Church and the Kingdom of God Flashcards
Catholics beliefs on pilgrimage
Catholics believe life is a pilgrimage towards heaven and God.
Dramatised prayer
Prayer involving physical actions. When Catholics pray before the Stations of the Cross, they accompany Jesus on his final journey with a type of dramatised prayer.
Examples of important Catholic pilgrimage sites
Why is Lourdes significant as a pilgrimage site?
A town in France where a young girl called Bernadette saw visions of Mary, who told her to dig in the ground and when she did a spring appeared.
The waters of this spring are believed to have physical and spiritual healing powers.
How are Catholic missionaries’ desires for actions expressing love and forgiveness to impact others, shown in film?
In Les Miserables, the Bishop of Digne stops the police throwing Valjean in jail for theft of silver, by sayihg it was a gift, this love and forgiveness persuades Valjean to become a better person
Catholic attitudes towards mission/evangelism
God’s love is shown through doing actions that express God’s love and forgiveness, which impact others.
Missionaries and evangelists believe, due to Jesus, having the right attitude is more important than blindly following God’s law.
Mission and evangelism require total commitment to God,goodness may involve ignoring the demands of Church law and mission/evangelism require total commitment to God
How is missionaries’ belief having the right attitude is more important than blindly following God’s law expressed in film?
In Les Miserables, Vajlean’s kind, rescuing act towards Javert saves Vajlean from imprisonment.
How is goodness in mission or evangelism shown in film to ignore the demands of Catholic Church law?
In the Mission, some European priests are doing missionary work with a group of native people in South America.
When the native people are attacked by their slave traders, the priest stay to defend the native people - despite the danger to their own lives and the order of their bishops to abandon the people
Kingdom of God
Not the place, but to the idea of God’s authority and rule
Gradual process of the creation of the Kingdom of God
1) The Kingdom began when Jesus was born.
2) It was established through Jesus’s resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
3) It’s extended by Christians, who form and help to spread the Kingdom of God on earth.
4) It will be completed at the end of time, when all people will enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven.
Catholic Church - importance of mission and evangelism in drama
“The production and showing of films that have value…ought to be encouraged and assured by every effective means.”(Inter Mirifica 14)
Significance of Lord’s prayer
Gives an idea of what’s required for God’s Kingdom to grow on earth
Lord’s Prayer showing God’s kingdom
“thy kingdom come”- A prayer for God’s kingdom to come and for people to accept the rule of God in their hearts.
“hallowed be thy name”- Accepts God as holy and important and the call to become members of God’s kingdom
“Deliver us from evil”- the kingdom will grow as more people choose to accept God rather than rejecting him
Signs of the kingdom
Importance of justice
“Goods created by God for everyone should in fact reach everyone”(Catechism of the Catholic Church 2459)
Peace importance
“Founded on truth, built up on justice, nurtured and animated by charity”(Pacem in Terris 167)
Significance of reconciliation
Breaks barriers existing between people, helps peace and justice spread, which helps the Kingdom of God grow
Appointed by the Pope, they elect his successor
Responsible for a small area of the Church called a parish: administer the sacraments and preach the Word of God
Preach the Word of God and assist the priests
Hierarchy of Catholic Church
1) The Pope
2) Cardinals
3) Bishops
4) Priests
5) Deacons
6) Lay people
Four documents in the Second Vatican Council
Dei Verbum
Lumen Gentium(on the Church)
Gaudium et Spes(the Church in the Modern World)
Dei Verbum document
Stresses the Bible should be taken seripusly as the word of God, but shouldn’t be read in a literal way
Lumen Gentium document
Stresses all members of the Church have important roles to play, not just the Pope
Emphasises the idea of a pilgrim Church moving forward within modern society
Gaudium et Spes
Deals with issues related to modern society
Stresses the Church shouldn’t be separate from modern society, but should guide people on how to live in the modern world
A prayer Mary said after she became pregnant with Jesus and visited her cousin Elizabeth
Significance of the Magnificat
Mary shows humility in recognising she’s only special because of what God has done for her, for example ‘for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant’
Mary praises God for showing love for all people by doing great things for her and for all humanity e.g. ‘My soul magnifies the Lord.. for the Mighty One has done great things for me.”
Mary shows her acceptance of God’s will and willingly accepted the role of mother of Jesus, with her praise of God in this prayer confirming her readiness to follow God’s will
Opposing sides to Magnificat
Some people think the Magnificat encourages the weak and poor to rise up against those in power to spread the Kingdom of God on Earth - by creating greater equality,promoting justice and recognising the value of all people.
Four marks of the Catholic Church
1) One- The Church is one united body
2) Catholic- The beliefs of the Church are universal
3) Apostolic- The Church’s teachings are built on the teachings of the 12 apostles
Pope infallibility
The Pope can’t be wrong when making a formal declaration of an official doctrine in the Church as he’s speaking as the Head of Church
The Church is pontifical
The Pope is the leader of the Catjolic Church with the highest authority, passed down over generations from Peter, who was chosen by Jesus to lead the apostles. This makes the Pope the representative of Christ on earth.
Catholic social teachings
“The Church sincerely professes that all men… ought to work for the rightful betterment of this world in which all alike live”- Gaudium et Spes 21
“Today we… have to say ‘thou shalt not’ to an economy exclusion and inequality”- Evangelii Gaudium 53
St Vincent de Paul Society
1) Has the main aim to offer friendship and practical help to people in need in the local area(an international Catholic charity working locally)
2) Runs slightly bigger projects to help the local community e.g. might run summer camps for children/provide food for the homeless
3) Members visit people in need in their homes/hospitals/care homes and prisons
Call from God to take on a certain role in life
Examples of Christian vocations
Family life
Religious life
Priesthood key features
Priests take a promise of celibacy(to not marry or have sex), committing themselves, body and soul to God.
Like Jesus, a priest serves others and because priests don’t have a family, they’re always free to help others.
Priests take a promise of obedience to their bishop, knowing they’re obeying the voice of God
Religious life(vocation) key features
Catholics who commit to a religious life like a monk or nun take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to show they’ve committed to God’s values.
They live simple lives, dedicated to prayer and serving others.
They may take on roles like teachers, nurses and care workers.
How has Pope Francis created justice
He aims to inspire others to live more simply to reduce inequality(e.g. lives in a small, modest flat rather than the large official apartments in the Vatican)
He criticises economic policies leading to inequality and exploitation, also speaking out against all forms of abuse, as this damages lives and contributes to injustice
How has Pope Francis created peace
Uses public addresses to pray for peace - prays for areas in the world facing great conflict and tension.
He brings together leaders of countries that have been at war with each other(e.g. in 2014, he met and prayed with the Palestinian and Israeli presidents).
How has Pope Francis tried to create reconciliation
He has visited areas of tension in the world, trying to restore harmony.
Every Maundy Thursday he goes to a local prison and washes the feet of 12 prisoners,including Muslims.