Education and work (Foundation) 4 Flashcards
What is the English for ?
die Chemie
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
die Erdkunde
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
das Fach (Wahlfach)
subject (option)
What is the English for ?
die Fremdsprache
(noun fem)
language (foreign)
What is the English for ?
die GCSE-Prüfungen
(noun fem)
GCSE exams
What is the English for ?
die Geschichte
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
die Hauswirtschaftslehre
(noun fem)
home economics
What is the English for ?
das Informatik
(noun neut)
What is the English for ?
die Mathe(matik)
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
die Naturwissenschaften
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
die Pflichtfach
(noun fem)
compulsory subject
What is the English for ?
die Physik
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
das Religion
What is the English for ?
das Technologie
(noun neut)
What is the English for ?
die Turnen
(noun fem)
What is the English for ?
das Turnhalle
(noun neut)
What is the English for ?
die Berufsschule
(noun fem)
technical college
What is the English for ?
die Gesamtschule
(noun fem)
comprehensive school
What is the English for ?
die Grundschule
(noun fem)
primary school
What is the English for ?
das Gymnasium
(noun neut)
grammar school
What is the English for ?
die Hauptschule
(noun fem)
secondary modern school
What is the English for ?
das Internat
(noun neut)
boarding school
What is the English for ?
der Kindergarten
(noun masc)
nursery school
What is the English for ?
die Privatschule
(noun fem)
private school
What is the English for ?
die Realschule
(noun fem)
secondary technical school
What is the English for ?
die Universität /Uni
(noun fem)
college / university
What is the German for ?
die Chemie
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
die Erdkunde
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
subject (option)
das Fach (Wahlfach)
What is the German for ?
language (foreign)
die Fremdsprache
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
GCSE exams
die GCSE-Prüfungen
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
die Geschichte
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
home economics
die Hauswirtschaftslehre
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
das Informatik
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
die Mathe(matik)
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
die Naturwissenschaften
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
compulsory subject
die Pflichtfach
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
die Physik
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
das Religion
What is the German for ?
das Technologie
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
die Turnen
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
das Turnhalle
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
technical college
die Berufsschule
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
comprehensive school
die Gesamtschule
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
primary school
die Grundschule
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
grammar school
das Gymnasium
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
secondary modern school
die Hauptschule
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
boarding school
das Internat
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
nursery school
der Kindergarten
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
private school
die Privatschule
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
secondary technical school
die Realschule
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
college / university
die Universität /Uni
(noun fem)