Incarnation Flashcards
God taking on the human condition in Jesus
When the angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the Son of God
God’s free gift of his unconditional love to the believer
TThe importance of incarnation
The doctrine(official Church teaching) of the incarnation teaches us God took on the full limitations of the human condition when he became Jesus(who was truly man). This shows God loves the human race so much that he was prepared to share in it to the fullest extent and helps Christians to value God’s love. St Irenaeus claims this means Christians know what God is like through Jesus, who displays God’s qualities. St Irenaeus shows how Christians develop a better understanding of God’s nature through examining the life/actions of Jesus.
Makes people aware of the presence of God among hymans as the Spirit continues to share the life and love of God with all people, since Jesus’s spirit is active though he’s not in the world any more, through grace and the loving actions performed by other people. Before the incarnation, Jesus was merely seen as a distant(but caring) being.
St Irenaeus shows the importance of incarnation for bringing humans and God closer to each other in his writings called Adversus Haereses. He presents Jesus as the meeting point between God and humanity.
What the Annunciation shows us about Jesus
The Annunciation shows God fulfils all the promises he made to all Jewish people(including Abraham and his descendants) through Jesus.
What the Birth of Jesus from
Joseph’s perspective tells us
Joseph had to take Mary home as his wife, who was pregnant through the Holy Spirit and “not be afraid” to do so and help her give birth to a son.
Shows Jesus was born of a virgin(Mary) and conceived by the power of God
Virgin birth - Jesus was fully human but did not have a human father despite getting humanity from Mary, he was also fully God and conceived by the Holy Spirit
Word of God
The Second Person of the Trinity, the Son of God, who became flesh in
Jesus. He is both fully God and a separate person of the Trinity.
Evidence for the Word of God- why John stressed this and what does this mean
John’s Gospel(John 1:1-4,14) starts with an explanation of Jesus as the Word of God made flesh. John shows the Word is an eternal
being(without beginning or end) as it says ‘In the beginning was the Word.’ The Word has always existed, but took on human nature
to live on earth as Jesus “The word became flesh and lived among us”
‘The Word was with God’- shows while the Word and God are united, there is also a distinction between them
‘What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people’- The word of God is how God expresses his power and love.
Jesus is God’s free gift to the human race “full of grace and truth”
The Word Was God
The Word of God is inside God and is God’s self-expression, has always existed alongside God
The Word Became Flesh
How the word(self-expression of God) took on human nature
Christians’ views on grace
Grace is dynamic, unites the three Persons of the Trinity: the mutual love of the Father for the Son in the Holy Spirit,
Grace is poured into people’s heart so they share in the divine love: the shared love of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is God’s free gift to the hyman race to help humans learn to respond fully to the love God gives.
No person deserves/earns God’s grace, which is his free self-communication to humanity and the ultimate sign of God’s love.
Son of Man(Old Testament meaning)
A title that could refer to either just a human being, or a human who is given power by God
Occasions when Jesus refers to himself as the Son of the Man/we see he’s the Son of Man
When he’s asked directly if he’s “the Son of the Blessed One” he replied “I am;and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power,”(Mark 14:61-62)
Jesus calls himself this when referring to his future suffering
Jesus tries to emphasise his humanity here.
Occasions when Jesus refers to himself as the Son of God/Jesus is referred to as the Son of God
When he was asked directly if he was the Son of God, he replied “I
am”(Mark 14:61-62)
An angel visits Joseph in Matthew 1:18-24 and tells him to marry Mary, since her child is conceived by the Holy Spirit(Jesus), but the angel calls Jesus the name Emmanuel(“which means God is with us”), confirming Jesus is the Son of God
God is eternal, so Jesus couldn’t become God after his death. The resurrection proved Jesus always was God, but in his life on Earth he limited himself to human condition.
Son of Man(Jesus title)
Emphasises that Jesus is fully human
Son of God(Jesus title)
Showed he was also fully God, but during his life on Earth he was limited to human condition
A symbol of a fish that translates as Jesus Chrust, Son of God, saviour and Christians declared their faith using this symbol. At a time Christians could be persecuted for their faith, they could quickly draw and erase the fish symbol to show they were Christians.
Alpha and Omega
A symbol made from the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet which show God and Jesus as eternal - the beginning and end of all things
A symbol reminiscent of the death of Jesus and how he’s the Messiah, the anointed one of Tod sent to save the world through his death:made up of the first two letters of his name in Greek
How + why the Ichtus represents Jesus
It’s an acronym, where each of the letters represent one word of a Greek saying about Jesus:
I is the first letter of the Greek word Iesous, which means Jesus.
Ch is the first letter of Christos, which means Christ.
Th is the first letter of Theou, which means God.
U is the first letter of (H)uios, which means Son
S is the first letter of Soter, which means Saviour
How and why the Alpha and Omega represent Jesus
Alpha(A) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, while Omega is represented by the last letter of the Greek Alphabet. The use of these two letters shows God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end. They are used in many places in churches, vestments, Christian art and on the Paschal Candle.
How and why the Chi-Rho represent Jesus
It’s formed from the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ(the letter chi = X and the letter rho = P) so reminds Christians of the death of Jesus. Christians wear Chi-Rho as an alternative to the cross or crucifix.
Reasons against religious art(statues + symbols)
You can’t show the infinite(like God) with limited means like art and sculptures - can’t portray God/Jesus accurately.
Jews and Christian groups like Baptists and Methodists believe the second commandment forbids people to make any form of statue or artistic representation of God.
Statues and images give young people wrong ideas about God - misleads people on what he’s like
Some religions like Judaism and Islam claim it is an offence
to show God in any form.
Praying in front of an image/statue misleads people as people get the impression the image/statue is being worshipped as a God.
Reasons for religious art(statues + symbols)
It’s acceptable to reflect God in this way as God himself has taken on the limitations of human nature in incarnation.
Any representation of Jesus that captures human qualities(which we know Jesus) has has value - the Bible teaches Jesus is a man with human qualities.
Artistic representations help people focus on spiritual ideas and aspects of God’s work.
The Catholic Church approves the use of religious art(can inspire people , give people something to focusmon as they pray and has a positive role in religious life).
A representation of Jesus on the cross on which he died
Sacred Heart
A representation of Jesus that focuses on his burning love for everybody
Christ the Redeemer
A statue of God in Rio de Janiero that focuses on the continuing love of God shown in Jesus for everyone
What a Christ the Redeemer statue shows Christians
The outstretched arms are a reminder of the cross on which Jesus accepted death, a symbol of Jesus’s love and obedience to God the Father and how Jesus’s love takes in all people, nobody’s excluded from the love of God shown in Jesus Christ. It challenged the godlessness of society in the 20th century.
What statues and artwork of the Sacred Heart show Christians
Sacred Heart Statues reflect the total,self-giving human love Jesus has for all people, seen as flames come from his heart to show the burning love.
Symbols of Jesus’s suffering give final proof of Jesus’s love when he accepted death on the cross to save people(e.g. the crown of thorns, the nail marks and the piercing).
Reminds Catholics of the total love Jesus has for all people.