Triune God Flashcards
Catholic Church teaching on music
It’s good to use music to praise God
Pieces of poetry from the book of Psalms in the Old Testament sung as part of worship centred around the praise of God. Used in the Divine Office
The practices and rituals that happen during the communal worship of God
Ancient form of unaccompanied music with a limited range of notes
Uses of plainchant
In monasteries is used to sing the Divine Office in Latin, in Church services for the Latin parts of mass
Divine Office
A collection of psalms and readings where every priest/monk/nun has to recite four times a day
Traditional hymns
Religious songs that praise God, used by generations of believers and sung in Church by the whole congregation, like during the Mass
Mass settings
Parts of the Mass sung rather than said, simpler Mass settings emsure mass appeals to the congregation
Hymn that praises God
Announces presence of Cjrist
Sung three times during the Easter Vigil to announce the resurrection
Where is Gloria used?
Near the beginning of Mass
Parts of the Mass which highlight the praise and celebration of God
Musical settings of acclamation
Some settings(e.g. the plainchant version of Alleluia is sung in Church) are simpler for the whole congregation.
Some settings(e.g. the Gloria) are more complex to reflect God’s glory.
Some settings are upbeat/joyful(e.g. the Sanctus from the Missa Luba)
Beliefs about the Trinity in the New Testament?
: Matthew 3:16-17, and Galatians 4:6
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Stresses there is only one God
Matthew 3:16-17 teachings about trinity
Through Jesus’s baptism is when God is shown as three persons who co-exist at the same time: the Father is the voice from heaven who calls Jesus his Son, while the Holy Spirit is the love uniting the Father and the Son
Galatians 4:6 teachings
God the Father pours the Holy Spirit into a Christian’s heart, which fills Christians(God’s children) with grace
The Nicene Creed
A statement of faith about what Catholics believe, which explains the nature of the Trinity and how the three Persons relate to each other
What does the Nicene Creed teach about God the Father?
God is the creator of all things
Sending out people to help others
Preaching the good news about Jesus to other people
What does St Augustine teach about the Trinity?
Focuses on the relationship within the Trinity: the Holy Spirit is the love uniting the Father + Son
What does Catherine la Cugna teach about the trinity?
It focuses on the outward effects of the Trinity:the Son is continually, eternally coming from the Father to save humanity, with the Holy Spirit the united love that guides believers towards the father.
Old Testament teachings about the Trinity
Genesis 1:1-3
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Genesis 1:1-3 teachings on trinity
‘God’ refers to the Father, who created the universe.
‘Wind from God’ is translated as ‘spirit’- showing the Holy Spirit was involved in the creation of the universe.
God created the universe with the power of his word - a reference to the Son of God
Council of Nicea
Confirms the Father and Son have always co-existed together, so share the same nature, including being eternal
Council of Constantinople
Shows the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and fully God, and Jesus is both fully God and fully human
Nicene Creed-
Statement confirming the Catholic Church’s beliefs on the Trinity and Jesus
Anonting of water to symbolise the start of a new stage of life as a child of God and to join in with Jesus’s death and resurrection
Postures used to pray
Kneeling - asking for forgiveness, respect for God’s authority
Sitting- comfort for person to focus on God
Joined hands - to ask for God’s help
Title to show the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are of one being: God
Examples of mass settings(name 3)
Eucharistic Acclamation
Examples of traditional prayers
Our Father
Haily Mary
What does the Nicene Creed teach about the Son?
The Son took on the limitations of human nature to become Jesus(who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and died as a human being), but there’s no distinction in nature between the Father and the Son.
What does the Nicene Creed teach about the Holy Spirit?
God’s power is passed on to believers, units the father and lets people know the will of God.
Authority of the Magisterium
The Hishop of Rome - also known as the Pope is the head of the Church. People became bishops after the laying on of hands by apostles(apostolic authority). Jesus’s closest followers became known as the twelve apostles