Types of training Flashcards
What is Fartlek training?
A type of training where you change speed and / or terrain.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Fartlek training?
Advantages - benefits both anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.
- more varied therefore reducing tedium.
Replicates the demand of a game.
Disadvantages - could require a lot of space
- difficult to monitor progress
- risk of injury.
What are the methods of Fartlek training?
Measure out a set course with cones. Use items in surroundings as triggers e.g lampposts.
What are the safety considerations of Fartlek training?
- correct foot wear
- maintain hydration
- warmup / cool down
What is plyometrics?
A type of training used to improve power by using eccentric muscle contractions
What are the advantages and disadvantages of plyometrics?
Advantages- improve power
-benefits anaerobic energy systems
- could be done without equipment
Disadvantages- doesn’t benefit aerobic energy system
- might require equipment
- appropriate space required.
What are the methods of plyometrics?
Box jumps
Jump squats
Clap press ups
Jump lunges
What are the safety considerations of plyometrics?
- appropriate rest periods
- appropriate supervision
- warm up / cool down.
what is weight training?
a method of training which uses RESISTANCE to improve strength, power and muscular endurance.
advantages and disadvantages of weight training?
Advantages :
- muscular hypertrophy
- improves strength, power and muscular endurance
- can be sociable
- need equipment
- appropriate supervision
- age appropriate (16+)
what are some methods of weight training?
- kettle bells
- med balls
- free weights
what are the safety considerations of weight training?
- appropriate supervision
- correct technique
- use of a spotter
what does HIIT stand for?
and what is it?
High Intensity Interval Training
a type of training which involves periods of high intensity work + periods of rest.
advantages and disadvantages of HIIT training?
- benefits both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems
- could not require equipment
-not suitable for all ages
- might require space
- higher risk of injury.