tudor rebellions Flashcards
cornish rebellion h7th- cause
reaction h7 tax levy and lcosing down tin mines
national character played a role- eg main pillar Cornish identity and economy- mines- tin miners refused- 25- henrys new set of regulations, king suspended the operation of the western stannaries’, hence when tax to finance Scottish war sparked off the first cornish rising
cornish rebellion what happneed 1497
Hence 25 - 3-6k Cornishmen marched across the tamar to eventual defeat at balckeath near London
- lost its exclusively Cornish natureonce it had moved into england, Cornishmen quickly joined by a rag-tag band of followers whose motives were as disparate as their geographical origins
leadership in cr 1497
- Michael Joseph (blacksmith) and Thomas Firmin (lawyer and ex-MP).
outcome cornish rebelion
thousands dersions as soon as news about king mustered troops came thorugh
why so bad financial situation 1497
army to deal against warbeck was what contribuedt to high teax impossitions0 eg one subsity and two fiteneths and tenths , 120k from parliament nroe than paid any other year of reign
evil may day date
evil may day causes
anti immigration sentiment
econ pressure
inflamatory rhetoric
evil may day- anti imm
- growing resentment towards foreign workers- Flemish French and Italians
- taking jobs, undercutting wages and dominating certain trades like silk
evili may day- econ
- comp for employment in a city facing econ strain and rising social tensions
- discontent perception immiagrants enjoyed special rovileges crwon
evil may day inflamatory rhetoric
- preachers agitators- dr bell stoked anger against foriegners in day sleading yp to may day, calling for action to protect eng livelihodos
events evil may day
- night apr 30 1517- mob of Londoners apprentcies and labourers attack foreign owned businesses and homes
- violence escalated into widespread rots- hundred rampaging streets may day – may 1
outcome evil may day
- authorities led by earl of syrrey swftly supressed upsiing
- 300 ruoters arrested several executed
- henry 8th issue dgeneral pardon after appeal from his wife, ctahorine of aragona dn londn aldermen
amicable grant rebellion date
amicable grant reellion cause
1525 imposition of amicable lgrant raise funds for war against fr
- unpop and suden lvey requiring all thse w godos vaued above £20 to pay a fixed sum w wealthier paying
much more - unfair as direct rather than parliamentary tax not debated or approved by palrimanet
o Econ hardship – poor harvest
amicable grant event
o Start in ea large number Suffolk and essex - movement seen most in tetile region of sothern Suffolk and northern essex- 9 may thousants in lavenhanm gathered inc weavers farmers labourers
o Apr 8 1525 large group peasants and townspeople gathered in Suffolk to resist paying tax, soon joined by people from nieghbouring counties
o Portesters gathered and marched towards London- demanded the removal of taxa dn dismissal of cardinal wolsey – seen architect unpop policy
o Some plces//- local officials attacked and oryal commissioners trying to collect tax were threatened or forced to flee
o Rebellion rletaively small and peaceful- although 10k in fuffolk
how many involved amicable grant
10k suffolk
outcome amicable grant 1525
o Henry viii unwilling to use force sent duke of Suffolk and earl of essex to negotiate w rebels
o Wolsey humself sent meet w rebels and forced to make concessions
o Wolsey concede- promise abolished, damaged reputation – removed office 1529 following failure secure annulment for henry marriage to cathroine of aragon
o Highlighted gov not enforce unpop taxes without risking rebellion
lincolnshire rising - causes
- dissilusion monastry
gentry dislike
lincolnshire- monastries
key cause- direct trheta econ and psitriual life- charity education and emp, attack on catholic faith
* Uncertainty gov commission 1536- created to dissolve monasteries and collect subsidies
* Thus main ‘aim ‘ was the ‘defenc eof parish chruches’
lincolnshire- taxes
fund expensive war w france and financial burden crown policy
runour- taxes levied on all horned cattle
lincolnshire- local getry
esp assc Thomas Cromwell heavily involved in dissolution prcess disliked- seen as agents of king policies and resented for influence and perceived greed
events lincolnshire
