Environmental (Foundation) 1 Flashcards
What is the English for ?
der Abfall(eimer)
(noun masc)
the rubbish (bin/dustbin)
What is the English for ?
die Ampel
(noun fem)
the traffic lights
What is the English for ?
die Angst haben
to be frightened
What is the English for ?
to start (cars)
What is the English for ?
What is the English for ?
die Blei
(noun fem)
the lead
What is the English for ?
das Brand
(noun neut)
the fire
What is the English for ?
die Erde
(noun fem)
the earth
What is the English for ?
der Grad
(noun masc)
the degree
What is the English for ?
die Grenze
(noun fem)
the border
What is the English for ?
splendid / wonderful
What is the English for ?
der Himmel
(noun masc)
the sky
What is the English for ?
What is the English for ?
das Jahr(eszeit)
the year (season)
What is the English for ?
What is the English for ?
die Luft
(noun fem)
the air
What is the English for ?
der Müll(tonne)
(noun masc)
the rubbish/waste (dustbin)
What is the English for ?
der Nachteil
(noun masc)
the disadvantage
What is the English for ?
niedrig / tief
What is the English for ?
der Norden (nördlich)
(noun masc)
the north (to the north)
What is the English for ?
das Osten (östlich)
the east (to the east)
What is the German for ?
the rubbish (bin/dustbin)
der Abfall(eimer)
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the traffic lights
die Ampel
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
to be frightened
die Angst haben
What is the German for ?
to start (cars)
What is the German for ?
What is the German for ?
the lead
die Blei
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the fire
das Brand
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the earth
die Erde
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the degree
der Grad
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the border
die Grenze
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
splendid / wonderful
What is the German for ?
the sky
der Himmel
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
What is the German for ?
the year (season)
das Jahr(eszeit)
What is the German for ?
What is the German for ?
the air
die Luft
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the rubbish/waste (dustbin)
der Müll(tonne)
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the disadvantage
der Nachteil
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
niedrig / tief
What is the German for ?
the north (to the north)
der Norden (nördlich)
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the east (to the east)
das Osten (östlich)