religion Flashcards
Lucy wooding on reformation
male movement
o History of the reformation is a history of loss at the parish level
Took lived experience of religion out of hands of people and into hands of educated class
Lucy wooding reformation male movement
Wooding rejects Protestantism as a force for female liberation – arguesep that any religion which priorities lit bad for women
Although parish church of late 15thc and early 16thc women agency- paid for patricuar seats responsible for the decoratiosn for- think mrpoebath
o Foxe’s attempt to depict as martyrs, on the whole, weak, simple and poor women is revealing about his – and the wider 19C – view of femininity and what about it was to be idealised.
h7 religion - personally
H7 religion – Chrimes: “sound churchman”
- David Knowles: “not personally interested in religion in its theological or devotional aspects… his actions and policies… were earthbound.”
h7 religion
- 1489 Act against benefit of the clergy for laymen: only can be used once.
- Stafford Treason Case
- CJ Hussey: English and Florentine merchants, excommunication.
- Praemunire revived.
h8 religion - pre reformation
catholic peity
internal tensions religious view
idiosyncratic treatment of religion due to its iteration with the state
h8 catholic piety
Burning Luther’s books and Defence of the Seven Sacraments in 1522
Exhortations to family
- Fear over signs from God; especially about either childlessness, or issues relating to childbirth like still born or deformity. His “scruple of conscience” re Catherine marriage was quite real (Brigden).
catholic fp h8
- War against Louis XII for his support for a schismatic General Council of the Church which undemrined the Pope’s supremacy
Henry 8 inner tensions in his religious view
royal supremacy
royal supremacy h8- inner tension religious view
Guy has argued that Henry did not have a conception of the royal supremacy before the Collectanea- document compiled in 1530 to support Henry VIII’s case for his divorce from Catherine of Aragon. It contained arguments from historical, legal, and scriptural sources asserting the English monarchy’s independence from papal authority.
Precedents for Royal Supremacy under H7
pollard h8 inner tensions
the divorce lit the spark which ignited the flame but the combustible materials had long been present.”
Idiosyncratic treatment of religion due to its interaction with the state
Blindspot to Wolsey
Richard Rex: instructions to London diocese on unsoundness on royal supremacy > doctrinal unorthodoxy.
Nuptials with Anne of Cleves on the day of the feast of the Epiphany
Auricular Confession in London and Syon Priory
post reformation - h8
influence lollardy
eng bible
images pilgrimages and veneration
consistent via media
influence lollardy h8
14thc- authority scripture, rejection transub, critic clergy
jr davis
Not convincing: “gradually spread upward from Lollard artisans and merchants”
Unrealistic level of social intercourse.
“not quite clear”
- class connotations
- “most enduring tenet” is the denial of the real presence and of transubstantiation which, as the trial of John Lambert illustrated, was heresy.
lutheranism - h8
Haigh lutheranism- h8
Haigh: “if Henry found it convenient to deal with Lutheran princes and theologians, he also found it necessary to burn Lutherans for heresy.”
ryrie- lutheranism - h8
Ryrei: Lutheranism was “congenial” to the politically imposed Reformation
dissolution 1535
Less than 300 small religious houses dissolved.
70-80 reopened
Option to go to large religious house
Pope condemns the corruption in the small religious houses and the need for their reform 1537
eng bible
Not the culmination of a literary vernacular culture.
Due to proliferation of unauthroised translations: Tyndale: When Tyndale translated the Greek word ἐκκλησία (ekklēsía) as congregation, he was thereby undermining the entire structure of the Catholic Church.
Lutheran in theology
Cover had henry passing the Bible down to his bishops and his bishops to the people
Act for the Advancement of True Religion restricts Bible reading.
h8 images, pilgrimages and veneration
1538 condemned
Thomas Beckett one of first to go- tomb destoryed
macculloch- veneration- h8
England’s Reformation was characterized by its hatred of images, as Margaret Aston’s work on iconoclasm and iconophobia has repeatedly and eloquently demonstrated.”
morebath=- veneration h8
extinguish lights and devotional ornaments hung around virgin mary statue
Although- Morebath sir chritsopher cont write ‘st geogre pray for us ‘ at ‘hea dof each years high wardens accounts ‘
consistent via media- h8
consistent via media- h8
- Shagan on inherent violence of this.