Begin linconshire oct 1537 group rebels peasants artisans farmers protest against dissolution of monasteries
o Led monk and shoemaker- melton
o Rebels gatheres large numbers – 10-15k
o Marched toward Lincoln aiming confront local authorities
o Rebels captured city fo licnoln- seizing control of area and rasing banners with religious and nati-gov slogans
o Called for restoration of pope clement vii authority over neg church
leadership linconshire
o Led monk and shoemaker- melton
outcome lincolnshire rising
o Lord hussey king rep mobilized military force confront rebels
o Henry vii gov snet duek of Suffolk, lord darcy and lord leonard grey w army suprpress rebellion
o Duke Suffolk negotiate- offer pardon if disbanded0 dvsiion in rebels yet pardon not dleiered as expected and advanced on them
o Face royal army rebellion collapsed, many fleeing
o Hussey and Robert aske executed
o 40 rebels executed others punished hanging or imprisonement
o Sparked pog
pog causes
- religion
- dissolusion, thomas cromwell, rumoirs baptisms taxed, supreme head of church , break rome
- For the poor: dissolution and its impact on poor relief; poor harvest of 1535, enclosures, high taces
- For the landed: wpne personal decline of powe r
pog events
1536 oct Lincolnshire – above then spread t ootehr areas yorskhire gained support local gentry, clergy and common peple
- aske led – yorjshire lawyer and catholic, sought tyo present rebellion peaceful protest
- presented list of demands articles of pilgrimage- inc calslf or restoration of moansteries, removal of prot advisors kinsg court and rteunr ctahocli practices
- marhce sto York- gaining 10s of thosuands of supporters
* Later pobtefract- Sought to rep all rebel hosts in n in order to decide articles to present henry viii w
* aske helping to combine articles based on ‘petitions of commons w grievances of the gentry
outcome of pog
o Nov 1536 henry rep duke of Norfolk met aske promised general pardon for rebels if disbanded- rebels temp withdrew
o Early 1537 despite pardon henry gov arresting and executing eky rebels- aske hungjuly
o 2k ececuted
o Cont policy dissiusoin
leaderhsip pog
Robert Aske (barrister) and some barons and major LO. They march on York, hold a Catholic service and restore monks and nuns.
- CSL Davies: ‘cohesion’
prayer book rebellion date
prayer book rebellion aka
western rebellion
western causes
econ- western
Poll tax on sheep and economic depression; WK Jordan on destabilised power relations as local LO one attainted and one absentee.
- risig rpices, econ instablility, eclosure
religion western causes
For gentry and major LO leaders: primarily religious, against BOCP installed day before.
- trigger prayer book – replaced latin mass w servicd in eng – stil strong catholic communiie s- removal altars, destruction catholic rituals
anti gentry western
March on Exeter, “kill all the gentlemen and we will have the 6 articles up again and the ceremonies as they were in Henry’s time.”
events western
- Late June 1549 cornwall- people from region gathered in protest over new prayer book and other religious reforms,
- Rebels initaily attacked local officers and clergy who were enfocing the reforms
- Rebellion quickly spread to devon, w rebels mainly peasants and laborers, marching under leadership of arundell and wythe
- Siege Exeter- unable to take heaviliy fortiefied city,r einforced by gov troops under lord john Russell
outcome western
- Rebellion quicly curshed when gov forced under lord ruessel and earl of pembroke arrived in aug 1549
- Gov used both military force and negotiatiosn break the siege and defeat rebels
- 3k people killed- inc executiosn hanging eand by shoting inc humprey arundell
other prayer book rebellions
in buck and oxf
ketts rebellion causes
rising rents\social inequality
poor gov
kett rebellion date
kett- enclosure-
- Wealthy landowners fenced off common lands for sheep farming, displacing peasants who relied on these lands for grazing and subsistence.
rising rents kett
Landlords increased rents (rack-renting), making life harder for tenants.
kett- social inequlaity
- Widespread resentment against local elites and landowners who exploited the peasantry., repeal 1547 vagrancy act
religion- kett
- Dissatisfaction with slow progress of Protestant reforms, particularly in addressing corruption in the clergy and providing fairer access to religious services.
