Judaism Practices Flashcards
What is a synagogue
Provides a space for Jews to keet and take part in a wide range of activities. Importance of the synagogue: worship and prayer, education, social activites, charitable events.
What is a minyan
A group of at least 10 adults where certain prayers can only be said in the presence of
What is the menorah
a many-branched candle stick holding either 7 or 9 candles
Star of David
A symbol of Judaism said to represent the shield of King David who was the king of Israel
What is the Chanukah
Otherwise known as hanukah is the Jewish festival of light
What is the ark (Aron Hakodesh) description
An ornamental cabinet or container where the Torah scrolls are kept. Situated at the front of the synogogue usually set into the wall facing Jerusalem. Usually by climbing up some steps amd has two stone tablets above the ark on whinc the start of each Ten Commandments are written
What is the ark (Aron Hakodesh) significance
Holiest place in the synagogue representing the original ark covenant. The first ark built to hold the stone tablets. The first ark was taken to Jerusalem placed in the temple which was the vocal point of Jewish worship. By clombing steps Jew are reminded that God is above his peole amd the sacred Torah os above humanity
Ner tamid (ever-burning light)
It is placed in the front slightly above the Ark to symbolisGod’s presence so it is never put out. A reminder of the menorah which was lit every night in the Temple in Jerusale.
Bimah (reading platform)
Raised platfrom situated in the centre of the prayer hall and is where the Torah is read. It is a reminder tha tthe altar was the central feature of the courtyard in the temple in Jerusalem
Orthadox Jews
Strictly following the laws in the Torah and be,ieve it was given directly to Moses by God. They believe men and women should have dofferent roles with rabbis only being male
Reformed Jews
Believe the Torah was written by humans but inspired by God. Men and women should tske the same roles
Difference if public surface with orthadox and reformed Jews
- Orthadox: Synagogues usually hold daily service/ Reformed: synagogues of ten do not hold daily but focus instead on celebrating Shabbat and festivals
- The service is in Hebrew/ service is inHebrew and the own language
- person leading service turns their back so it facing Ark/ person faces congragation most of time
- men and women sit seperate/together
- some congregation may arrive late and catch up at their own pace/services are shorter but tend to be more rigidly structured.
- men always cover heads in skull cap and married women wear a hat or scalf showing respect for God/most men wear skull cap and some women do as well
- sining in servce is unaccompanied/ sining is accompanoed by muscisl intruments
Cantor (Chazzan)
Person who lead prayer/chant in service
A prayer shull reminding Jews to obey every word of God when wearing it
A small leather boxes containing little extracts from the Torah strapped to the wearers arms and forhead for morning prayers. Reminding Jews that during prayer their total concentration should be on God an dthe prayers should be from the heart
Standing prayer facing Jerusalem is the central prayer of Jewish worship in silence. It forms the core of all prayer services on weekdays
Format of Jewish prayer service
- opening prayer said
- shema is recited and accompanied by blessings
- amidah is said
- sometime followed by reading of torah
- final prayers said including the Alein prayer giving praise and thanks to God
What does the Amidah consitst of
- first three blessings praise God and ask him for mercy
- midle thirteen blessings ask for God’s help
- final three blessings thank God for the opportunity to serve him and pray for peace, goodness, kindness and compasion
Prayer is important to Jews because…
- way to communicate to God
- communal prayer strengths community
- helps Jews remember faith is all about
- brings Jews closer to God
What is the Shabbat
It is the Jewish holdy day of the week where they reset and renewal starting on Friday before sunset and countinuing to sunset on Saturday. “Remeber the sabbath day and keep it holy”
Shabbat services
Service that are held include brief service of Friday and main on saturday morning (longest) whihc sometimes has extra serove especially for families with children)
Shabbat service before the reading
- congregation stands when the Ark opens to reveal the Torah scrolls as a reminder of how Jews stood at the bootm of Mount Sinai when Moses returned with the Commandments.
- Torah is taken from the Ark and dressed with cover and various ornamnets as a reminder of the vestments worn by priests in early Judaism
- Torah held in fornt of congregation while verses are chanted from scripture and then paraded around represnting the march Jews did carring the ark from Sanai to Jerusalem
- Torah pases through the synagogue and touched with prayer book or tassels on prayer shawl then lips by many to recalls God’s words should be on their lips and sweet like honey as said in Ezekiel 3
Shabbat at home preperatins
All work done and home is prepared before Shabbat begins. At least two candles are placed on table (representing commandments to ‘observe’ and ‘remember’ with two loaves of Challah bread (food God provided to Jews whilst they wandered) and wine or grap juice (symbolising joy and celebration) with wine drunk from special Kiddush cup.
Shabbat celebrations welcomed throuh by lighting of candles:
- female member of family lights two candles shortly before sunset
- she waves or beckons with arms around candles then covers eyes to say blessing
- she also says a prayer asking God to bless family
Family shares a special meal after Friday evening service
- before meal parents bless their children an head of household recites the Kiddush blessing while holding the Kiddush cup.
- the meal lasts for a few hours, giving the family time to relax and enjoy company. After each course religous stories might be told or songs sung.
- meal ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for food.
After Saturday morning service family shares another special meal…
During the afternoon parents may spend time with their children and study Torah the end of Shabbat is makred by the havdalah service after sun has set. Belssings aee performed over cup of wine, sweet smelling spices and candle with several wicks