Trimming the Fat Flashcards
What are some factors of pol
What are some facts about policy
Research can be translated into policy
Policy change is purposeful, proactive and reactive
What is the trimming the fat policy
Proactive and reacative
What is CIHI responsible for
Collection of health information nature of health problems and where we need to make adjustments
What is the DAD database
Discharge data base health record which is transported to CIHI which goes to ministry of health
What is NACRS
National ambulatory care reporting system
What is ICD 10
World wide standard of diagnosis
What is HALE
Health adjusted life expectancy number of complete years of life with perfect health
What is PYLL
Burden of these things and how many years lost
What is obesity
BMI ratio byt doesn’t work well for non white populations
What is obesity seen as
Bot a risk factor and a prolem
What is better self-reported or measured
Self reported is usually under represented
What are the indirect and direct things of obesity
Direct cost to health care system indirect time away from work or time away from family
What is the most effective
Hitting people at different staged of life
What are the perspectives on burden
Individual health (genetics, lifestyle behaviours)
Population health
enviornmental of structure
Functionalism approach
Current and future risks
Who bears the burrden
What is the strageic lense
How we see the problem and how we fix the provlem
The entire population, only the population at risk, food producers, morbidly obese, consumers
What is scope of conflict
Who is involved and who is important if you limit the amount of people involved and the agenda and decide who is inovled
Policy making should consider what
Scope of conflict
Population Helath
Buility Enviornment Influence
Health promotion models
effects and implemntation
What is population health and public health
Population based approach adjusting the envornment and providing information to the entire population that influence the health of populations across the life course
What are the three aspects of scope of conflict
Visibility info about potential policy problem
Direction agenda of intrest gorups and stakeholders
Intensity attachement of group to policy problem
What is demography and population geography
Human population its structure and change and its realtionship with enviorment social and economic change
Health needs of populations are directly corelated to what
Population cohort demographer
What does demography include
Size rates of growth fertility life expectancy and mortality
What is ecological fallacy
Make assumptions at one level of data and make it at every part
What is the difference with Nunvat
Has a rapidly growing poopulation need more maternal and peadatric care
What are the three envinornments
What is healthy community design
How we design/plan communites has direct impacts on physical and mental health
What could healthy community do
Decrease dependence on automobiles
Provides opprtunites to be active
Age in place
Improve air quality
Reduce risk of injuries
Increase social connection and community
Reduce contribution to climate change
What is OPHA
active public policy framing approach health practioners strageic environment actively going on in the province
What is built environment
Anything in our physical environment that is human created such as buildings parks and neighbourhoods land pattens tranportaion systems
What are food systems
The path that food travels from the food to the fork
What is gentrification
Lower income neighbourhoods become fashionable and trendy neighbourd turns over houdsin crisis
What is code red
24 different variables lower city had higher health problems because of the physical structure of the city
What are older cities like
They have a grid structure and are more walkable built for people not for cars where acourts are all about cars
What is opportunity structures
Health promoting or damaging higher income had less junk
What is a food swamp
Whenever you have ready acess to foods or poor quality is a food swam
What is a food dessert
Neighbourhood has poor access to higher health food
Why is SEF
Starts of with interpersonal and intrapersonal which connects to physical envinronment and public policy
What are key consideration
Poltical ideology
Roles of the state
Indvidual and societal rights (individualism vs collectivism)
What is the opportunity cost
You give up something to get something else breast cancer test will create larger savings in the long run
What are redistributive policites
Impose costs or provide incentivtes to encourgae certain indivual and system beahviours could be positive or negative
What is regulatory polices
impose restriction or inducments on defines individual and system behaviours like the SBT
What is allocational polices
longer term benefits fund things to make things better action pacts targeted at one age group may become engraved encourage behaviours now to benefit in the future
What are is policy consideration
Balance between making choices and stratgeic directions chronic disease could lead to higher costs in the future but maybe also lower life expectancy you also can’t make everyone happy
What is material policy
Likely to result in changes in actual implemntation practices
What is exhortation
Begging and pleading provision of education symbolic gesture
What is expenditure
goverment provides funds or tax breaks
What is regulation
Rules are established to encourage or peanlize certain types of actions laws focusing on produce
What is public owernship
Goverment directly runs an activity liek the LCBO
What are authority based rules
Less on the consumer laws regulations and directive
What are ecnomic instruments
Putting a cost on things that do not usulaly have a cost (intangibles) financial transfer too
What are the chances od doing good things
Polcies work together they are feasible polticilans are goverments may change but health of canada can adress these concerns
What are the stakeholders
Health promotorers
Food industry
The media
Institutional arrangments
What is ethical decision making
How we frame a problem will be influenced by our moral decision making