Peace & Conflict Flashcards
What is the story of Cain and Abel?
Cain was angry and jealous of his brother Abel, his angry thoughts led him to killing Abel
- this is not what God wants
Why should we forgive others?
Because God forgives us if we are truly sorry
What is an example of forgiveness in the Bible?
The parable of the Prodigal Son
What does Reconciliation bring?
- Respect for other people’s beleifs
- A stronger relationship
- Appreciation and Acceptance which brings peace
What is Justice?
Fairness for all people
What is righteous anger?
Anger against an injustice
What is a key factor of righteous anger?
Must be a positive action to improve a situation
When did Jesus show righteous anger?
During the cleasnising of Temple
When is righteous anger accepted by Christians?
If it’s caused by an injustice
Why are Christians against violent protests?
- It’s illegal
- It’s ineffective
- Innocent people die
- Peaceful protests work
What are contrasting views on violent protest?
It’s necessary to make a government take notice
- e.g. suffragette movement in Britain
Why are Catholics prohibited from taking a human life?
‘Do not murder’
Sanctity of Life
What is a reason Catholic believe it’s necessary to go to war?
To protect the innocent
What is the Just War Theory?
A set of conditions that must be met for a war to be justified
What are the Just War Principles?
1) Proper Authority
2) Just cause
3) Right reason
4) It’s the last resort
5) Benefits of war are greater than harm causes
6) Should have a reasonable chance of sucess
Give three bible quotes that support the war.
“An eye for an eye”
“The Lord is a Warrior”
“Do not worry….. the Lord is on your side”
Give three bible quotes that don’t support the war.
“Love your neighbour as yourself”
“You shall not murder”
“Nations will never go to war”
What is pacifism?
The idea of rejecting all violence
Does pacifism work?
It sucessfully fought racism using non-violent methods. However many say it dosen’t work against dictators like Hitler.
Does religion cause war?
Yes, ‘Holy War’
- e.g. the Crusades
What are the conditions of Holy War?
- Fought a religious goal
- Approved by a religious leader
- Belief that God is on your side
Is Holy War featured in Christian belief today?
What are other reasons to go to war?
- to gain power, land or resources
- defend innocent people
- self-defence
What are Catholic teachings of Nuclear War?
The effects are indiscriminate - not a just war
Causes tension and fear in the world
Causes severe damage to the enviroment
What is Pope John XXIII say about nuclear war?
“There is no such thing as a Just war in a nuclear age”
What are contrasting views of nuclear weapons?
- acts as a deterant
- needed for self-defence
- a symbol for Britains role in the world
What are consequences of Modern Warfare?
- Refugees
- Civilian deaths/injuries
- Enviromental damage
What are arguements against refugees?
Some argue that there aren’t enough jobs, schools or homes
What are arguements for refugees?
- Some argue that we owe it to refugees legally and morally
- They contribute hugely to our society
What are Catholic views of terrorism?
Opposes by the Catholic Church in any situation
- St Paul ‘We should never take vengence’
What is terrorism?
The unlawful use of violence, usually against innocent civilans to achieve a political goal
What are contrasting views on terrorism?
Maccabees used terrorism against authorites - Judaism wouldn’t have survived without the,
Mandella used terrorism to fight rascist goverment
What do Catholics believe is the main way to solve radicalism?
By solving inequality
What is a Martyr?
Someone who suffers violence or death for refusing to give up their faith
Give three examples of Matyr’s accepted in the Catholic Church?
Oscar Romero
St Stephan
St Alban
Who don’t the Catholic Church accept as Martyrs?
Suicide bombers
What have CCC said about torture?
“Torture … is contrary to respect for the person and for human dignity”
What are reasons torture can never be justified?
- Torture is illegal and a denial of human rights
- Goes against Catholic teaching e.g. Sanctity of Life
- The information obtained isunreliable (people lie or won’t talk)
What are reasons that can justify torture?
- It is the lesser of two evils
- It makes people less likely to commit crime
How does the Catholic Church try to help in Modern Conflict?
They prevent war and help the victims in need
How does the Pope help in Modern Conflicts?
Prayer meetings
How do Catholic organisations help with Modern conflict?
Aid to the Church in Need, by providing food, shelter and medicine to victims
How does CAFOD help in Modern Conflict?
Set up orphanges for former child soliders
How can Catholic individuals help in modern conflicts?
By donating money to charites, volunteering and pray