1.1 Creation of Adam Flashcards
When and where was Creation of Adam painted?
It was painted by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome in the sixteenth century
What is creation?
The act through which God made the universe
Where is the story of creation told
In Genesis, the first book in the Bible
What does the Creation of Adam painting suggest?
Shows humanity depends on God for life as Adam is waiting for God’s touch to bring him to life, he’s not fully alive, Adam’s outstretched arm touches the finger of God, but his fingers are bent, waiting for God’s life force to straighten them.
Humanity is made in the image of God(Genesis 1:27) as God and Adam both look powerful and muscular(Adam and God lie in similar positions)
God is ancient and eternal(due to the white hair and beard),unlike humanity as God is older than Adam. Shows man is made in the image of God, but God is ancient while humanity is new.
God is transcendent(beyond and outside life on earth and the universe) as he’s carried through the air by a group of angels, Adam is firmly on the ground.
There is a longing for a close relationship between God and humanity as God and Adam are reaching their hands out to each other:building up of harmonious love, knowledge and appreciation of each other
Humans are unique as God is shown bringing a human to life rather than any other species and humans are in close contact with God.
God made everything very good(Genesis 1:31) as Adam’s shown as the perfect man
How does Creation of Adam not reflect Catholic beliefs?
Genesis 2:7 says God brought Adam into his life by breathing into his nostrils and made him out of dust, not touching him
In the painting God and Adam are the same size, suggesting they’re equal, which is against Catholic teachings.
People don’t like eternal God being shown as an old man
Advantages and disadvantages of paintings
Artists can express ideas that are high to convey in words, inspiring people and ensuring they understand their faith.
Paintings are limited in presenting complex spiritual ideas/teachings in a work of art.
How does Creation of Adam reflect the belief God made everything to be good
God and Adam look similar and lie in similar positions - reflects the teaching humanity is made in the image of God(Genesis 1:27)
Adam is shown as the perfect man, full of strength and potential, reflects the teaching God made everything very good(Genesis 1:31)
The one who makes things and brings things about
Creation of Adam
Shows God giving life to Adam