1.5 The significance of the creation stories for Catholics Flashcards


The significance of the creation stories for Catholics


Stewardship - Christians have a duty to look after the world on behalf of God as the world is a gift from God with care and love and is part of his creation(Genesis 2:15 - where God puts Adam in the garden of Eden to ‘till it and keep it.’ God expects Christians to return this gift and he made everything good, so his creation should be accepted as good and is an expression of himself/care for his world, since he’s omnipotent. Stewardship includes the command given to humans to subdue and have dominion over God’s creation(Genesis 1:28).
Each generation has to inherit and pass on to the next generation the gift of God’s creation as unspoiled as possible.
The dignity of human beings-
All humans are worthy of honour and respect as they’ve all been created by God in his image and share in his qualities(Genesis 1:27) - Catholic belief. Along with humans having free will from God(entitled to freely express their own beliefs) comes the responsibility to respect your own dignity/dignity of others as everyone is a child of God.
The sanctity of life-
Life is holy and sacred as it’s been created and blessed by God(Genesis 1:28) - Catholic helief
It tells us about the nature of God and humans. Every stage of life from conception to death is treated with care and respect, which is why Catholics are against euthanasia and abortion.
The creation stories teach human relationships are important to God, as the role of sex is to unite a man and woman as one way of expressing their humanity.
Catholics believe while the stories of creation contained in the Bible were written many centuries ago, they pass on unchangeable/eternal truths about the nature/dignity of human beings.

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