Redemption Flashcards
How does the Church inspire worship
It provides a space where they meet to worship together. It is centred around the alter making in the centre of focus.
It proivdes space for individual prayer. This means that the church should provide a quite space that inspires people to pray to God.
Differences of Churches at different ages
Beofre 1965 chruches faced east towards Jerusalem and was in the shape of a cross. The alter was also agianst the east wall.
Now the alter is moves towards the centre
The lectern
The lectern is the reading stand, from where the Bible readings are given. At least two readings are given from the lectern at every Mass. The lectern should be in a prominent place in the Church, so people can see and clearly hear rhe word of God.
Is a place of sacrifice, from where the bread and wine are offered to God at Mass. Christ is truly present at the alter, offering himself to the Father on behalf of humanity.
Modle of a cross with Jesus being crucified. Reminds us of the suffering and inspires gratitude and love for all that Christ has done. (Clearly expressed in the Eucharist)
A box where the consecrated bread is kept after mass, it houses the real precense of Christ, so many Carholics pray infront of it. It can inspire sense of peace as it reminds that Christ is still caring for them. The bread csn be taken to people who can’t get to mass.
Differnce with alter and table
An altar is blessed/consercrated and is a permenat ficture. It is also where sacrifices are made. Using a table is a reminder of the belife that Jesus during the last supper gave his disciples a share in the effects of his sacrifice.
A symbol of Christ’s victory over sin and death (Christ has risen and so is not on the cross).
Risen Christ
Focuses on Christ as the risen, glorified Saviour.
Stages of the cross examples
Jesus falls for the first time Jesus fall for the second time Jesus fall for the thir time Jesus is nailed to the cross Jesus dies on the cross
Relation with free will and sin
Christians blieve that for humans to have free will, sin has to exist. But the existence of sin damages the realtionship between God, humanity and the whole creation.
Original sin
All people ar ebonr with the tendency to commit sin.
How did Jesus’s death help restore the relationship between God and humanity
Jesus showed total obedience to the will of God both in life and through the sacrifice of his death. This helped to restore the relationship between God and humans that had been brocken by sin. Jesus’s continued love shown even when he was suffering was important
How did Jesus’s resurrection help restore the relationship between God and humanity
As Jesus showed total obedience and fulfilled God’s will and never sinned, he was not held away from God by death and sin. Jesus’ resurrection destroyed the ultimate power of sin and death meaning people are now able to be with God after they die. Sin and death still exist, but people are now able to overcome them. It restored harmony of creation.
How did Jesus’s ascension help restore the relationship between God and humanity
40 days after Jesus was resurrected he rose up to heaven to take his place besid the Father. His resurrection and ascension helped to restore the cosmic order
Restoring the realtionship between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
When things are brought back to the way that God intended them to be
Quote for resurection
“If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” 1Corinthians
Salvations in the past
Jesus’ dearh and resurrection were essential for humanity’s salvation. It beat sin and made it possible for people to go to heaven.
Salvations in the present
Salvation is an ongiong process as sin still exists, people have to accept to resist it. The holy spirit guide people to work towards salvation
Salvations in the future
Salvation will be completed at the end of time when the Kingdom of God is fully established. This will be the final victory of God’s grace
Redemption and salvation in the liturgy
In mass, Christ’s offering of himself to the Father on the cross is re-encated. Catholics offer the,selves up with Christ. Through holy communion, carholic recieves body and blood. Christ enters their lives to give them grace to resist som. The mass is a chance to experience what the heavenly namquet will be like.
Jesus as the example
Mark 14-15 tells us how Jesus accepted his suffering but went through it showing total obedience to God.
Jesus as restorer
Jesus’ death restored the relationship between God and humanity. Mark 15 shows after Jesus died, in the Holy temple in Jerusalem the veil that seperated the holiest part of the Temple from thr rest in two. This shows how Jesus broke the barrier betweem God and humanity.
Jesus as the victor
Mark 15 shlws how Jesus experienced pain, suffering and death as a human. By brining the presence of God into these expeeiences, Jesus was victorius over them. He made it possible for all people to share in the final defeat of suffering and death.