poor gov kett
- Local officials were seen as corrupt, and there was a lack of effective leadership from the central government under Edward VI’s regency council.- hence had own ‘county council ‘ as seen above
events kett
o Rebellion July 1549 local peasants angry over enclosures clashed w landowners
o Kett origionaly target of fence throwers- agrees to demands, dismantles own enclosres and leads them
o Camp mousehold
Kett large force 16k, established camp near Norwich
Rebels issued 29 articles, claling end enclosure, lower rents and action against corrupt officials
o Capture of Norwich- brief control, 2nd largest city in eng
outcome kett
o Defeat
Initially faled supress rebellion, later sent large army le by john dudley , ealr of warwick
Defeated battle of dussindale late aug 1549
o Kett- capitured tried hanged treason
o Thousands rebels exected or punsiedh
wyatt rebllion date
wyatt- cuases
econ harsship
political concerns
wyatt- econ
townspeople faced delining trade and econ instability – kent – reliant cloth trade, in decline
- also econ instability in maidstoen and cantebrury
wyatt- politics
fear losing local influence and uatoomy- proposed marriage mary I Philip of spain, many believed would make eng subservient to Spanish interest s
wyatt- religion
opp- prot townspeople feared return of catholiicms and potential persecution of prot under mary reign
wyatt- events
- sir Thomas wyatt prot member of gentry , led rebellion in kent
- wyatt forces marched toward lodnon, gainaing initial support but failing to secure capital – 2k men most own lands
- mary I personal appeal to lodnoners helped to rally loyalty to corwn and rebellion supressed
wyatt- outcome
- wyatt captured and executed along w other leaders
- mary gov use drebellion justify harsh measures against prot- including execution lady jane grey
northern rebellion date
or rising of the north
nov 1569
northern rebellion cuases
religious grievances
dynastic concerns
personal positions
northern rebllion cause religion
aimed to restore Catholicism after e1 prot reforms, marginalised catholic practices and clergy
norther -dyanstic
nobles sought to replace e1 w mary queen of scots, catholic with storng claim to throne
nortyhern personal
catholic nobles Northumberland and westmoralnd resented declining influence under e prot avisors esp in north
events northern
o Nov 1569- nobles rallying catholic supporter in durham where they restored catholic mass in durham cathedral
o Marched south to York, gathering several thousand men but were unable to capture key storngolds or inspire widespread support
o Faltered when royal forces advcaned- nobels fled to scoaldn and rebellion crushed early 1570
northern - outcome
o Hundreds rebels executed – 700- inc Thomas percy
o Catholic power in north further diminished, e gov strengthened its control over region
oxfordshire causes
social unrest
local grievances
econ- oxford
Widespread poverty and food shortages oxforshire esp after poor harvest sin 1590s
High taxes and rising prices, esp on grain, created eocn strain on peassnat and low class citiznes
social unrest oxford
Discontent common people growing inequality between gentry and labouring classes – esp enclosures
local grievances oxford
Corruption among local officials and perceived lack of justice for common people contirbuute dto frustration
events oxfordshire
o Oxford uly 1596- smal group of peasanta and labourers largely from rural areas atteptg protest econ and social injustice sthey faced
And steer- forumulated plan protest against enclosures, escalated more violent plot- throw doewn enclsoures,size wepaons lord lietenant residence and kill sevral local landowenrs
Steer and bradshaw borthers tried to recruit further round local area
o Rebels paned to seize oxford and create na uprising across county
o Efforts poorly organised and lacked widespread support
outcome oxford
o Rebellion collapsed few dates, many rebels arrested, bradshaw and burton executed on enslow hill symbolicallay
essex reblion date
essex- causes
politcial ambitiona nd rivalry
disat e rule
dynastic conerns
essex- political abition
Essex former favouriet e1 but fell out of favor due to his failiure as miliatr commander- esp during his campaign n rieland 1599
And lost monopoly on swwet wine- signif source of income
Resented influence of e advisors esp Robert cecil and sought to regain political power
essex- disat e rule
Essex and his follwoers believed queen gov corrupt and ineffective esp under cecil faction
essex- dynastic conerns
Essex exploited uncertainty about succession to the throne,c lianing he was acting to rsefure the kingdom against misrule
events essex
o Uprising in London feb 1601
Essex and around 300 supporters marched through lodnon calling on citizens to rise against ‘evil counselors’ syrrounding e
essex outcome
o Failed rally masses, poorly organised and many allies deserted him
o Gov responded 0cut off rebels route and focing essex retreat to his house
o Arrested and tried for treason
o Executed 25 feb 1601 towe rof londn
reductions in rebllions over time
number and sevrity
o Growth in litigation
o Increase number of office-workers and middling sort in society
o Gov more willing to opp?
