TV, films and music (Foundation) 1 Flashcards
What is the English for ?
der Blockflöte
(noun masc)
the recorder
What is the English for ?
die Flöte/ Querflöte
(noun fem)
the flute
What is the English for ?
die Geige
(noun fem)
the violin
What is the English for ?
die Gitarre
(noun fem)
the guitar
What is the English for ?
die Klarinette
(noun fem)
the clarinet
What is the English for ?
das Klavier
(noun neut)
the piano
What is the English for ?
das Schlagzeug
(noun neut)
the drums / percussion
What is the English for ?
die Trompete
(noun fem)
the trumpet
What is the English for ?
to practise
What is the English for ?
die Dokumentarfilm
(noun fem)
the documentary
What is the English for ?
die Komödie
(noun fem)
the comedy
What is the English for ?
die Krimi
(noun fem)
the crime story/ thriller
What is the English for ?
die Nachrichten
(noun fem)
the news
What is the English for ?
die Quizsendung
(noun fem)
the quiz show
What is the English for ?
die Seifenoper
(noun fem)
the soap opera