TV, films and music (Foundation) 2 Flashcards
What is the English for ?
anschauen / ansehen
to look at
What is the English for ?
die Ball
(noun fem)
the ball (= sport / dance)
What is the English for ?
to watch TV
What is the English for ?
das Fernseher
(noun neut)
the TV set
What is the English for ?
to hear
What is the English for ?
der Hörer
(noun masc)
the receiver (telephone)
What is the English for ?
das Illustrierte
(noun neut)
the magazine
What is the English for ?
das Konzert
(noun neut)
the concert
What is the English for ?
der Kopf(hörer)
(noun masc)
the head(phones)
What is the English for ?
der Lieblings-
(noun masc)
the favourite
What is the English for ?
das Lied
(noun neut)
the song
What is the English for ?
die Musik (Pop/Volks/klassische)
(noun fem)
the music (pop /folk /classical)
What is the English for ?
der Musiker/in (musizieren)
(noun masc)
the musician (to play music)
What is the English for ?
die Oper
(noun fem)
the opera
What is the English for ?
der Roman
(noun masc)
the novel
What is the English for ?
der Sänger/in
(noun masc)
the singer
What is the English for ?
der Schauspieler/in
(noun masc)
the actor/ actress
What is the English for ?
to see
What is the English for ?
to sing
What is the English for ?
die Stereoanlage
(noun fem)
the stereo system
What is the English for ?
der Tanz
(noun masc)
the dance
What is the English for ?
to dance
What is the English for ?
das Taschenbuch
(noun neut)
the paperback
What is the English for ?
das Theater(stück)
(noun neut)
the theatre (play)