o Reaction to harsh punishment?
similarities popular rebellions essay q
leadershiop/how conducted
outcome/gov respomse
main causes of uprisings
rumour/protect community- linked religion and tax
rebellion because of tax
o Wood- ‘the most promimnet causeo f rebellion in pre- reformation tudor engaldn was taxation
Yorkshire rebellion 1489
cornish rebellion 1497
Overall eng low tax burde but there is a consciousness of increasing tax rates and perception of injustice
tax- yorkshire- uprising
- New levy grantyed by parliament to facilitatie henry vii intervening on behalf of Brittany against the French corwn in 1489
cornish- uprising tax
- Years leading up to 1497 saw subsidies and 2 15thand 10th grants raise 130k towards army fiht Scotland
- Did not feel immediate impact of war so felt ppontless
rumour- cause /exaccerbate
western rebellion
yet need context - o Yeards 1535 and 1536 bad harvest, peacetime subsidy and visitation fomonastries 5135-6
lincolnshire- rumours
- Talks of taxes levied on all horned cattel
- Uncertainty gov commission 1536- created to dissolve monasteries and collect subsidies
- Thus main ‘aim ‘ was the ‘defenc eof parish chruches’
rumour- pog
- Canano of st Roberts knaresbroough- Robert esche spreading ruoous new taxes- 4d tax inrytoduced each beast owned- concerning those who rleid on pastoral farming
western 1549- rumour
- Talks taxes geese and pigs- following planned census of sheep in 1549
religion cause
western - religion cause
- Use of prayer book on Whitsunday 1549- Sampford courtenay church stoking an argument between two parishioners and vicar starting a regionwide rebellion
o Witin a month whole devon cornwall uproar
identity cause
cornish 1497
no welsh
cornish idenity
- Tin mines attacked w henry imposition new regulations and sypsending of operation of western stannaries’
- 3-6k conrishmen marching across tamar towards London to raise frustrtaions
why no welsh opp
- English control restored 1415
- No hope of independence
o Following owain Glyndwr rebellion 1400-1416
Prince of wales, attacked English towns ne wales guerilla tactics,
Response neg- coercive and discirm laws
1535 laws in wales acts and in 1542- ewmoved penal laws which made welsh second class citizens in own nation
o Henry 7th welsh , appt welshemn to influential gov and religious posts
methods rebllion
military force
self gov
small sacle parsh rebellions
methods rebellion- miliatry force
Western rebellion- exert under siege 6 weeks
Kett mousehold army attack city of Norwich
Pog occupied York and captured royal caste at ponetfract
military force effective rebellion
- Royal forced under lord Russell resonding to siege in Exeter
- Duke of Norfolk and earl of shrewsbruy toopsc onfromted pog at Doncaster- tudor rebellions seen as genuine thret to security and stability of nation
self gov- rebellion
empahseise misgov of king and sense of ‘moral econ
* Ep Thompson- moral econ – rebellinos of ten arise when people fell basic social norms and vaue sof fairness are violated, esp regarding access to essnetail goods
- pog
pog self gov
‘pseudo-parliament’- Pontefract conference
* Sought to rep all rebel hosts in n in order to decide articles to present henry viii w
* aske helping to combine articles based on ‘petitions of commons w grievances of the gentry
kett self gov
encampment mousehold heath
* replaced the ‘broken down machine of county commission’- gov themslevs
* ‘county council’ rep each county
o Rep ‘not gentleme’ ut commons- tanners and small landowners
* Machine of gov0 bindoff enabled disucssosn and orgnaisation in rebellion
small scale parish rebllion
Hindle- cont observance of community trad’ form of ‘social protest’
Thompson ‘plebian culture is rebellious but rebellious in defnece of custom’
Cheshire- rushbearing and games despite priv council 1592 warning lord lieutenant of cheshire that tehse ‘disordlerly gsames’ divert eoolpes attentiona away from god
Gov trying to remove ‘popish’ practices- form of rebellion against gov
