religion- Charles- 1690 Flashcards
Charles I Scotland
five articles of Perth- James but set off tension
1633 corned king
1637 prayer book
nat covenant 1639
1634 solemn league and covenant
five articles of Perth
James I religious reforms
1618 aim align church scot and eng
kneeling at communion
observance f holy days
private baptism and communoion
confirmation by bishops
seems more catholic than rpes
1633- scot
crowned king of scots- late- borought laud with him, laud does so English style with holy oil and disaster
1638 scot
- National covenant 1638- triggered to do so by prayer bok
o Promise to each other and god that would fight against these religious changes
o These cov who led two successful bishops wars 1639 and 1640 against English in defence of religious liberty
o Also highlights weakness of the king- financialy and miliatrly
solemn league and con
- 1634- solemn leage and ocv
o Pact between parliament and Scottish troops
o saw parliament promise to preserve cos and reform churches of eng and Scotland under pres principles in return Scottish forces
o these Scottish troops marches into eng, winning against royalists at battle marston moro 1644
ireland- charles i
1641 rebellion
exacerbated tensions of popish plot
leading to grand remonstrance to king
1641 Irish rebellion
- oct 1641- riish gentry and military leaders rebeled against eng
o variety of causes including persecution of catholics
as well as continuing plantations and settlements in irelandm lack of political representation
Irish rebellion implications
o exacerbated tensions as cont ida of popish plot- threatening safety of proetstants as a ‘weak ad persecuted minority’
founded in foze book of martyrs 1563
one pamphlet stating how events at Armagh saw rebels murdering eng and scotish women and churldren- riish barbaric
popisg plot led to grand reomstrance to king
grand remonstrance
popisg plot led to grand reomstrance to king
* drafted by john pym and circle- detailed Charles I abuses both real and imagined since 1625
* pym and foru members then impeached by Charles- arrest if tgeh five memvers
* Charles went into commons to arrest them ginmself
* Embarrassingly ignored- thus Charles left capital
* Then mar 1642 militia ordinance- placed command of each countys armed forces in hands of their supporters
laud- who is he
1640 impeached
1641 protestation
trigger rebellion 1641 root and branch
19 propositions 1642
division in parliament
laud - who is he
- laud- appt archbishop canterury Charles I 1633- laud sought to reintroduce some pre-reformation practices
o encouraging parihsioners to come up to the rails to recive ecommunion
o giving greater signif in mass to the sacraments
o introducing book fo sport- permitted morris dancing and may day selevrations
o impeached dec 1640 suvevrting religion causing division between king and subjects
imprisoned in tower
1641 protestation
- 1641- protestantiom of1641- parliament passed bill 3 may requiring those over age 18 to sign protestantion an oath of allegiance to king chalres andc ofe
o Needed to hold public office
o Those not wllling to sign listed as refusing to pledge its oath
o Attempt avert civil war
1641 rebellion eng
o root and branch petition 1641
15k signatures
o Parliament enbabled communities to take agency on religious ocncerns through loclaities of the commons order 1641
o Communities destroyed altar rails, crucifixes and images imposed by laud
Chelmsford- radicals smashed stained glass to pieces percievd idolatrous
parliament response root and branch
o 19 propositions 1642
o Article 8- reformation of church gov on basis root and branch petitions
o Article 7- removal of votes from catholic lords- demonstrating a willingness sto remove power from catholic
o Charels rejected- symbolic of disregard coop and communications
division in parliament
parliamentary propaganda
doctrine cofe
Belief predestination and anti-episcopacy
greater belief free will and sacrament holy communion
Tyacke- religion issue in civil war due to rise I power armiianism 1620s and 30s
1633 act f privy council establishing precedent all parochial churches place altars at east end of church
Further anti-calvinsit policy enacted with kings declaration against contentious preaching
Censuring bishop davennant mar 1630 firnt of privy council
parliamentary propaganda under Charles I
dominating motif’ ble with slogans ‘verbum dei ‘
Bishops tumbling from thrones with caption ‘antichrist must down