Lecture 9 Flashcards
What are the policy implications of genetic tests
Whats the difference between confidentiality and privacy
Privacy is your right to confidentiality people are give information in confidence using health care
What is genetic screening
Performed in the general population; early detection, monitor risk (you go looking for risk factors)
What is genetic testing
Applies to individuals who are seen as having a higher probability of having a particular condition; determine presence/absence once you have symptoms you are no longer screening
What is specificity
Is the ability to correctly rule out disease
What is sensitivity
The ability to correctly pick up positive cases
So what is a specific result
You test for a disease and it show that diesease is negative you actually don’t have the disease this is specific
What is a sensitive case
Ability to ID positive cases so a true positive
What is the PPV value
Positive predictive value is a ratio of the true positives and relative to true/false positvies (a/a+b)
What is the negative predicitive value
NPV a ratio of the true negatives numerator realtive to true/false negative D/D+C
What is the concept of normality
It is determining what is normal or abnormal which will allow you to than make polices from that who make it could be cultural or society but no test exists of what is normal
What is eugenics
In 1880 by charles darwin cousin to remove certain genes from the population considered good birth
What else has been used to improve animals and plants
Selective breeding
Who justified screening
WHO 1968
When is screening justified
- If it is important health problem (volume, extensive health care costs)
- Accepted treatment (not ethical to go looking for something if you can’t do anything about it)
- Facilities for diagnosis and treatment
- Recognizable (can identify it early)
- Suitable test or exam
- Test is acceptable to the population
- Natural history is known
- Agreed who can be treated
- Case finding is economically balanced (what is the better choice)
- Continuing process (not just a point in time)
Who is the father of genetic screening
Dr.Robert Guthrie
What is PKU how do you test it
Causes brain damage if you injest phenylalanine you use the heel test