Incarnation Flashcards
God taking in the human condition in Jesus
When the angel Gabirel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God. In Matthews account Jesus is called Emmanuel meaning God is with us
Word of God
The second person of the Trinity, God the Son, who became flesh in Jesus
Son of man
A title that could refer to either just a human being, or a human who is given powerof God
Birth of Jesus
God becoming man in the presence of Jesus
“The world became flesh” meaning - John 1
The word and self expression of God took on human nature coming down to earth to live as a full human being
Son of God
‘you will see the son of man seated at the right hand of the power’. It emphasises Jesus’ humanity as well as his divinity
Ichthus (fish)
A symbol of a fish, based on a Greek acronym that translates a ‘Jesus Christ, son of God, Savior’. In the early days it was a declaration to their faith
Alpha and omega
A symbol made from the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet which are used to show that God and Jesus are enteral - the beggining and end of all things.
A symbol to represent Jesus, made up of the first two letters of his name in Greek. Symbol is a reminder of death of Jesus
Reasons against religion and art
It isn’t possible to portray God accurately
Art can mislead people about what God is like
Praying in front of an image or statue may mislead people
It is against the second commandment
Sacred heart
Statue of Jesus that represents his total self-giving love for all people: expression of peace, crown of throns surrounding heart showing his sacrifice, flames from heart represent burning love, hole through heart represents soldier piercing him through the side, holes in hand
The crucifix
Reminder of pain and suffering that Jesus went through. Jesus’ death was redemptive so as Catholics look at the crucifix they remember the love of God poured out in Jesus.
Different crucifixes
Some photos of the intense agony, sometimes Jesus is dressed in the priests vestment so that he is offering the sacrifice of life to God, sometimes Jesus distressed kingly robes wearing a crown crown
Why are some Christians againts depicting Jesus in art
The second commandment indicates it is wrong to worship images, depicting Jesus assuming could be misleading because it ignores the fact he is also fully God, no one knows what Jesus looked like so it is wrong to the picked him through art. “Do not make or worship idols.”
Sermon on the mount
Jesus’ teachings found in Matthew 5-7 which give Christians a set of rules and vaulues to apply in their lives
The Beatittudes
A series of statments in which Jesus blessed certain attitiudes or approaches to living, and said how people with those attitudes would be rewarded.
Examples of Beatitudes
‘Blessed are the week for they will inherit the earth’
‘Blessued are the pure in heart, for they will see God’
‘Blessed are the mericful for they will recieve mercy’
Parable of the sheep
In serving and caring for other people they are serving God. It shows how Chrisitans should respond to those in need. By showing love and kindeness to others, Christians will be loved and judged favourably by God and rewarded with enternal life.
Quote for parable of sheep
‘I was hungry and you gave me food’
What is St Irenaeus showing
How Jesus as somenoe wh is fully man and God is the meeting point between God and humanity. Jesus ‘revealed God to men’.
St Irenaeus teaching
God is invisible but Christians get to know God through Jesus as his is the son of God and displays qualities of God. This means Christinas can develop better understanding of God’s nature through examining the life and actions of Jesus.
Dei Verbum 4 on Jesus
“For He sent His son … so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God.” - God is revealed and speaks through Jesus. It is possible as he is the Son of God
Verbum Domini 12
“…the enternal word became small - small enough to fit into a manger. He became a child, so that the word could be grasped by us.” The word/son of God limited himself to human form so humans could come to understand God
St Irenaus’ teaching on God is a human being fully alive
‘Life in man is glory of God’. Jesus helped humans to know God which allows humans to become fully alive and reveal God’s glory is Jesus was a perfect human being
What is Grace
- Gives believers the srength to do what God wants
- free unconditional gift of love from God
- pours out from the trinity and gives life to all things
Definiftion of sacrament by Catholic church
‘An outward sign of inward grace’ (sign of God’s love)
What is the sacramental nature of reality
The whole reality can be seen as a sacrement. The word and everything in it broght by Jesus is a sign of God’s love.
What does the seven sacraments/rites do
Catholics believe that every time they take part in a sacrement they recieve more grace and welocme Christ
Actions of Baptism
- A person becomes a member of the church
- Water is poured on the person’s head to stmbolize washing away of sin
- only happens once a life
Effect of baptism
Person becomes a child of God.
What happens in confirmation
- a person chooses to confirm they are a member of the Chruch.
- their forhead is anointed with holy oil
- only happens once a life
Effect of Confirmation
Person’s faith is strengthened and deepened
Holy spirit is renewed in their life
Action in Eucharist
- a person recieves the consercrated bread and whine (body and blood)
- can happen regusly during mass
Effect of eucharist
Person recieves life of Christ
Helps them to keep growing in God’s love
Action of marriage
Man and women give their consent to be married
Usually only happens once in a person’s life
Must be consumated with sex
Effect of marriage
Couple accept that through their love for eachother the love of God is active in their lives.
Ordination action
- A person becomes a priest, bishop, decon
- Happens throgh laying on of hands and anointing of the hands with chrism: a symbolic gesture that passes on power of Holy Spirit.
- Each position can only happen once
Effect of ordination
- person commits himself to God and Church.
- he is given certain powers, such as being able to consecrate at Mass, preach and pass on from God forgiveness of sins
Reconsiliation actions
-a person confesses their sins to a priest and is forgiven
Effect of reconsiliation
Person’s relationship with God is restored
Sacracment of the sick action
- a person is very ill is anionted with oil
- can happen morw than once in a person’s life
Sacrament of the sick effect
Gives strength to the person and also forgives their sins
When does the Catholic church say life begins
Moment of conception “For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leapt for joy” luke 1
What is imago dei
Image of God (sanctity of life)
How do Catholic protect un-born children
- support a good life organisation that campaigns to reduce the abortion limit or ban it
- support an organisation that takes care for women who have decided not to abort
Difference between luke and matthew’s account on incarnation
Luke focuses on mary
Matthew focuses on Joseph