decisions.
What is the Executive Order?
A policy issued by President that doesn’t require congressional approval. It is often used to manage the Bureaucracy but can’t be used to step on the powers of other branches. It lasts until the President’s term is over, and is justified by the Faithful Execution Clause.
What is Executive Privelege?
The right to withhold information on decision making from the rest of the government and the public (Like Nixon with the Watergate Scandal), also justified by the Faithful Execution Clause.
Is Faithfully executing laws/decisions a Formal or Informal Power?
Is Nominating and Managing the Bureaucracy Formal or Informal?
Is the Executive Order Formal or Informal?
Is Executive Privelege Formal or Informal?
What does it mean to be the Chief Diplomat?
To be the partial architect of foreign policy and Nation’s Chief spokesperson with other countries.
How does the President archiect foreign policy?
By nominating and recieving ambassadors(F), making treaties(F), or issuing an Executive agreement(I).
What makes issuing treaties difficult?
The Senate has to approve the Treaties.
What is an Executive Agreement?
International Agreement (Like a Treaty) that does not need Seate Approval and is justified by the Faithful Execution Clause.
Is Nominating and recieving ambassadors Formal or Informal?
Is Making Treaties Formal or Informal?
Is the Executive Agreement Formal or Informal?
What does it mean to be the Commander in Chief?
To be in charge of the Nation’s armed forces.
Why has the President being Commander in Chief caused issues?
Their powers have increased dramatically out of necessity throughout Nation’s history, so the War Powers Act of 1973 was made.
Why have the President’s powers increased?
It allows the Executive Branch to act quickly in times of need and is a result of icnreased communication, technology, and travel.
What is the War Powers Act of 1973?
It corrected the mistake fromt he Tonkin Gulf Resolution which gave the President too much power to act quickly. It maintains the President’s need for urgent action while preserving war-declaration power to congress and giving a specified time limit before Congress action.
Why have tensions been rising between Congress and President?
Senate confirmation of Executive Nominations, White House Staff Appointments, Executive Orders, Power of Purse.
Why is White House Staff Appointments an issue?
Staff of specialists, help run White House and need no Senate approval.
Why are Executive Orders an issue?
Lopphole to pass policy and direct bureaucracy without Congressional approval.
Why is the Power of the Purse an issue?
Congress decides whether or not to fund Presidential agenda items.
Legislative Branch Checks on President
-Override Presidential veto
-Declare War
-Withhold funding for agenda
-Impeachment Trial (House)
-Trial to remove from Office (Senate)
-Approve Presidential nominations and treaties (Senate)
Judicial branch Checks on President
Judicial Review (Includes Executive Orders, Priveleges, Agreements, etc.)
What is the Faithful Execution Clause?
The President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. (They do things outside of what is listed in the Constitution to ensure they are doing this.)