Tuberculosis - Clinical manifestations (II) Flashcards
Route of transmission?
Airborne - Inhale mycobacteria into lungs
Other routes:
- Inoculation
- Oral route
- Organ transplant
Difference between infection and disease?
Difference in TB infection and active disease?
- Invasion and multiplication of micro-organism not normally present in the body
Condition of abnormal vital function involving any structure, part, or system of an organism
Set of signs and symptoms
only 10% of TB infections become active disease
4 outcomes in MTB infection
Inhalation of MTB
a) Immediate killing
b) Host-TB interaction: Primary complex
i) Localized disease (Primary TB)
ii) Dissemination of TB (Active disease)
iii) Containment (Latency)
Lifestyle risk factors for TB
Smoking and Alcohol
Socioeconomic: Stress, poverty, malnutrition
Drug addiction
Immunosuppression risk factors for TB
DM HIV Cancer and chemotherapy Hematological malignancies Bone marrow transplant Solid organ transplant Drugs: Steroids, immunosuppressants, biologics
General host risk factors for TB
Young or Old
Symptoms and signs of Pulmonary TB
TB infection = symptomatic?
Prolonged cough Sputum Hemoptysis Fever Night sweat Weight loss Shortness of breath
** TB can be asymptomatic ***
3 different presentations of Pulmonary TB infection?
- Acute presentation, pneumonia-like
- Classic pulmonary and systemic symptoms and signs over time
- Asymptomatic
Proportion of pulmonary vs extrapulmonary TB in HK?
Pulmonary = 75%
Extra pulmonary = 20%
Both = 5-10%
3 prong method to diagnose extrapulmonary TB
High index of clinical suspicion
Microbiological examination of fluids, biopsies
Pathohistological exam: granulomatous inflammation, ZN stain
2 reasons why extrapulmonary TB is difficult to Dx early?
TST/ IGRA not sensitive for specific enough for Dx
Specimen for microbiological studies (pleural fluid, CSF…etc) may be hard to obtain
Most common form of extra-pulmonary TB?
Pleural TB
Breakdown of sub-pleural TB foci into pleural space»_space; inflammatory response»_space; pleural effusion develops
List 4 tests on pleural fluid for Dx of Pleural TB
- Microscopy: high lymphocyte
- AFB staining: High failure, mostly negative
- AFB culture: High failure, Positive in < 1/3
- Adenosine deaminase ** Gold Standard for pleuritis **
2 methods of pleural biopsy
closed pleural biopsy - Abraham needle
TB Lymphadenitis.
- Clinical presentation
Gradual, painless enlargement of cervical LN over weeks
Overlying skin becomes shiny and thin, erythematous, fluctuant from abscess formation
Empirical TB treatment started upon FNA Dx of TB Lymphadenitis, but the cervical LN grows even more fluctuant and pustular.
Intense inflammation and abscess formation because of disrupted mycobacterial antigens released from dead bacilli
Normal, does not signify treatment failure
Methods to obtain cervical and mediastinal LN specimen
Cervical: FNAC
Mediastinal: Transbronchial needle aspirate
Definite Dx of TB Lymphadenitis
- Demonstrate MTB in LN aspirate: +ve AFB stain
- Pathohistological: Granuloma with caseous necrosis +/- AFB
- Positive TST
- Metastatic LN (e.g. NPC)
- Lymphoma
Most common form for CNS TB infection?
TB meningitis
Common cause of neurological deficit in pediatric patients before
Presentation of CNS TB infection.
Headache, Poor sleep Fever Convulsion Focal neurological deficit Impaired conscious state
CSF tap:
- High protein, low glucose
- PCR +ve
- AFB culture
- High opening pressure
MRC Staging for CNS TB infection?
1: Non-specific symptoms without changes in consciousness levels (apathy, fever, nausea, vomiting…etc)
2: Disturbed consciousness +/- focal neurological signs, Not comatose or delirious
3. Stupors (almost unconscious) or coma +/- focal neurological signs
2 methods to Dx CNS TB Infection
- CT/ MRI brain
CSF tap:
- High protein, low glucose
- Lymphocytic pelocytosis (PMN at early stage)
- TB- PCR ***
- AFB culture
- High opening pressure
Management of CNS TB infection (3)
- Anti-TB drugs
- Adjunctive steroids: anti-inflammatory to decrease ICP, prevent meninges scarring
- Surgical drainage of obstructive hydrocephalus. excision of tuberculoma, Biopsy for Dx