Treatment/Interventions Flashcards
Effects of Divorce
- At the time of the divorce, children have more social, academic, and behavioral problems compared to children not expreicing a divorce and remaining in a 2 parent household.
- 3-6 years old feel responsible, 7- 12 years old experience school problems; Teen think they could had stop it and feel hurt and critical of their parents. It take about 3-5 years to recover. About 33% experience lasting trauma.
- Divorce is better than constant conflict
- Initally girls do better that boys, but as they become teens they are at risk if mother remarries; blended family there is more conflict between daughter and stepmother
- At time of divorce younger children are more anxious, but adapt more quickly and have fewer bad memories than older children
Best option for violent husband
The wife refuses to tolerate the situation and further and has her husband arrested
Effects of Working Mothers
- There are inconsistencies in the data. Working mothers tend to have more egalitariona view of sex roles than stay at home mothers.
- Cognitve impact- middle class boys have a lower academic performance if they attend daycare compared to middle class stay at home mothers; while lowe SES boys have higher academic compared to low SES boy stay at home mothers
Meta-Analysis: Effect Size (Smith and Glass) effectiveness of therapy
An effect size is a measure of standard deviation units of difference between treated and untreated subjects.
(Smith and Glass 1980) found the average effect size of .85 in comparing treated and untreated individuals; This indicated that at the end of treatment the average treated person is better off that 80% of the untreated sample
Howard (et. al 1986) found 50% of clients showed improvement by the 8th session, 75% of clients showed improvement at the end of 6 months
Effects of Working Mothers
- There are inconsistencies in the data. Working mothers tend to have more egalitariona view of sex roles than stay at home mothers.
- Cognitve impact- middle class boys have a lower academic performance if they attend daycare compared to middle class stay at home mothers; while lowe SES boys have higher academic compared to low SES boy stay at home mothers
- Emotional Development: no difference for infants who start daycare before the age of 3 months
- Social Development: children in daycare tend to be more sociable, self-confident, and presistent, yet they are more disobedient, less polite, bossier, and more aggressive than children that do not attend daycare
Minorities in treatment and dropouts
Lower SES have been correlated with higher levels of mental illness and psychological distress (2 to 3 times higher). Individuals with lower SES and education dprop out at a higher rate that those of higher SES and education. Howerer, when individual with lower SES stay in treamtement they benefit just like higher SES individuals.
Primary Prevention vs. Secondary Prevention vs. Tertiary Prevention
Primary Prevention prevents the problem or disorder from occurring altogether (alcohol and drug education, Head Start, and vaccinations).
Seconday Prevention involves eary identification of and aggressive treatment for disorders or problems that already exists (mammograms, hotlines, aggressive treatment for children with conduct disorders to prevent development of antisocial personality disorder, screeninfor learning disability, HIV screening, disaster relief).
Tertiary Prenention focus on reducing or minimizing the long-term consequences of a chronic condition (vocational rehabilitation, assisted living homes, day treatment centers, 12-step programs for alcoholics or addicts.
Client-Centered Case Consultation vs. Consultee-Centered Case Consutation vs. Program-Centered Administrative Consultatin vs. Consultee-Centered Administrative Consultation
Client-centered case consultation the consultant helps the consulted with an individual client. While Consultee-centered case consultation the consultant helps the consulted with difficulties he/she is having working with clients.
Consultee-centered administrative consultation the consultant focuses on the consultee’s difficulties that linite effectiveness in instutiuting program change. While program-centered administrative consultation the consultant focused on developing, expanding, or modifying a program.
Case vs. Administrative Consultation:
Case consultation refers to clinically-orinted consultation; administrative consultation refers to consultatin amined at administravie issues or programmatic change.
Client-Centered vs. Consultee-Centered CaseConsultation:
Clinet-centerd counsutation always involves consultation on one case or one client; while consultee-centered case consultation involuses helping the consultee with a group of clients
Crisis-Intervention vs. Brief Therapy
Crisis intervention is on the crisis itself and on restoring the client to the pre-crisis level of functioning; while brief therapy focuses on helong the client to attain higher-level of functioning by addressing conflicts, interpersoal problems and other long-standing issues.
Most effective compoents of groups: cohesiveness, catharsis, and self-understanding
According to Yalon group offer 12 distinct factions that contribute to the therapeutic process, but the most important are:
1. Cohesiveness- the most critical component; is analogous to the relationship or rapport in individual therapy, and is defined as the attractiveness of the group to its members. It leads to acceptance, intimacy and understanding, while permitting greater expression of hostility and conflict among members and twards the leader.
- Catharis-the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions
- Self-understanding
Social Learning Family Therapy:
Focuses on deficient rewards and communication deficits
Coalition vs. Triangulation vs. Joining
Traingulation- a child is caough in the middle of the parents’ conflict
Disengaged vs Enmeshed
In enmeshed families, boundaries do not allow for individuation; they are too fluid, and have become crossed and often distorted. Boundaries are constantly crossed in numerous ways. Disengaged or detached families that share little to nothing, typically overly rigid families, are described as detached
Coalition vs. Triangulation vs. Joining
Coalition-one parent unites with the child against the other parent
Traingulation- a child is caught in the middle of the parents’ conflict with each parent wanting the child to side with him/her
Joining or Detouring- parents express their distress through one child by focusing on the child rather than the underlying issues
Summative vs. Formative Evaluation
Formative, beginning, helps with treatment planning
Summative, at the end. helps summarize treatment
Double blind vs. Paradoxical Interventions
Double bild is a dilemma in communication in which an individual (or group) receives two or more conflicting messages, with one negating the other. So that the person will automatically be wrong regardless of response he/she gives. The double bind occurs when the person cannot confront the inherent dilemma, and therefore can neither resolve it nor opt out of the situation.Double binds are often utilized as a form of control without open coercion—the use of confusion makes them difficult both to respond to and to resist.
Paradoxical interventions could best be described as when a therapist directs his or her client to perform the very problem the client is seeking to eradicate. The underlying principle is that clients’ implement certain emotions and actions for specific reasons.
Boundaries and hierachy
Within families, members take on roles delineated by boundaries that become understood by all members. The resultant family hierarchy spans all living generations and provides an organized system through which needs for the family survival become met. The most important purpose of these boundaries and the resultant structure is to create a system for passing along affection, values, and learning to future generations.
Object Relational Family Therapy
A branch of psychodynamic famiy therapy that focuses on transferences and projections between couples or family members
Negative vs, Positive Feedback Loop
Positive feedback loops enhance or amplify changes; this tends to move a system away from its equilibrium state and make it more unstable. Negative feedbacks tend to dampen or buffer changes; this tends to hold a system to some equilibrium state making it more stable.
Feminist therapy
focues on socio-political climate and egalitarian relationships with client, promote independence and autonomy, therapist serves as a role model
focuses on decreasin g arousal of the sympathetic nervous system; research as been inconsistent. EMG biofeedback for tension headaches and thermal biofeedback for migraine are both eggective. and EMG tends to be more effective.
subjective experiential change; an altered state of consciousness; and be used in place of anesthesia to control pain; used to Street chronic pain, asthma, conversion symptions and substance use