limited impact parish rebellion
- Natwich 1583 bear baiting
- Depsiy egov proetstantions
- 1625 bearbating limite by statuet
who involved rebellion
religious leaders
gentry - rebelliom
northern rebellion
essex rebellion
kett- was a minor gentry memebr
lincolnshire- gentry
demand by commons gentry lead hping give ‘air of legit’
* bush- lal nine main hosts to recruit noble leaders- greater military expertise and wider range of people to recruit
pog gentry
gentry protestaing henry 8ths dissolution of monastrie
* aske- minor gentry leadership skills and strong catholic faith
* emerged principal leaders of rebellion
* advocated for restoration of dissolved monasteries and portetion of trad ctsholic practices
* presented grievances to henry
* arrested, executed hanging 1537 part of henry crackdown on rebellion
northern rebellion genry
regional elites- welsh and northern elites active rebellions
gentry limited impact
northern rebellion 1569- led earl of northymbelrnad
* 80% no tenurial link to earl Northumberland or Westmoreland
* James and tyalor- power of fuedla duty limited gentry not as much of an asset as thought by commons in linconshire
religious leaders/dissidents led rebellion
western - religious leaders
- Manifesto – ‘kill all the gentlemen ‘
- Clergy – catholic priests against new English prayer book
o Robert welsh- catholic vicar at parish st Thomas Exeter
o Rallying local support for rebellion, triggered by introduction of eng prayer book and broader protestant reforms
o Rep grievancesl ocla communiteis- opp loss trad catholic practices- latin mass
o Spiritual leader gave legit rebellion framining as a dense of catholic faith
o After rebellion crushed captured- executed as traitor, hanged own churchyard as a grim waring to others
northern religious leaders
- Catholic nobles aiming to restore Catholicism
o Thomas percy- earl of Northumberland- staunch catholic and one of rebelliom principal leaders
Lost influence under e1 prot ruel and resented rise of prot officials in north
o Charles Neville – east of Westmorland
Deeply catholic and tei to infleuntail catholic families, inc trhough marriage to anne dacre encouraged his involvement
commons/lower social order rbellion
kett- lower social order involved
- Wyndoman group- destroyed enclosures
- Crowd 100 people threw down fences 2 days later barnwlel near cmabridhe
wyatt- lower social order
- Urban groups sometimes involved due to econ hardship- trade disruptiosn or high tacation – kent region reliant on cloth trade- in decline
gov responses
brutal repression
concessions /moderate repsonse
gov response- brutal repression
cornish rebellion
lincolnshire rising
western rebellion
oxfordshire rising
brutal repression- cornish
flamak and joseph hung drawn and quatered
* Public act warning
* Others recived fines
brutal repression- lincolnshire riisng
- Duke of Norfolk declare martial law
- 144 executions carried out on individ such as sir thoma percy, francis bigod, lord darcy
western rebellion- brutal repression
- 4k rebels killed
- Chief leaders sent to lodnon for interrogation by king privy council- repress regionalidentity?
oxfordshire rising- brutal repression
- Over the top
- Leaders bradshaw burton symbolically executed at enslow hill
- Decisive move towards end of reign 1596- particularly as facing other external threats spain- Spanish armarda three attempts 1588, 1596, 1597- all ended in failure nonetheless
moderate reponse rebellion
oxfordshire to a degree
mdoerate repsonse- 1525
- Amicable grant trigger- although exacerbated by existing high burden of taxation from eyar before
- Henry quietly drop – although quietly unwilling to make aware
oxfordshire rebelion- moderate reposnse
- Francis bacon two self drafted bils against form of ecnlsore
- Concessions- result Oxfordshire rising star chamber proseutions made aanist those creating enclsoures
o Francis power and William frer 1597- due to pressure from rrebellion pc and judges changed mind towards enclosures and felt should be sgopped