Treaties/Agreements/Doctrines Flashcards
Peace at Paris- ended French/Indian War, France out of continent
1494 Treaty of Tordesillas
Divided Americas into Spanish and Portuguese
1783 Treaty of Paris
Ended the American Revolution
1794 Jay’s Treaty
Britain agrees to leave western posts, kept neutrality
1795 Pickney’s Treaty
Spain gives access to port and land
1795 Greenville Treaty
Indians lose more land
1814 Treaty of Ghent
Ended War of 1812, boundaries restored, no winners
1817 Rush/Bagot Agreement
Disarmament on Great Lakes
1818 Treaty of 1818
49th parallel boundary
1819 Adams/Onis Treaty and Florida Peace Treaty
Acquired Florida for $5 million
Monroe Doctrine- nonintervention, noncolonization, to Europe
1845 Webster/Ashburton Treaty
Over Maine
Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago- Mexican Cession
1850 Clayton/Bulwer Treaty
Canal either both build or neither (British)
1898 Teller Amendment
Congress authorizes war in Cuba, will give independence later
1898 Treaty of Peace in Paris
Ending Spanish/American war
1901 Hay/Pauncefote Treaty
US would build canal
1901 Platt Amendment
Requirements for Cuba
1904 Roosevelt Corollary
Intervening in Latin America if necessary
1905 Treaty of Portsmouth
Teddy Roosevelt helps end Russo/Jap war
1908 Gentleman’s Agreement
Japs limit immigration to the US and San Fran schools end discrimination
1908 Root/Takahira Agreement
US/Jap respect for possessions and Open Door in China
Treaty of Versailles- rejected
1921 Washington Conference
5 power, 4 power, and 9 power treaties easing tensions
1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact
Ending future wars
1933/1936 Pan American Conference
Easing tensions in Latin America
1939 Cash/Carry
Supporting countries in WWII
1940 Destroyers for Bases Deal
With Britain
1941 Lend/Lease
With non-Axis countries
1941 Atlantic Charter
Brit/US agreement for post-war freedom of seas and territories
Yalta- big 3 dealing with Post war Europe
1945 Potsdam Conference
Truman, Stalin, and Churchill meeting for ending war
United Nations begins- US leading nation
1947 Truman Doctrine
Aid to European countries combating communism
1947 Marshall Plan
Money to Europe
1949 NATO
9 nations against communism
1953 Korean Armistice
Ike threatens nukes
1954 Geneva Conference
Vietnam divided at 17th parallel
1954 SEATO
Defending against communism
1957 Eisenhower Doctrine
Aid to Mideast combating communism
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy and Krushchev agree
1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Limiting nukes
1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Blank check given to LBJ for Vietnam
1969 Vietnamization
Pulling troops out of Vietnam slowly
1969 Nixon Doctrine
Support to Asia without troops
1972 SALT
Limiting nukes
1973 Paris Peace Accords
Cease fire and free elections promised in Vietnam
1978 Panama Canal Treaty
Giving Panama control by 2000
1978 Camp David Accords
Israel/Egypt peace
1987 INF Agreement
Limiting nukes
1991-1992 Start I/ Start II
Limiting nukes
1993 NAFTA
North American Free Trade Agreement