Food and drink (Foundation) 3 Flashcards
What is the English for ?
die Ananas
(noun fem)
the pineapple
What is the English for ?
der Apfel
(noun masc)
the apple
What is the English for ?
die Apfelsine
(noun fem)
the orange
What is the English for ?
die Aprikose
(noun fem)
the apricot
What is the English for ?
die Aufschnitt
(noun fem)
the sliced meats (e.g. salami)
What is the English for ?
die Birne
(noun fem)
the pear / light bulb
What is the English for ?
der Blumenkohl
(noun masc)
the cauliflower
What is the English for ?
die Bockwurst
(noun fem)
the boiled sausage
What is the English for ?
die Bohnen
(noun fem)
the beans
What is the English for ?
die Bonbons
(noun fem)
the sweets
What is the English for ?
das Braten
(noun neut)
the joint / roast meat
What is the English for ?
to roast
What is the English for ?
die Bratkartoffeln (Bratpfanne)
(noun fem)
the fried potatoes (frying pan)
What is the English for ?
die Bratwurst
(noun fem)
the sausage (fried)
What is the English for ?
das Brot
(noun neut)
the bread / loaf
What is the English for ?
die Brötchen
(noun fem)
the bread roll
What is the English for ?
das Butterbrot
(noun neut)
the sandwich
What is the English for ?
die Chips / Kartoffelschips
(noun fem)
the crisps
What is the English for ?
das Cornflakes
(noun neut)
the cereals
What is the English for ?
das Ei
(noun neut)
the egg
What is the English for ?
der Eintopf
(noun masc)
the stew
What is the English for ?
das Eis(becher)
(noun neut)
the ice / ice-cream (sundae)
What is the English for ?
die Erbsen
(noun fem)
the peas
What is the English for ?
die Erdbeere
(noun fem)
the strawberry
What is the English for ?
to eat
What is the English for ?
das Essen
(noun neut)
the meal / food
What is the English for ?
der Essig
(noun masc)
the vinegar
What is the English for ?
das Fleisch
(noun neut)
the meat
What is the English for ?
die Forelle
(noun fem)
the trout
What is the English for ?
die Frikadelle
(noun fem)
the meatball
What is the English for ?
die Gans
(noun fem)
the goose
What is the English for ?
gekochtes Ei (ein)
boiled egg
What is the English for ?
das Gemüse
(noun neut)
the vegetables
What is the English for ?
die Gewürz
(noun fem)
the spice
What is the English for ?
die Gurke
(noun fem)
the cucumber
What is the English for ?
das Hähnchen
(noun neut)
the chicken (food)
What is the English for ?
die Himbeere
(noun fem)
the raspberry
What is the English for ?
der Honig
(noun masc)
the honey
What is the German for ?
the pineapple
die Ananas
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the apple
der Apfel
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the orange
die Apfelsine
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the apricot
die Aprikose
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the sliced meats (e.g. salami)
die Aufschnitt
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the pear / light bulb
die Birne
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the cauliflower
der Blumenkohl
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the boiled sausage
die Bockwurst
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the beans
die Bohnen
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the sweets
die Bonbons
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the joint / roast meat
das Braten
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
to roast
What is the German for ?
the fried potatoes (frying pan)
die Bratkartoffeln (Bratpfanne)
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the sausage (fried)
die Bratwurst
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the bread / loaf
das Brot
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the bread roll
die Brötchen
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the sandwich
das Butterbrot
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the crisps
die Chips / Kartoffelschips
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the cereals
das Cornflakes
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the egg
das Ei
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the stew
der Eintopf
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the ice / ice-cream (sundae)
das Eis(becher)
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the peas
die Erbsen
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the strawberry
die Erdbeere
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
to eat
What is the German for ?
the meal / food
das Essen
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the vinegar
der Essig
(noun masc)
What is the German for ?
the meat
das Fleisch
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the trout
die Forelle
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the meatball
die Frikadelle
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the goose
die Gans
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
boiled egg
gekochtes Ei (ein)
What is the German for ?
the vegetables
das Gemüse
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the spice
die Gewürz
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the cucumber
die Gurke
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the chicken (food)
das Hähnchen
(noun neut)
What is the German for ?
the raspberry
die Himbeere
(noun fem)
What is the German for ?
the honey
der Honig
(noun masc)