Cranial Contents Flashcards
Brainstem omposed of
Medulla, pons, and midbrain
Posterior aspect of BS
DIencephalon composed of
Thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
Cerebrum is composed of
2 hemispheres
Each cerebral hemisphere composed of
Cerebral cortex and subcortical areas
Pituitary gland associated with
PIneal gland associated with
Cerebrum divised into hemispheres by
Longitudinal fissure
Sulci vs. gyri
Gyri - ridges
Sulci - crevices
Central sulcus separates
Frontal and parietal lobe
Lateral sulcus separates
Frontal/parietal from temporal
Corpus callosum
White matter…communicates between left and right
Cingulate gyrus
Limbic lobe…emotions
Frontal lobe functions
Motor, executive functions
Parietal lobe function
Temporal lobe function
Learning and memory
Occipital lobe function
Visual areas
Insular lobe found inside
Lateral sulcus
Neurocranium bones
Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, temporal, parietal, occipital
Top part of neurocranium where bones are flat
Anterior cranial fossa boundary
Frontal bone and lesser sphenoid wing
MIddle cranial fossa
Lesser sphenoid wing
Petrous ridge of temporal
POsterior cranial fossa location
Posterior to petrous ridge of temporal
Anterior cranial fossa contents
Frontal lobe
Olfactory bulbs
Middle cranial fossa contents
Temporal lobe
Cavernous sinus and CNs
Internal carotid arteries
Posterior cranial fossa contetns
Cerebellum and brainstem
Lateral ventricle
C-shaped in each hemisphere
3rd ventricle
Mid-sag between L and R thalamus
4th ventricle
Posterior to BS
Choiroid plexus
Produces CSF
Capillaries of choroid plesxus are
CHoroid epithelial cellscontain
Tight junctions
CSF flows from ventricles to the
Subarachnoid space
CSF drains into dural sinus through
Arachnoid granulations
Disruption of CSF resultsi n
Interventricular foramen
connects lateral and 3rd ventricle
Cerebral aqueduct
Connects 3rd and 4th ventricle
Central canal
Continuation of 4th ventricle…travels through entire spinal cord
CSF absorbed into venous system by
Arachnoid granulations
Path of CSF in the brain
Lateral ventricle IV foramen (Monroe) 3rd ventricle Cerebral aqueduct Fourth ventricle Median aperture/lateral aperture/central canal Arachnoid granulations
Dura mater layers
Periosteal dura and meningeal dura
Where do periosteal and meningeal dura separate
Dural folds and venous sinuses
Arachnoid membrane
A vascular membrane
Arachnoid granulation compostion
Extenstions of arachnoid that protrude through meningeal layer of dura into superior saggital sinus
Which layer of dura dives into longitudinalfissure
Meningeal layer
Creates dural fold
Epidural space
Space skull and dura mater
Subdural space
Between dura and arachnoid mater
MIddle meningeal artery runs in
Epidrual space
Bridging veins run in
Subdural space
Subarachnoid space
Between arachnoid and pia
Full of CSF
Falx cerebri
In longitudinal fissure to separate L and R hemisphere
Tentorium cerebelli
Covers upper surface of cerebellum
Tentoral incisure
Midbrain passes through here to connect to thalamus
Diaphragm sella
Forms roof of cavernous sinus in region of sella turcica
Falx cerebelli
Below tentorium cerebelli
Similar to falx cerebri but does not totally separate halves of cerebellum
Dural sinuses located in
Margins of dural folds
Bridging veins
Arise from cerebral veins in the dural venous sinuses
Dural venous sinuses empty into
CSF absorbed into dural venous sinuses through
Arachnoid granulations
Subdural hematoma
Tearing of the brdiging cerebral veins as they enter dural sinus…chrnoic and acute types…dura remains fixed to bone
Epidural hematoma
Tear of meningeal arteries in epidural space…dura ripped off of bone
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Blood collects in subarachnoid space that contains major arteires of the brain
Superior sagittal sinus
Located in falx cerebri (periosteal and meningeal dura)
Separates hemispheres
Inferior sagittal sinus
Inferior falx cerebri
Meningeal dura only
Straight sinus
Junction of falx cerebri and tenorium cerebelli
Confleuns of sinuses
Located on internal occipital protuberence where straight, occipital, and sueprior join together
Transverse sinuses
From confleuns toward sigmoud sinus
Between periosteal and meningeal on tentorium cerebelli
Sigmoid sinuses
Betweeen dural ayers…run from transverse sinuses to IJV
Cavernous sinus
FOrmed by diaphragm sellae and periosteal dura
On floor of hypohyseal fossa
How does cavernous sinus drain?
To transverse via superior petrosal
To sigmoid sinus via petrosal sinus
Cavernous sinus contains
Crainal nerves 3,4, V1, V2, and 6
Internal carotid
Which CN associated iwht pituitary
Optic chiasm of CN 2
Abducens nerve runs with
Internal carotid artery
What is cavernouse sinus connected to?
Sigmoid and tvs. sinuses posteriorly
Ophthalmic veins anteriorly
Pteryhoid plexus of veins in deep face
Internal carotid arteries enter cranial cavity through
Carotid canal
Vertberla arteries enter cranial canal via
FOramen magnum and join together to form basilar artery
Enternal carotid artery branches
Anterior, middle cerebral
POsterior communicating artery
Posterior communicating artery connects
Internal carotid system to posterior cerebral artery
Anterior cerebral artery runs and supplies
In longitudinal fuissure
Medial aspect of cerebral cortex
Middle cerebral runs and supplies
Lateral fissures
Lateral sides of cerebral cortex
Left and right vertebral arteries merge into
Basilar artery
Basilar artery splits into
Right and left posterior cerebral arteries
Posterior cerebral artery is ____ and supplies _____
Terminal branch of basilar artery
Medial and ventral surface of occipital cortex
Berry aneurysms arise from
Arterial branch points near circle of willis