RE key quotation examples Flashcards
Christian beliefs on incarnation
Jesus - word of God made flesh(John 1:14)
The eternal Word shows people what God is like ‘whoever has seen me has seen the Father’(John 14:9)
Eternal Word became small for us(‘small enough to fit in a manger’)
Son of Man
Jesus was fully human - uses this title to refer to himself and his suffering/death, which reminds Christians of his love for humanity.
Describes this is in reference to his position of authority at ‘the right hand of the Power’(Mark 14:62)
Son of God
Shows Jesus was fully God, and during his life on Earth he limited himself to human condition
Which title is best for Jesus?
‘Son of Man’ helps Christians understand Jesus as someone they can relate to, showing his love for humanity.
‘Son of God’ gives a clear identification of Jesus’s identity for everyone to understand(Jesus admitted he was the Son of God at his Jewish trial)
No best title to capture Jesus’s identity as the Second Person of the Trinity
Missionary and evangelism importance
‘Love is therefore the service that the Church carries out in order to attend constantly to man’s suffering and his needs’(Pope Benedict XVI)
After the Resurrection, the disciples were told to go throughout the world, preaching the gospel, healing the sick
Teachings on the Bible teaching Christians on trinity Trinity
Matthew 3:16-17: reference to made to ‘voice’ of the Father, Jesus the beloved Son of the Father and the Spirit descending like a dove
Galatians 4:6-7: Paul says Christians can pray to the Father through the work of the Son and the gift of the Spirit
Teachings on the Bible not teaching all we know about the Trinity
The word ‘Trinity’ never occurs in the Bible
The church Councils interpret the Bible to teach readers about the true nature of God as three in one, with some of these teachings not obvipus to the reader
The Nicene Creed helps Christians understand the Triniy and not be led astray by people who believe different things(heretics), otherwise Christians might interpret texts referring to the Persons of the Trinity as belief in three separate Gods
How Catholics understand salvation
Some Christians follow the teachings of Irenaeus, who stated humans like Adam and Eve were created imperfect to grow into the likeness of God, but Adam and Eve’s disobedience was counteracted by the obedience of Jesus on a tree.
Some Christians accept the views of Anselm, who taught humans became slave to sin, but Jesus paid the price for them by showing total obedience to God
Altar significance
‘The altar represents the Body of Christ’(St Ambrose)
Why Catholics need to go to Mass
Not going would reject Jesus’s instruction to ‘do this in memory of me’
Why Catholics don’t need to go to Mass each week
Many Christians don’t celebrate the Mass or any form of Eucharist, but don’t stop following Jesus,
Mass can be difficult to get to with work and family commitments: Catholics can offer prayer in different forms to show commitment to God
Significance of Lord’s Prayer to influence the beliefs of Christians
1) It assures Christians that God is a loving Father with wh9m they can have a relationship, but who is also transcendent
2) It makes people realise they’re dependent on God for all things, including their daily bread, with God ruling as a king
3) It reminds Christians through forgiveness of their sins they’re part of God’s kingdom
Vocation sources of authority
Jesus’s example of service by washing people’s feet(John 13).
Jesus tells disciples ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people’(Mark 1:17)
Purposes of pilgrimages
A person might go on pilgrimage, hoping for healing as a miracle
Someone mignt go as fulfilment of a vow, to show thanksgiving for a particular blessing received
Someone might go to see what the place is like out of historical interest
“Christians, on pilgrimage toward the heavenly city should seek and think of things which are above”(Gaudium et Spes 57’
Jesus quote to make disciples of all nations in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit
“Go out and make disciples of all nations”(Matthew 28:19-20)
Sign of new kingdom
Revelation 21:4(“There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain”)
Burial service
“Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust”- said by Book of Common Prayer
Importance of showing Kingdom values
“Faith, without action is dead”(James 2:14-16)
God transcendent
God said ‘let there be light’ and there was light(Genesis 1:3)
Jesus - “This is my body which will be given up for you”
RE - importance of following moral law
“Personal conscience and reason should not be set in opposition to the moral law or Magisterium”(CC 2039)
How the teachings about the nature of God expressed in Genesis 1 and 2 have relevance for Catholics in the 21st century
The Catholic Church would agree, because they believe the writers of the Bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Genesis 1 shows God gave all humans the task of ‘tilling and keeping’ the Earth, showing God as the creator of everything.
Genesis 2 shows human free will comes from God,so Christians try to live in a way pleasing God
Ways to have a good relationship with God more important than understanding the life and teachings of Jesus
1) Firstly receiving a sacrament.
2) Understanding the nature of Jesus is more important
3) Put Jesus’s teachings into action, e.g. the parable of the sheep and goats reminds Christians they should ‘feed the hungry’
How is understanding Jesus’s teachings the best way to have a relationship with God:
As God’s incarnate, Jesus makes it clear what God wants for us, for example he tells us certain groups of people in heaven will be rewarded for their attitudes.
For St Irenaeus,Jesus is the ‘meeting point’ between humans and God, the way to get to know God
‘There is no such thing as hell’(reasons)
Hell is made up to frighten people into living better lives
No scientific evidence for an actual place called hell
An all-merciful God would not condemn someone to eternal punishment
There is such thing as hell”
‘Hell is the condition of everlasting separation from God’(Youcat)
People who choose to reject God in their lives are choosing to live for eternity without God.
Hell has been represented in art e.g. the Last Judgement
People in state of spiritual darkness, aware of what they’ve thrown away, unwilling to accept anything from God
Death is not something to fear
Youcat - “I am not dying, I am entering life”
Views on judgement
Some would say people also judge themselves in the light of God’s love
Catjolic teaching - people stand before God who judges them(moment of truth)
Judgement will he merciful, as Christ died for all people to be saved.
Some Christians believe the moment of judgement after death is decisive(heaven or hell).
Some Christians believe all people will wait for the second coming of Christ in their graves before a once-for-all judgement
Beliefs on heaven
Heaven - reward for those who have lived by God’s love and guidance
Christians believe God wants people to join in the happiness of heaven- only when people choose to accept God
Purgatory beliefs
A cleansing process(effects of sins) removed for person to be happy in the full presence of God
State of pain = state of hope
Those in purgatory need the support and prayers of other people
Views against purgatory
Many Christians don’t believe in purgatory: either heaven or hell
Catholic teachings on eschatology(end of time)
At the end of time, Christ will come in glory as judge and saviour
People should be constantly preparing for the end of time, with one of the roles of the Church to prepare for the end of time
Cosmic disasters will precede the coming of the Son of Man on the clouds of ueaven
Catholic quotes on eschatology
“God predestines no one to go to hell”(Catechism 1037)
Against funeral rites
Some Catholics may ask for a Catholic funeral rite because of family pressure
Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus despite having the power to raise Lazarus from the dead
Only those with faith in resurrection will be comforted
Supporting funeral rites
Catholic funeral rite gives mourners hope
Pascal Candle lit - shows light of Christ shining on the person
Readings focus on effects of Christ’s resurrection:”I am the resurrection and the life”(John 11:25-26)