Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Purely motor nerves
Purely sensory nerves
1,2,8,V1, V2
Mix of sensory and motor
Mix of sensory, motor, and parasympathetic
How are cranial nerves numbered?
From rostral to caudal
Most cranial nerves are associated with ____
The brainstem
Parts of the brainstem (rostral to caudal)
Midbrain, pons, medulla
Cranial nerve somatomotor nuclei
Equivalent to ventral horn of spinal cord
Innervate skeletal muscles of face and neck
Sensory ganglia of spinal nerves path
Peripheral process to sensory ganglia to central process to cranial nerve sensory nucleus
Peipheral process of cranial nerve sensory nerves associated iwht
a receptor
Central process of cranial nerve terminates in a
Cranial nerve sensory nucleus (equivalent to dorsal horn)
Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of cranial nerves travel
With the cranial nerve in which it was associated and synapse in parasympathetic ganglion
Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers of cranial nerves travel
Hitch a ride on other nerves (typically 5)
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers of cranial originate
Lateral horn of spinal cord
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers of cranial originate from
Superior cervical ganglion
How can post-gang sym reach target?
On their own Carotid plexus (on internal and external carotids) Follow internal carotids to skull and hitch a ride with CN5
Ganglia of the head and associated nerve
Ciliary (2)
Pterygopalatine (7)
Submandibular (7)
Otic (9)
Branches of trigeminal nerve supplying the face from superior to inferior
CN 5
Trigeminal nerve
Where are sensory trigeminal nerve cell bodies found
Trigeminal ganglion
Trigeminal somatosensory fibers
Peripheral processes
Ophtalmic (V1)
Maxillary (V2)
Mandibular (V3)
Trigeminal central processes terminate in
Spinal trigeminal nucleus
Cell bodies of trigeminal motor fibers innervating skeletal muscles
Trigeminal motor nucleus (ventral horn)
How does ophthalmic division leave the cranial cavity
Superior orbital fissure
Peripheral processes of ophthalmic division
Front (supraorbital and supratrochlear)
Which branch of ciliary used by parasympathetic to hitch a ride?
Long ciliary nerve contain
Sensory from nasociliary innervating cornea and iris
Post sym fibers from carotid plexus
Short ciliary contain
Sensory from nasociliary innervating cornea and iris
Post sym fibers from carotid plexus
Postganglionic parasymp fibers
Maxillary divison of trigeminal leaves cranial cavity through ______ to enter _____
Foramen rotundum
Pterygopalatine fossa
Peripheral processes of maxillary division
Infraorbital Greater and lesser palatine (descending palatine) Zygomatic (cheek) Posterior superior alveolar Sphenopalatine (nasal cavity)
Mandibular division leaves cranium through _____ to enter _____
Foramen ovale
INfratemporal fossa
Sensory mandibular branches
Inferior alveolar
Auriculotemporal loops around
Middle meningeal artery
Trigeminal motor fibers supply
Muscles of mastication
Muscles of mastication
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
Cranial nerve 1
Olfactory nerve
Olvfactory nerve snsory ganglion
Dispersed through olfacotyr mucosa in nasal cavity
Peripheral process of CN1
At surface of olfactory mucosa
Central processes of CN1
Pass through cribiform to terminate in olfacotry bulb
Olfactory bulb axons form
Olfactory tract that travels to cortex
Cranial nerve 2
Optic nerve
Light excites
Retinal ganglion cells of the eye
Central processes of retinal ganglion cells leave eye through ____ to enter_____
Optic canal
Middle cranial fossa as the optic nerve
WHen are obtic visual fibers named optic tracts?
After chiasm
Visual vibers terminate in
Lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus
CN 3
Oculomotor nerve
Cell bodies of CN3
Oculomotor nucleus
Superior division of oculomotor nerve
Superior rectus muscle and levator palpebra superioris muscle
Inferior division of oculomotor nerve
Medial rectus
Inferior rectus
Inferior oblique
Lesion to CN 3
Down and out position of the eye
Pre-para fibers of CN3 originate from ____ and follow ________
Edinger westphal and follow inferior division
Parasympathetic associated with oculomotor synapse in
CIliary ganglion
Postganglionic parasymp fibers associated iwth oculomotor hitch ride on
Short ciliary nerves posterior to surface of sclera
PIerce slera
Post-para of oculomotor innervate
Sphincter pupillae and ciliaris (contract eye)
Symp fibers of oculomotor
Reach eye via blood vessels and then follow long and short ciliary
Oculomotor fibers leave cranial cavity through ____ to enter _____
Superior orbital fissure to enter the orbit
Cranial nerve 4
Trochlear nerve
Cell bodies origin CN4
Trochlear nucleus
What is unique about CN4
Only nerve to leave from brainstem posterior
CN 4 innervates
Superior oblique
How does CN4 leave cranial caivty
Superior orbital fissure
CN 6
Abducens nerve
CN 6 cell body origin
Abducens nucleus
CN 6 innervates
Lateral rectus
How does abducens nerve exit cranial cavity?
