Triune God Flashcards
What is the Trinity?
The Christian belief that there are three persons in one God
What are the key beliefs of the Trinity?
1) There is only one God
2) ‘Community of Persons’
3) The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit are all God
4) They are all equal, with distinctive qualities
5) It is a mystery - cannot be explained logically
Give one piece of evidence from the Old Testement to confirm the existence of One God?
“The Lord is our God, the Lord alone”
How is the Holy Spirit shown in the baptism of Jesus?
The Holy Spirit (shown as a dove) comes down to Jesus.
How is the Father shown in the baptism of Jesus?
The voice from Heaven calls Jesus “my Son, the Beloved”
How is The Son shown in the Baptism of Jesus?
As Jesus
What does the role of the Trinity at Jesus baptism tell us?
The three roles of the Trinity are seperate but united
How is the Father shown in the Creation?
“When God created the Heavens”
How is the Son shown in the Creation?
“God said ‘Let their be light’” - The Son is the Word
How is the Holy Spirit shown in the Creation?
“Wind from God” - can be translated to ‘breath’ or ‘spirit’
Which two councils were held to confirm the Churches teaching on the Trinity?
- The Council of Nicaea
- The Council of Constantinople
What lead to the forming of The Council of Nicaea?
In 325 BC a priest, Arius, was teaching that only God the Father was eternal – not the Son
What was stated in the Council of Nicaea?
• The Son is eternally begotten from the Father (brought into being)
• The Father and Son have always co-existed
• The Father and Son are equal and of the same nature
What led to the Council of Constantinople?
381 BC - further disputes brought about a second council
What was stated at the Council of Constantinople?
- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and is fully God
- Jesus is both fully God and fully human
What is Apostolic Authority?
Jesus gave the 12 apostles authority to lead the Church
How does Apostolic Succesion lead to the Magesterium?
1) Jesus gave Peter and the 12 apostles Apostolic authority
2) Popes and bishops are successors to the 12 apostles
3) This combined authority is called the Magisterium
What is mission?
sending out people to help others – taking action
What is evangelism?
preaching the good news about Jesus to others
What is the influence of the Trinity today?
- God’s love flows from the Trinity outwards into the lives of all believers - grace
- God’s love inspires believers to show God’s love to others
- Christians believe this is a duty
1 John 4:16
“God is Love”
What is St.Augustine’s teaching on Love?
1) Love can’t exist on its own
2) The Trinity is three Persons united in love
3) The Father and Son love each other – the love that unites them is the Holy Sprit
4) The Holy Spirit pours Gods love into the hearts and lives of believers
What is Catherine LaCugna’s teaching on Love?
1) The Holy Spirit is the love that unites Father and Son
2) This love flows to believers
Similarites between St.Augustine and Catherine LaCugna’s understanding of the Trinity?
1) Both stress that the Trinity is three persons united in love
2) Both recognize that Father,Son and Holy Spirit are eternal
3) Love flows from the Trinity to believers
Differences between St.Augustine and Catherine LaCugna’s understanding of the Trinity?
Augustine: the inner relationship of the Trinity is essential
LaCugna: the outward effects are important - God the Holy Spirit guides people towards the Father (heaven)
What quote is the origin of the Sacrement of Baptism?
“Go make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”
What do Catholics believe baptism symbolises?
- A new stage of life as a Christian
- Our joining in with Jesus’ death and resurrection
What does pouring of water symbolise in Baptism?
The pouring of water symbolises the person joining Jesus in the tomb after death
What does rising up out of the water in Baptism symbolise?
Rising up out of the water symbolises the person joining with Jesus’ resurrection
What does water represent in Baptism?
- Cleansing the soul from sin
- Sharing in Jesus’ death and resurrection
- New life with God as a Christian
- That the person is filled with the Holy Spirit
What is the importance of Baptism?
- It is a Sacrament of initiation (you become a Christian)
- It’s a pledge that the person will join God in Heaven
What is a prayer?
A conversation with God inspired by the Holy Spirit
What was the highest form of prayer?
When Jesus offers himself to the Father on the cross
What is a traditional prayer?
Set words used for generations
Give two examples of a traditional prayer?
Our Father
Haily Mary
What are the strengths of a traditional prayer?
- Comforting to use familiar words
- Don’t have to find the right words - can be more open to God
- Your mind can go deeper than the words
What is a Spontaneous prayer?
A prayer with no set words, guided by the Holy Spirit
What are strengths of Spontaneous Prayer?
• More sincere (to expresss personal concerns)
• Comes from the heart
• Develops a personal relationship with God
What are reasons to agree with the statement “Christians should use only traditional prayers, not spontaneous prayers”?
• Jesus told the disciples to pray the Lord’s prayer
• We may not pray correctly if we don’t use traditional prayers
• We can worship together using traditional prayers (strengthens the Christian community)
What are reasons to disagree with the statement “Christians should use only traditional prayers, not spontaneous prayers”?
- Set prayers can lose their meaning (they can become empty words)
- You allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in spontaneous prayer
- Spontaneous prayers are relevant and personal
- Jesus offered spontaneous prayers
What are the purposes of different phyiscal postures whilst praying?
•Assist prayer
•Show the intention
Why is music important in Mass?
1) Helps us feel more solemn
2) Gives us a sense of God’s presence
3) Helps us feel more involved
4) Expresses God’s greatness (through sound and volume)
5) Creates a sense of mystery or awe
6) Makes worship more beautiful, joyful
7) Unites us (gives a sense of community)
8) Brings us closer to God
What is the Divine Office?
Collection of psalms and readings said by every priest, monk and nun four times a day
What are the key features of the Mystery of Faith?
- Said immediately after the consecration
- Recognises that Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is present through the consecration
- Shows God’s love for all people
What is the Psalms?
A book in the Old Testament that contains 150 poems (often set to music) which is used during Mass to praise God
What are the five types of music used in liturgy?
- Psalms
- Plainchant
- Traditional Hymns
- Contemporary Worship
- Mass Settings
What is Plainchant?
Ancient form of song (from 100 AD)
What are traditional hymns?
Religious songs used by generations
What is Contemporary worship?
Modern songs that worship God, usually accompanied by an organ
What is mass settings?
Parts of the mass that should be sung (not said)
What does Eucharist mean?
Giving Thanks
What are the acclamations?
Statements which praise God with great enthusiasm
What does Alleluia mean?
Praise God
What is the Sanctus?
Hymn praising God’s Holiness
What does the prefix ‘sanc-‘ mean?
What are the key features of the Gloria?
- Not said during Advent or Lent
- Conveys thankfulness of God
- A Hymn praising God’s glory
What are the key features of the Alleluia?
- It greets Christ as the “Word of God”
- A hymn of joy and triumph
- Should not be said during Lent
- Sung to introduce the gospel at every mass
What are the key features of the Sanctus?
- It is sung before the Eucharistic prayer
- It can be sung jubilantly or reflectively
- Repetition of “Holy” three times symbolises Trinity
What is evidence to suggest that holy music praises God?
St Augustine de Hippo says “he who sings praise …. praises joyfully.”