- No Lutheran advance: 1536-1540 – trial of John Lambert
- No Conservative reaction: Proclamation against superstitions and abuses in 1541; removal of controversial shrine of St Hugh from Lincoln; apotheosis of the attack on the chantries.
- Elton: “conservative triumph did not materialise”; Guy: “conservative reform not conservative reaction”
other h8 religious factors
- It is telling that the fine Henry demanded (unsuccessfuly) after charging the whole clergy of Praemunire was equal to the crown’s annual income.-
- sed praemunire laws to target clergy who supported papal authority, paving the way for the break with Rome and the establishment of the Church of England.
In 1530, Henry charged the entire clergy of England with praemunire, forcing them to acknowledge him as the Supreme Head of the Church of England. - The Act in Absolute Restraint of Annates
act in absolute restraint of annates
outlawed all annates to Rome and also ordered that if cathedrals refused the King’s nomination for bishop, they would be liable to punishment by praemunire.
1536 doctrinal changes
- convocation adopted first doctrinal statement for cofe- ten articles
- Cromwell royal injunctions to clergy
minor feat days changed into normal work days inc those celebrating a church patron saint
most feasts bring harvest time too July sept- partly Econ motivation
also feats days examples superstituon
clergy discourage pilgirmages
instruct people give to poor rathe than make offerings to immages
1536 pog
1537 changes
bishops book 1537
established a semi-Lutheran doctrine for the church. Justification by faith, qualified by an emphasis on good works following justification, was a core teaching. The traditional seven sacraments were reduced to three only—baptism, Eucharist and penance. Catholic teaching on praying to saints, purgatory and the use of images in worship was undermined.
kings book -tyhought written in 1529
1538- religious changes
- religious policy drift con direction
Henry personally presided at the trial of John Lambert in November 1538 for denying the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. At the same time, he shared in the drafting of a proclamation ordering Anabaptists and Sacramentaries to get out of the country or face death. Discussion of the real presence (except by those educated in the universities) was forbidden, and priests who married were to be dismissed.
1539- religious policy
: Six Articles reaffirming Roman Catholic beliefs and practices such as transubstantiation, clerical celibacy, confession to a priest, votive masses, and withholding communion wine from the laity
1540- religious changes
the reformers Barnes, William Jerome and Thomas Gerrard were burned at the stake. In a display of religious impartiality, Thomas Abell, Richard Featherstone and Edward Powell—all Roman Catholics—were hanged and quartered while the Protestants burned.
kings book
“The Institution of a Christian Man”, a significant work written under the direction of King Henry VIII of England. It was produced in 1529 and was intended to serve as a guide to the doctrines and practices of the Church of England, reflecting Henry’s views on religious reform.
rejected justification by faith alone and defended traditional ceremonies and the use of images.[110] This was followed days later by passage of the Act for the Advancement of True Religion,
act for the advancement of true religion
restricted Bible reading to men and women of noble birth.
1544- religious changes
conservatives appeared to be losing influence once again. In March, Parliament made it more difficult to prosecute people for violating the Six Articles. Cranmer’s Exhortation and Litany, the first official vernacular service, was published in June 1544, and the King’s Primer became the only authorised English prayer book in May 1545. Both texts had a reformed emphasis. (Haigh argues they were traditional; Duffy and Marshall say reformed; especially in their reduced emphasis on the invocation of saints.
1545 religious changes
King was empowered to seize the property of chantries (trust funds endowed to pay for priests to say masses for the dead). While Henry’s motives were largely financial (England was at war with France and desperately in need of funds), the passage of the Chantries Act was “an indication of how deeply the doctrine of purgatory had been eroded and discredited”.