Truine God Flashcards
Books of psalms
Book in the Old Testiment that contain pieces of poetry sometimes set as music
Divine office
A collections of psalms and reading that ever priest, monk or nun has to say at least four times a day
Plainchant “gregorian chant”
An ancient form of song, ussually unaccomapnied which uses a limited range of notes. It is made for a male voice and tone.
Used in monsestaries to sin the Divine Office in latin.
Contempory worship music
Farely modern (1970s onwards). Lots more instruments and complicated. "Hear I am to worship" "10,000 reasons to worship"
Traditional Hymns
Written to be acompanied by the organ. It is writen for the whole church to sing along and uses standard musical notation. Easy to sing along to as not complex and is in English. Example is “Guide me o thou great redeamer” or “Soul of my Saviour”.
Mass settings
Parts of Mass that are sung rather than said e.g. Allelua, the Gloria, Sanctas
Often complex and sung by choir before 1960s
After 1960s music has become simpler so whole congrecstion can join in
What is the Alleluia (Gospel Acclamation’
a Hebrew word meanign ‘praise God’ which is a hymn of joy that praises God and announces the presence of Christ
When is the Alleluia used
To introduce the Gospel to greet the precense of Chrisr ans sung three times during the Easter Vigil to announce the reserrection. Not sung in Lent
A hymn to praise God’s glory and goodness. It is used near the beginning of the Mass not used during the more sorrow seansons of Advent and Lent
Latin word for holy. Based on Isaiah’s vision in the Temple when Angels cried it out. “Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts” . it is used before Eucharistic prayer in mass and not in sorrow seasons
Mystery of Faith
An acknowledgement that the whole saving event of Christ’s life and death and resurrection has been made present through the consecration. Used after the consecration with the bread and wine have become body and blood
Quote for music in Church
“Sacred song united to the words … forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.”
Used as ‘thanksgiving’ especially in mass for the sacrifce to God
Dueteronomy 6:4
“Hear, O Israel: The lord is our God, the Lord alone
Truine of God
Within the one God there is three-ness
The gelieve there is three persons in one God. There are three distinctive qualities of each persons
A Jewish prayer confirming the belief that there is one God found the in the torah (monotheism)
Means sending people out to help others. They share God’s love through actions and love others as God loves them. They follow the commandmnet ‘those who love God must love their brothers and sisters also”
Means preaching the good news about Jesus inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ last instruction included “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”
What is prayer
Inspired by the Holy spirit it is a conversation between a person and God.
Traditional prayer
Prayers with set words that have been passed down such as the Our Father or Hail Mary.
Spontaneous prayer
No set of format or words. Christians who use it believe the Holy Spirit guides them in what to say.
Why do people prefer traditional prayer
-not having to focus too much on the words allow christians to open up more to the presence of God as allows the mind to go deeper than words. It can be comforting
Why do people prefer spontantious prayer
Feels more sincere as it is opening up to God. It helps to develop an individual relatinship and comes from the heart.
Shows that the person is submissive to the will of God. It is a posture which acknowledges that God is in the position of authority and is humble before God. It is a position asking for forgiveness and pardon for what the person has done wrong.
It means bending the knee. It is going down on one knee as a sign of respect. Catholics genuflect as they enter church or as they pass the tabernacle, as an acknowledment of Christ’s presence.
show respect for the person or God to whim you are bowing. It is a sign of praise to God.
A sign of total himility and submission to God. A position pleading mercy and shows the person has giving themselves up to God
What is the symbolism of baptism
Symbolises the start of a new life as a Christian and a child of God. It also symbolises joining in with Jesus’s death and resurrection. Just as Jesus gave up his life to both God the person being Baptised commits their life to God in the same way.
Symbolism in baptism
Candle - light/hope
Oil - strength
Water - washing of sins (voicing of water symbolises joining in with Jesus is resurrection to begin a new life as a Christian)
White sheol - purity
Total submering
In the early church adults would be baptised by being totally submerged underwater which symbolises the joining of Jesus the tomb of the he died. The use of water baptism also symbolises the Holy Spirit.
Importance of baptism
For most Christians it is a sacrament of initiation to which a person becomes a member of the church, a child of God. He cleanses a person of all things and she is the life of the father, son and holy spirit. It is a pledge to the possible thank God in heaven after they die
Sing of intitiation
An action to show that the person has become a full member of the church
Importance of paslams
- The psalms are centred around the praise of God, though they touch on all aspects of life: sikness, seeking forgiveness ect.
- psalms ackknowledge that everything people have comes from God, and without God they are nothing.
Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3
“When Jesus had been baptised … the heavens opened up to him and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and alightining on him. And a voice from heaven said this is my son the beloved with whom I am well pleased”
Shows there are three persons
Galations 4:6
”And because you have children, God has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts”
This helps Christians to explain the relationship between the Trinity and a Christian
Literally of one being so that the Father son and spirit and a separate entities for one person
St Augustine
He explains in the bible states that ‘god is love’. To have love there must three things: person who loves, is loved, united them. Holy spirit pours out into hearts and lives of believers, sharing God’s love with all people.
Catherine LaCunga
The son is continually, enternally coming from the Father - the Holy Spirit is the love that eternally unties the Father and the Son - the continual creative act constantly flows outswards into th whole of creation -the son came to bring redemption which means the son comes from the father to save humantiy - the holy spirit is continually guiding believere towards the Father to complete the work of Jesus’ redemption - all things will be brouht back to God once complete
Apostolic authority
The laying of the hands passes on power of the Holy Spirit and the appsolic authority to a bishop (authority of the aposles).
Magisterial teachings
Teachings which have been agreed on by the mageserium that should be accepted by Catholics
Niciene Creed God the Father teaching
God the Father is the creator of all things. ‘I believe in one God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth’
God the Son nicene creed teaching
Like the Father the Son is enternal. The Son took limitations of humans nature to become Jesus out of the love of all people to save them from being seperated by from God. He was concieve by the holy spirit. He rose again
Quotes supporting God the son nicene creed
“Born of the Father before all ages”
“be the holy spirit he was incarnate of Vigin Mary, and became man”
“He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father”
God the holy spirit nicene teachings
The holy spirit give life to all things and unites the Father and Son in love. It inspires people to let them know the will of God.
Quotes supporting the holy spirit in nicene creed
“I believe in the Hily Spirit, the Lord the giver of life.”
“Who has spoken through the prophets”
When was the two councils
Council of Nicaea (325)
Council of Constantinople (381)
Council of Constantinople
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and fully God
Jesus is both a fully God and fully human
Council of Nicaea
“The only begotton son of God”
The Father and the son have always coexisted together
They are both equal and of the same nature