Triangles of the Neck Flashcards
What surrounds trapzius and sternocleidmastoid?
Investing fascia
Pretracheal fascia
Surrounds viscera
Buccopharyngeal fascia
Division of pretracheal fascia that covers posterior pharyngeal muscles
Carotid sheath contains
Carotid arteries
Internal jugular
Vagus nerve
Prevertebral fascia
Surrounds epaxial muscles, preverterbal, paraspinal, scalenes and vertebra
Includes longus capitis and longus colli
Danger space
Retropharyngeal space between buccopharyngeal and prevertebral fascia
Communicates with superior medaistinum
What divides posterior and anterior triangle
Boundaries of posterior triangle
Anterior - posterior sternocleidomastoid POsterior - Anterior trapezius Base - clavicle Roof - investing deep cervical fascia Floor - prevertebral fascia
Posterior triangle divided into ___ by ____
Occipital and supraclavicular triangle
INferior belly of the omohyoid
Contents of posterior triangle of nec
CN 11 Cutaenous cervical plex branches Inferior belly of omohyoid Thyrocervical trunk Subclavain a/v
Anterior triangle of neck boundaries
Anterior of sternocleidomastoid
Inferior of mandible
Median plane of neck
Submental triangle boundaries
Apex - chin
Base - hyoid bone
Right and left anterior belly of digastrics
Floor - mylohyoid
Contents of submental triangle
Submental lymph nodes
Digastric triangle boundaries
Superior - mandible
Inferior - posterior of digastric
Medial - anterior of digastric
Floor - mylohyoid
Contents of digastric triangle
Facial artery and vein
Submandibular gland and lymph nodes
Muscular triangle bondaries
Median plane of neck, superior belly of omohyoid, sternocleidomastoid
Contents of muscular triangle
Infrahyoid muscles Larynx Thyroid gland and parathyoid glands Trachea Esophagus
Carotid trinagle boundaries
Superior belly of omohyoid
Posterior belly of digastric
Contents of carotid triangle
Bifurcation of common carotid Carotid sinus Carotid body Vagus nerve Hypoglossal nerve Internal jugular vein (carotid sheath plus carotid body, sinus, and hypoglossal)
Suprahyoid muscles
Posterior/anterior belly of digastric
Suprahyoid muscles innervated by CN 7 and functions
Posterior digastric and stylohyoid
Elevate, retract, and fix in place the hyoid
Suprahyoid muscles innervated by mandibular and functions
Anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid
Depress mandible, elevate and fix hyoid
Suprahyoid muscles innervated by C1
Deep to mylohyoid
Infrahyoid muscles, innervation, and function
Omohyoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid Depress or fix hyoid during swallowing All ansa cervicalis except for thyrohyoid (C1)
Cervical plexus made of
Ventral primary rami from C1-C5
Sensory fibers at posterior border of sternocleidomastoid
Cervical plexus nerves
Lesser occipital
Transverse cervical
Great auricular
Ansa cervicalis made of and location
Ventral rami of C1-C3
Carotid sheath
Superior root of ansa formed from ____ and associated with ______
C1 and C2
Hypoglossal nerves
Portion of C1 travels with cranial nerve _____ to innervate ______ and _______
Thyrohyoid and geniohyoid
Inferior root of ansa formed from _____ and is located______
C2 and C3
Carotid sheath
Where do superior and inferior roots of ansa cervicalis merge?
Anterior of carotid sheath
External carotid artery supplies
Blood to neck and face
Internal carotid supplies
Brain and orbit
Carotid sinus is ____ and located _____
Baroceptor regulating BP of cerebral arteries
Branc of internal carotid from common
Carotid body is _____ and located _____
Chemoreceptor detecting Co2 levels
Bifurcation of carotids
Superior thyroid artery, where it comes from, what it supplies, what it gives off and what that supplies
From external cartoid
To thyroid gland
Gives superior laryngeal that pierces thyrohyoid to supply larynx
Lingual artery, where it comes from and what it supplies
From external carotid
Tongue and parts of oral cavity
Facial artery, where it comes from, what it branches to, and what it supplies
From external carotid
Deep to submandibular gland to supply external face and oral cavity
Gives off Inferior labial, superior laial, and angular artery
Maxillary artery, where it comes from and what it supplies
External carotid
Supplies infratemporal fossa, nasal cavity, and teet h
Superficial temporal artery, where ti comes from and waht it suppliues
From external carotid
Supplies temporal part of scalp and side of head
Ascending pharyngeal artery, what it supplies and where it comes from
From bifurcation (external) Branhes to larynx and pharynx
Occipital artery, where it comes from and what it supplies
Posterior regions of scalp
From external carotid
Posterior auricular artery, where it comes from and waht it supplies
From external carotid
Supplies region of the ear
Vertebral artery, where it comes from and how does it get to brain
Subclavian artery
Through transverse foramina
Thyrocervical trunk branches
Suply blood to thyroid, neck, and shoulder Inferior thyroid Transverse cervical Ascending cervical Suprascapular
Acronym for branches of external carotid
Some little fat man stole papas only apple
IJV begins at
Jugular foramen by union of sigmoid and petrosal sinus
IJV tributaries
Sigmoid, inferior petrosal sinuses
Retromandibular, facial, lingual veins
Superior and middle thyroid veins
External jugular vein empties into ___ and what are tributaries
Subclavian veins lateral internal jugular
Suprascapular ein
Anterior jugular
Retromandibular divisions and how they drain
Maxillary and superficial temporal come together to form
Posterior to EJV
Anterior to IJV
Lies in parotid gland
Thyroid blood supply
Superior thyroid artery (from external carotid)
Inferior thyroid artery (from thyrocervical from subclavian)
Venous drainage of thyroid
To IJV and BCV
What nerves travel posterior to thyroid gland?
Recurrent laryngeal
Sympathetic innervation to head and neck from
Superior cervical ganglion
Sympathetic innervation to heart and thyroid from
Middle and inferior cervical ganglion
Stellate ganglion from
INferior cervical ganglion fused with first thoracic ganglion
Deep lymph vessels of head and neck located around
Final common pathway of lymph drainage of head and neck
Jugular trunks
Jugular nodes drainto
Thoracic duct OR right lymphatic duct
Jugulodigastric nodes
Located where digastric crosses IJ
Gets drainage from palatine tonsil, pharynx, and posteiro tongue