Molecular Genetics - HER2 in Breast Cancer (VII) Flashcards
Isoforms of HER2
Activation and effect?
Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor gene ERBB2
Transmembrane protein activated by epidermal growth factor > dimerizes > Tyrosine kinase domain for downstream signaling
Associated risks of HER2 expression in breast cancer
Higher risk of:
- Recurrence and mortality
- Relative resistance to endocrine treatment
- Less benefit from some chemotherapy
2 drugs and MoA for HER2 +ve breast cancer
1) Tratuzumab (Herceptin) - Anti-HER2 therapy interferes with signal transduction cascade initiated by HER2
2) Lapatinib - Inhibitor of tyrosine kinase activity of HER2 and EGFR
Benefit and drawbacks of Herceptin
Indicate for early HER2 +ve breast cancer
- Reduce recurrences by 1/2
- Reduce risk of mortality by 1/3
Which type of breast CA needs HER2 testing
All Invasive breast carcinoma
especially in-situ carcinoma
2 assays for HER2 testing
1) IHC for protein overexpression
2) In situ hybridization
- Fluorescent ISH (FISH)
- Bright field ISH
a) CISH - chromosome
b) SISH - Silver
c) DISH - Dual (both silver and chromosome)
Categorize HER2 IHC scores from 0 to 3+
Score 0 = no stain
Score 1+ = Incomplete membrane, weak staining of >10% invasive cells
Score 2+ = Circumferential membrane, weak/ moderate staining of >10% invasive cells
Score 3+ = Circumferential membrane, complete/ intense staining of > 10% invasive cells
Indication of ISH based on IHC score of HER2 status
Score 0, 1+ with incomplete staining of membrane»_space;> Negative
Score 2+ with weak to moderate staining»_space;> repeat IHC or proceed with ISH
Score 3+ with intense, complete staining»_space;> Positive, no need to do ISH
4 modalities to visualize probes in In-situ hybridization
1) Radioactive label
2) Non-radioactive labels
- Chromogenic
- Fluorescence
- Metallographic
Which is better for HER2 status confirmation in breast CA?
FISH is better than IHC
- FISH correlates better with response to Trastuzumab or lapatinib
- FISH has no issue with non-standardized formalin fixation of samples
3 requirements for optimal tissue handling for HER2 testing
Under 1 hour cold ischemic time
Sufficient neutral buffered formalin
Minimum 6 hours fixation
Difference between FISH, CISH and SISH
FISH = fluorescent probe to HER2 gene and ch17 centromere
DISH = Digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe to HER2 gene, detect with mouse anti-digoxigenin antibody
SISH: Dinitrophenol-labeled DNA probe to HER2
FISH procedure?
Specimen DNA denatured to single strand
Hybridize with probes
Unbound probes is washed
Nuclei counterstained with DAPI
Signal enumeration
2 metrics used to determine the HER2 expression after FISH?
Signal enumeration: Count number of HER2 dots and Centromere17 dots in 20 nuclei
1) Ratio of total HER2 dots: Centromere17 dots
Higher ratio = amplified HER2 status
2) Average HER2 signal per cell
Define the HER2/CEP17 ratio and Average HER2 copy per cell for ISH POSITIVE result
HER/CEP17 ratio >=2.0
Average HER2 copy number >= 4.0 signals/ cell
Define the HER2/CEP17 ratio and Average HER2 copy per cell for ISH negative result
HER/CEP17 ratio <2.0
Average HER2 copy number <4 signal/ cell
Sample limitations for HER2 FISH assay on breast cancer?
- Only done on invasive carcinoma, only IHC grade 3+ tumours usually have HER2 +ve
- Good prognosis subtypes don’t usually have HER2 +ve, but some might have
- Tissue fixed for more than 72 hours
initial HER2 test on core needle biopsy of breast CA is negative
Criteria for ordering a repeat HER2 test?
- Grade 3+ Tumour
- Core biopsy sample amount is too small
- High grade CA cells present in excision specimen
- Biopsy sample is mishandled
- Core biopsy result ambiguous for HER2 after ISH and IHC
What to do before counting cells on an ISH slide for HER2 amplification in breast CA?
Scan the whole ISH slide before counting
Find areas of HER2 amplification
Areas with increased signaling need separate counting
What to do if histopathological result is discordant with HER2 test results on breast CA tissue?
Reflex testing with alternative assays
What to do if HER2 testing IHC score is 3+ and ISH is amplified?
Targeted therapy for HER2 +ve breast cancer