Socialising (Foundation) 1 Flashcards
What is the English for ?
amüsieren (sich)
to enjoy oneself
What is the English for ?
die Ansichtskarte
(noun fem)
the postcard (picture)
What is the English for ?
to spend (money)
What is the English for ?
to go out
What is the English for ?
die Auskunft
(noun fem)
the information
What is the English for ?
die Ausstellung
(noun fem)
the exhibition
What is the English for ?
(verb fem)
to make things / do DIY
What is the English for ?
bestellen (abbestellen)
to order (to cancel)
What is the English for ?
to pay (for)
What is the English for ?
das Bild
(noun neut)
the picture
What is the English for ?
die Blume(nhändler)
(noun fem)
the flower (florist)
What is the English for ?
der Chor
(noun masc)
the choir
What is the English for ?
das Computerspiel
(noun neut)
the computer game
What is the English for ?
die Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen
to go sight-seeing
What is the English for ?
einkaufen (gehen)
to shop / go shopping
What is the English for ?
die Einladung (einladen)
(noun fem)
the invitation (to invite)
What is the English for ?
der Eintritt
(noun masc)
the admission charge
What is the English for ?
die Eisbahn (Eis laufen)
(noun fem)
the ice rink (to ice skate)
What is the English for ?
die Erfrischungen
(noun fem)
the refreshments
What is the English for ?
das Fest
(noun neut)
the festival / party
What is the English for ?
das Feuer(werk)
(noun neut)
the fire(works)
What is the English for ?
frei (im Freien)
free / (in the open air)
What is the English for ?
die Freizeit(beschäftigung)
(noun fem)
the free time/ leisure (activity)
What is the English for ?
fröhliche Weihnachten
Happy Christmas
What is the English for ?
die Heiligabend
(noun fem)
the Christmas Eve
What is the English for ?
das Ostern
the Easter
What is the English for ?
die Silvester
(noun fem)
the New Year’s Eve
What is the English for ?
das Weihnachten
the Christmas
What is the English for ?
die Weihnachtsbaum / Tannenbaum
(noun fem)
the Christmas/fir tree
What is the German for ?
to enjoy oneself
amüsieren (sich)
What is the German for ?
the postcard (picture)
die Ansichtskarte
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
to spend (money)
What is the German for ?
to go out
What is the German for ?
the information
die Auskunft
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the exhibition
die Ausstellung
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
to make things / do DIY
(verb fem)
What is the German for ?
to order (to cancel)
bestellen (abbestellen)
What is the German for ?
to pay (for)
What is the German for ?
the picture
das Bild
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the flower (florist)
die Blume(nhändler)
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the choir
der Chor
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the computer game
das Computerspiel
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
to go sight-seeing
die Sehenswürdigkeiten besichtigen
What is the German for ?
to shop / go shopping
einkaufen (gehen)
What is the German for ?
the invitation (to invite)
die Einladung (einladen)
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the admission charge
der Eintritt
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the ice rink (to ice skate)
die Eisbahn (Eis laufen)
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the refreshments
die Erfrischungen
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the festival / party
das Fest
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the fire(works)
das Feuer(werk)
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
free / (in the open air)
frei (im Freien)
What is the German for ?
the free time/ leisure (activity)
die Freizeit(beschäftigung)
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
Happy Christmas
fröhliche Weihnachten
What is the German for ?
the Christmas Eve
die Heiligabend
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the Easter
das Ostern
What is the German for ?
the New Year’s Eve
die Silvester
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the Christmas
das Weihnachten
What is the German for ?
the Christmas/fir tree
die Weihnachtsbaum / Tannenbaum
(noun fem)