Superior orbital fissure
CN 7
Facial nerve
Fascial nerve somatomotor nucleus and what they innervate
Fascial nucleus
Fascial expresion and stylohyoid…posterior of digastric and stapedius
Visceral motor nucleus of fascial nerve
Parasympathetic fibers
Superior salivary nucleus
Lacriminal gland, submandibular, sublingual, nasal mucous, and oral mucous glands
Special sensory and somatosensory neuron cell bodies of fascial nerve
Geniculate ganglion at bend of facial canal
Peripheral proccesses of geniculate ganglion innervate
Parts of external ear and taste receptors of anterior 2/3 of tongue
Central processes of geniculate ganglion terminate in
Spinal trigeminal nuclei Solitary nuclei (taste)
Entrance of fascial nerve into fascial canal from cranial cavity
Internal auditory meatus
Sylamastoid foramen is exit point of
Somatomotor and somatosensory fibers of the fascial nerve
Fascial nerve motor branches
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervial Ten Zebras Bit My Cupcake
What are geniculate ganglion fibers renamed at exit of fascial to reenter middle cranial fossa
Greater petrosal nerve
Greater petrosal nerve runs through ____ to become _______
Foramen lacerum
Nerve of the petrygoid canal
Preganglionic para fibers of fascial nerve run from _____ to ________
Superior salivary nucelus to pterygopalatine ganglion
Postganglionic fibers of parasymp of fasical hitch a ride on
CNV2 (maxillary division) to innervate musocsa of nasal and oral mucosa glands
Symp fibers near fascial join _______ and follow parasym fibers
Nerve of the pterygoid canal
Lacrimal postganglionic branches
Join with zygomatic and follow it into orbit…joint with lacrimal nerve and follow to lacrimal gladn
How does chorda tympani exit the fascial canal?
THrough petrotympanic fissure into the infratemporal fossa
Chorda tympani innervates ____ and is from cranial nerve _____
Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
Once in the infratemporal fossa, chorda tympani hitch a ride on
Lingual nerve until it approaches submandibular ganglion
Chorda tympani nerve joins _____ nerve to innervate sublingual gland
Lingual nerve
Central processes of taste innervate
Nucleus solitarius of the brainstem
Peripheral procceses of taste path
Follow lingual and follow chordae tympani to reach geniculate ganglion
Parasympathetic path of fascial nerve
Pre-para from superior salivary nucleus to submandibular and sublingual ganglion via chorda tympani
Taste - fascial nerve
Follow chorda tympani back to solitary nucleus
CN 8
Vestibulocochlear nerve
Auditory system of CN8 cell bodies and where central processes end
Spiral ganglion
Terminate in cochlear nuclei
Vestibular system of CN8 cell bodies and where central processes end
Vestibular nuclei
Central processes of CN 8 pass through
Internal auditory meatus
___ nerves pass through internal auditory meatus
Vestibulocochlear and facial nerve
Jugular foramen contains
Internal jug vein
CN 9
CN 10
CN 11
CN 9
Glossopharyngeal nerve - mostly sensory
Sensory of glosso pharyngeal
Pharynx mucosa
Posterior 1/3 of tongue
Middle ear, auditory tubem inside of tympanic membrane
Barrow receptors and chemoreceptors of carotid arteries
Pharynx mucosa sensory of glossopharyngeal goes to
nucleus solitarius
Posterior 1/3 of tongue glossopharyngeal path
Somatosensory to spinal trigeminal
Taste to nucleus solitarius
MIddle ear, tc of glossopharyngeal go to
Nucleus solitarius
Barrow and chemo receptors of glossopharyngeal go to
Nucleus solitarius
Motor of glossopharyngeal innervates
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Pre-Parasympathetic of glossopharyngeal originate in _____ and innervate ______
Inferior salivary nucleus
Otic via the lesser petrosal nerve
Post-para of glossopharyngeal innervates
Parotid glands
Cell bodies vagus that innervate skeletal muscles
Nucleus ambigus
Cell bodies of vagus responsible for smmooth muscle
Dorsal motor nuclei of vagus
Sensory of vagus nerve
Superior or inferior ganglion of vagus nerve
Superior ganglion of vagus innervate and terminate in
External auditory meatus and external tymp membrane
Terminates in Spinal trigeminal nucleus
INferior gang of vagus innervates and terminates in
Sensory from more caudal regions/larynx
Terminates in nucleus solitarius
CN 11
Accessory nerve
How does CN11 enter cranial caivty
Foramen magnum
How does CN11 exit cranial cavity
Jugular foramen
CN 11 innervates
Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
CN 12
Hypoglossal nerve
Cell bodies of CN 12
Hypoglossal nucleus
CN 12 exits cranial cavity through ___ and loops around _____ artery
Hypoglossal canal
Occipital artery
CN 12 innervates
Intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles