U1S2 Matters Of Life And Death Flashcards
Assisted suicide
Providing a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease
Immortality of the soul
The idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body
Near death experience
When someone about to die has an out of body experience
Nonvoluntary euthanasia
Ending someone’s life painlessly when they are unable to ask, but you have a good reason for thinking they would want you to do so
Unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes e.g. ghosts and mediums
Quality of life
The idea that life must have some benefits to be worth living
The belief that after death souls are reborn into a new body
The belief that after death the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
Sanctity of life
Belief that life is holy and life belongs to God
Voluntary euthanasia
Ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death
Removal of a fetus from the womb before it can survive
Why do Christians believe in life after death?
- Jesus told a thief that on the cross that he would be in heaven that day
- Jesus said his father’s house has many rooms
- The church teaches all Christians, dead and alive, belong to the church
- Some Christians think the paranormal e.g. Ghosts and mediums is evidence of an afterlife
- Jesus was raised from the dead
The effects of belief in the afterlife on Christian lives
- ‘We should try to live within the guidelines of the bible and church because we will be judged by God’
- Heaven offers comfort when love ones die
- Try to live a good life and treat others as we would like to be treated
- The afterlife shows that Christians should try to repent and forgive
- Christians can cope with suffering as they know heaven will await them
How might Christians respond to belief in life after death in their lives
- Confession-repent for their sins
- Prayer-praying more regularly and communicate more frequently with God
- Doing good work-as God is watching them, they will try to live life how he wants them to by helping others
- Putting Christian teachings into action-they will follow gods commandment s and follow the golden rule
- Vocation-dedicate their lives to helping others by becoming a nurse or doctor
Muslim attitudes against abortion
– Never allowed in situations where parents are concerned that they cannot care for the child
– Not allowed if the pregnancy is a result of adultery
– An unplanned is not a reason for abortion
Muslim attitudes for abortion
– Some Muslims allow in the first 16 weeks, other in the first 7
– Before ensoulment, a foetus suffering from a disorder can be aborted
– Allowed if the mother’s life is in danger
– Some Muslim women believe they should be able to chose what happens to their bodies
Christian attitudes against abortion
– Abortion is viewed as murder – Life is a sacred gist from God – God has a plan for every human – All life has value even if the child is disabled – Life begins at conception
Christian attitudes for abortion
– Jesus taught compassion towards others
– We cannot be sure life begins at conception
– It should be accepted in cases of rape or incest
– Technology allows us to identify problems with the foetus
– Allowed if the mothers, existing children or the child is in danger
Non religious arguments for euthanasia
– Allows the patient to die a gentle pain free death
– The patient dies with dignity
– Euthanasia saves medical costs
– Medical staff can focus on patients with more chance of recovery
– Relieves family burden
Non religious arguments against euthanasia
– Sanctity of life- all life is precious
– Some people may be pressurised into choosing euthanasia
– Hospices provide care for patients so euthanised is not needed
– Doctors can be wrong with a diagnosis
– Helping someone commit suicide means you have to live with it for your whole life
Christian attitudes against euthanasia
– It goes against the sanctity of life
– It is seen as murder
– Only God has the right to take away life
– Euthanasia could be used for evil purposes
– Life should be valued even when someone is in pain
Christian attitudes for euthanasia
– Quality of life is important
– It may be the lesser of two evils
– Love thy neighbour
In Islam, euthanasia is always wrong. Why is this?
– Allah chooses how long each person lives
– Suffering is a test of faith and a part of life
– It is part of a Muslims duty to care for the sick
– Euthanasia is seen as suicide which is not permitted
– Human life is scared because it is given by Allah
Explain the UK abortion laws (7)
Allowed up to 22 weeks
- Abortion must be agreed by 2 doctors
- There is a physical or mental risk to the woman’s health
- Any existing children would suffer or be at risk
- The child born would be severely disabled
- There is a risk to the mothers life
- The baby will be severely deformed
- There would be serious mental or physical injury to the mother
Give the 6 stages in afterlife in Islam
- After death the angel will take a persons souls to barzakh
- Allah will judge each individual on the way they lived their kid
- On judgement day the body will be resurrected
- Two angles will open the book that contains the record of what a person has done in their lifetime
- On the right= paradise
- On the left= hell
Reasons for the media criticising religious views on life after death
- A variety of views are held and no view should be exempt
- Religious views may be seen as wrong if out of date
- It is important to debate views because they are constantly changing
Reasons against the media criticising religious views on life after death
- Religious views should be respected as they’ve been around for a long time
- They are based on traditional teachings such as those in the Bible
- The media should present a range of ideas but not criticise them