Relationships & Family Flashcards
What are the three key components of accepted sex in the Catholic Church?
- Marital (within marriage)
- Unitive (bonding)
- Procreative (to have children)
What is mean for sex to be marital?
This means that sex can only open within marriage as it is the ultimate commitment because vows are made infront if God and the community.
What does it mean for sex to be unitive?
This means that sex is sacred and should bring the couple close together to deepen their love
What does it mean for sex to be procreative?
This means that sex should must only happen in the intent of having a kid
What is a quote for unitive sex?
“The two shall become one flesh”
(Mark 10)
What is a quote for procreative sex?
“Be fruitful and multiply”
(Genesis 1)
Give 3 Catholic views of sex before marriage.
- Sex with someone you aren’t married to devalues it
- Waiting until marriage reduces risk of STD’s
- Casual sex is wrong it should be with someone you love
Give 3 Contrasting views of sex before marriage.
- It’s common so the catholic church should adapt to modern society
- Everyone has a legal right when they are ready (assuming they are of age)
- Premarital sex is fine as long as it’s within a long term relationship
What are the 4 key criteria of a Catholic marriage?
- Sacrement
- Permanent
- Exclusive
- Life giving
Spiritually speaking, what happens during marriage?
God pours love into the couple, he is actually present.
Why are vows said in marriage?
They are the moment of the sacrement.
Why is a priest present in marriage?
To conduct the marriage
Why is consent asked in a marriage?
To give permission and to make sure it’s not forced
Why must marriage be pro-creative?
To accept children lovingly from God.
Why are rings exchanged in a marriage?
As a sign of love and fidelity
Why must the marriage be in a church?
It’s a commitment made infront of the community if the Church
Why is a Bible present during marriage?
The couple must live by the Bible.
Why is a homily given in a marriage?
To mention the meaning of Catholic marriage.
Why is a register marriage done?
As a legal form of consent
What is the significance of God during marriage?
It is done with/infront of God
Give a quote for a marriage being a sacrament.
“The love is made holy in the Sacrament of Marriage”
Give a quote for marriage being permanent.
“Till death do us part”
Give a quote for marriage being exclusive.
“Take this ring as a sign of love and fidelity”
Give a quote for marriage being life-giving.
“Will you acceot children lovingly from God?”
What are the seven conditions of a valid Catholic marriage?
- Must marry on freewill
- Must give consent
- Must be consumated (have sex)
- Must declare willingness to have kids
- 5 Vows must be said infront of a priest
- Must not be closely related
- Must be free to marry (still single)
What is adultery?
When a married person has sex with someone who is not their partner
Give a quote on adultery?
“You shall not commit adultery”
(Exodus 20)
What are the marriage vows? (Get 3 correct to put 5)
- To have and to hold from this day forward
- For better for worse
- For richer for poorer
- In sicknesss and in health
- To love and to cherish
- Till death do us part
What are the affects of adultery?
- It breaks the marriage vows
- It breaks one of the Ten Commandments
- The betrayal will deeply hurt the innocent partner
- It is insecure for children due to a break-up of marriage
What is cohabitation?
Living together as a couple without being married
Why is the catholic church against cohabitation?
- it breaks the sanctity of marriage (lack of commitment)
- it can become insecure for the couple because it can reduce the need for faith
What is divorce?
Legal ending of marriage
What is the catholic view of remarriage?
Catholics can only remarry:
- if the original partner has died (“till death do us part”)
or - if the first marriage is annuled
What is the Church of England’s view on remarriage?
They allow divorce and remarrige as a sign of God’s forgiveness and as a fresh start.
What is an annulment?
A statement that the marriage was invalid because one of the seven conditions were missing.
What is the catholic view on being gay?
They accept it but do not accept same-sex marriage as you cannot procreate.
Give a quote on homosexuality.
“Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a women, that is detestable”
(Leviticus 1)
Give a quote on divorce.
“what God has joined together let no one seperate”
(Mark 10)
What is contraception?
Method used to prevent pregnancy
Give some examples of artificial contraception.
- Condoms
- IUD (coil)
- Morning after pill
Give some examples of natural contraception.
Natural Family Planning
Why is natural family planning accepted by the Catholic Church?
Because it’s a natural form of contraception and the possibility of pregnancy remains, so it’s up to God’s plan.
What Catholic attitudes towards contraception?
- It’s wrong to use artifical contraception (‘be fruitful and multiply’)
- It goes against being unitive and procreative
- Natural Family Planning is accepted
What are other Christian attitudes towards contraception?
- All forms of contraception are accepeted (except morning after pill)
- It is a responsible way of family planning
- God created sex for uniting couples as well
What are the beliefs of the Sanctity of Life?
1) Life is sacred and precious
2) Life starts at conception
3) We have the duty to protect all human life
4) Ideal place to create life is within marriage
5) Holy Spirit lives withini each other
6) Life is a gift from God and only he can take it
What is the views of marital sex in the Theology of the Body?
1) Unites couples
2) Brings two people into communion of persons
3) Shows commitment, love and respect
4) Gives the possibility of life
What is th views of extra-marital sex (sex outside of marriage) in the Theology of the Body?
1) Can lead to thinking of people as sex objects (lowers dignity)
2) Can make people selfish
3) Adultery breaks marriage vows
What type of family does the Catholic Church encourage?
Nuclear Family
What is a nuclear family?
A family with a mothe, father and child/children
What are the four responsibilites brought by family?
Traditionally, what is seen as the mother’s role?
To look after the home and children. This role has great dignity in the Catholic Church (however it’s often overlooked in society)
What are reasons why women should be priests?
- Jesus lived in a patriarchal society, but we live in an equal society today
- “There is neither male or female, you are all one with Jesus”
- If half the population can’t be priests how is Christianity meant to spread
What are the reasons why women shouldn’t be priests?
- The Church’s teaching is right for all times
- The priest acts in the person of Christ, so the priest must be male
- Jesus chose men to be his 12 disciples