Examples in the bible of redemption after Jesus’ death
John 20: Mary didn’t recognise Jesus after his resurrection.
Acts 1: before he acended he told his discoples they would witness ‘the ends of the earth’.
Acts 2: dat of Pentaclsr apostles filled with power of Holy spirit
St Irenaeus teachings of salvation
Salvations was represented with metaphor of tree and cross.
Tree: Adam and Eve disobeyed God breaking relationship and seperating humans from God.
Cross: Jesus obeyed God restoring humanity’s relationship with God. Offers possibility of enternal life.
(Some people don’t like taking the Adam and Eve story literaly)
St Anselm teaching of salvation
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Meaning of coscience quote
“In a wonderful manner conscience reveals that law which is fulfilled by love of God and neighbour.” Gaudium et Spes 16
How can conscience have two different sides
- made up of natiral instincts (natural law)
- has to be educated
Churches teaching on conscience
“Personal comscience and reason should not be set in opposition to the moral law or the Magisterium of the Church.” CCC
Start of Mass
Cahtolics come together to celebrate the Mass and apologise to God and each other for their sins. The congregarions represents the Body of Christ.
The readings
At least two readings are given in the bible with one from the Gospel. They reminds us how God has guided them. Through the Gosple Jesus’ actions can be followed
The offertory
The bread and wine (host) are brought to that alter, ususally by members of the congregation. It is a sign of thanksgiving
The eucharistic Prayer
The priest repeats the words that Jesus said during the last supper. At the end of the prayer Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine. The command “Do this in memeory of me’ reminds is tha teach time we celebrate the eucharist we make the event a reality. The mass renews the new covenant.
The priest offers the Breas and Wine to everyone in the congregation. It binds us to Chrisr and the new convenant. You recive God’s grace which gives them the strength amd guidance to resist sin and to follow Jesus’ teachings.
End mass
After a period of silent prayer reflecting on the gift recieved in the eucharist Catholic go out and share the presence of God wih their actions
What is transubstantiation
bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ literally
Why do Catholics believe the Mass is the summit
The offering of christ on the cross is the highest form of prayer to God as the mass re-enacts the last supper.
Why do Catholics believe the Mass is the source
Christ’s blood and body give life to the soul, it is a perfect way to keep the ‘Sabbath day holy’
What are orthadox Christians belief of Eucharist
Always celebrated with the community, a Catholic priest can say mass on his own. More emphasis is placed on symbolism and ritual. The consercratiom takes place behind the iconostasis - a screen that divides the holy part of the church from congregation as it is too holy.
What are anglican Christians belief of Eucharist
Many believe the Spirit of Christ is recieved when the Communion is given. Christs is spiritually present but the Bread and Wine do not literally become the Body and Blood of Christ. Christ is present in the community that shares the Eucharist.
What are Nonoconformist Christians belief of Eucharist
Many believe the Eucharist is a memorial of the Last Supper meaning its purpose is to remember the Last supper. Christ is present in the Bible readings
What are the words of institution
Words that Jesus said at the Last Supper. When these words are said, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. ‘This is my body’
What is the Agnus Dei
It is the prayer they said shortly before communion and refers to the Lamb of God and recalls that Jews escape from Egypt. Jesus is the new lamb of God.
Eucharistic adoration
Refer to adoring or honouring the real presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. Some take it from the tongue instead of the hand as it reminds them they actually receive in Jesus
What is the Benediction
Shown in the Eucharistic adortion. It is a service where the consercrated Bread is put on display in a monstrance. The real presence of Christ is praised and the congregation are blessed with the real presence.
What is the blessed sacrement
Body and blood
Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter and is when Christians remember the gift of the Holy Spirit .
Our Father
“Our Father which art in heaven” means we’re praying to our Heavenly Father who lives in heaven
Quakers & Salvation Army
These groups don’t celebrate any form of Eucharist. They believe Christ is present through the Spirit who inspires their prayers and actions in the service of God and other people. They do not practise sacramental rites as they believe the whole of life is a sacrament.
What is transubstantiation
The physical change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
What is consubstantiation
It is both bread and wine and the body and blood of Christ.