Family And Relationships👨👩👧👦👨👩👧👧👨👩👦👦👩❤️👨 Flashcards
When a couple live together but are not married
To not have sex until marriage
To love someone unconditionally (non-physical)
Within marriage
Having hump hump with someone who u are not married to
Bonding people together (sex)
Have sex in marriage 😋
Genesis 1:27
God created humans in his image… male and female he created them, and God said to them “be fruitful and multiply”
Sanctity of life
Human life being considered precious, being made in God’s image. Life should be valued and considered sacred and God given.
Women and men being companions (produce a harmony together).
Marriage vows
To have and to hold from this day forward For better for worse For rich for poor In sickness and in health To love and to cherish Until death do us part
Mark 10:6-9 (marriage)
A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and the two shall “become one flesh”
Conditions for a valid marriage
The two people have to be free to marry
The two should be getting married in their own free will
The two must not be related
Promises have to be made in the presence of a priest (representing God)
Marriage has to be consummated🎷🎷🎷
Must b willing to have children
Mark 10:1-12
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her
A device to prevent pregnancy
Theology of the Body
The full meaning of the body and the person can only be appreciated when there is a deep relationship with a member of the opposite sex. This is called the nuptial meaning of the body.
The body and sex are good. However, extramarital sex and the use of contraception damage the significance and role of sex.
Types of families
Nuclear families, reconstructed/blended families, extended families, single-parent families, cohabiting families, foster/adoptive families, same-sex parent families
What is the role of the family
Procreation, security, support, education.
Mary Magdalen
Was the first person to see Jesus was resurrected
CCD 2335
Each of the two sexes has equal dignity, though in a different way
Why is the church doesn’t except female priests
In mass the priest re-enact the last supper as Jesus who is the man as well as the fact that you can’t break tradition, started with 12 mail and parcels, church teachings can’t be changed or challenged.
Pope Francis says about women earned less than men
It is pure scandal
Catholic teachings on gender discrimination
It is incredibly wrong as it makes people feel like their life is worth less which goes against the sanctity of life.
Not having sex
Quote on men and women being equal
“So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis one
How does Genesis 2 represent men and women as equal
In genesis 2 God takes ‘Adam’ (humanity) and splits it into two complementary parts showing idea of equality as genders are complement to each other
What should sex be!
- within marriage
- unitive
- procreative
Pope John Paul’s teaching about sex (theoglogy of the body)
Extramirtal sex is a form of exploitation for personal pleasure and is a sin that distorts God’s original plan for humans.
Marital sex unites a couple in self-giving and love and showing the mutual love leads to greater intimacy. It is also ok to use natural periods of infertility to reduce that chances of pregnancy.
Sex before marriage quote
“Because love is so great, so sacred, and so unique, the Church teaches young people to wait until they are married…”
Teaching of homosexuality in church
Six should be open to the possibility of creating new life so homosexuals should live/celebrate lives but as there is no possibility of new life with some. People are loved by God regardless of the sexual so should be treated with respect
What makes a valid marriage:
- Marriage must be consummated
- promises must be made to be together
- must be free to marry
- married at own free will
- musn’t be related
- moment of marriage is in consent
- promises made in the presence of a Catholuc priest
- must declare they are willing to accept God’s gudt of children
Quote for valid marriage
‘This consent the binds the spouses to each other finds its fulfilment in the 2 to becoming one flesh’ CCC
Pope Francis on homoesuxuality
The Catholic Church says a while homosexuality acts of sinful homosexuality self is not. “who am I to judge”
Nature of marriage
- Providing loving relationships and atmosphere through which children can grow
- exclusive union of man and women
- sacrament through which God’s love and blessing is given to a couple
- sign of love of Christ for the Church
Catholic vies of divorce
Jesus taught that a divorcee remarrying commits adultery (Mark 10). Marrige is ‘till desth do us part’
Catholic view of remarriage
Only happen if orignal partner has died
Anyone who divorces and remarriages cannot recieve communion
Allowed if first is annulled.
‘A new union cannot be recognised as valid, if the first marriage was’.
Purpose of family is to
- love
- care
- nuturing environment
- suppor
- education
- stability
- new life
- moral guidance
- religious teaching
- security
Education in family (parents role)
-parents of the first and most important teachers of the children
-parents are role models
-parents should encourage the children to become more independent
-parents need to provide an atmosphere where everyone is valued
Paul’lls men an women roles
“Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord… husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church”
Paull’s role for children
“Obey your parents and the Lord, for this is right. Honour your father and mother”
Paul’s teaching on men and women being equal
“No longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus”
Importance of women in the Bible
-Mary mother of Jesus showed obedience
- Mary Magdalene was the 1st to announce Jesus is resurrection
- Ruth showed Jews faithfulness
Catholic teaching on gender discrimination
- stops the use of God given talent
- Can be hurtful and damaging
- support should be given for women as mothers
- Devalues a person
Marital sex (theology of body)
Unites couple in self-giving and love
Brings two people into communion of persons
Shows commitment, mutual love and respect and leads to creater intimacy
Gives possibility of creating life (Can make use of natural periods of infertility)
Extramarital sex (theology of body)
Form of exploitation
Can make people selfisj
Adultery breaks vows
A sin and distorts God’s original plan for humans