Blue Cards Flashcards
Political heavyweight to help revise and repair the Articles of Confederation.
James Madison
Search for smuggled goods without a warrant from a judge
Writs of assistance
Political heavyweight to help revise and repair the Articles of Confederation.
Alexander Hamilton
Americans cut off British charge.
Battle of Saratoga
Revise of Articles of Confederation.
Constitutional Convention
Urged to correct wrongs.
Declaration of Rights and Grievances
Raising colonial military force.
Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking Arms
Last gesture of peace sent to Britian before total war.
Olive Branch Petition
Ended American Revolution
Treaty of Paris
Rose up during the summer of 1786 and demanded restitution and tax relief. (Shays Rebellion)
Daniel Shays
Colonists who fought for independence from the British.
Colonists who sided with the British. Also known as Tories.
Colonists who sided with the British. Also known as Loyalists.
French expand borders
Quebec Act
Lowered the price of tax
Tea Act
Maintained the right of the Crown to tax the colonies.
Declatory Act
British soldiers stationed in colonist homes
Quartering Act
Ended the French and Indian War
Peace of Paris
Intimidated tax collectors by attacking their homes, burning them in effigy, and even tarring and feathering them.
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Sermon given by “New Light” preacher Jonathan Edwards in 1741. Churchgoers were told that God was angry with the sinners of the Earth.
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
This “New Light” preacher, started the Great Awakening.
John Edwards
In 1692, Massachusetts was the site of witchcraft hysteria.
Parliament overthrew King James II and replaced him with his daughter and Dutch husband.
Glorious Revolution
Large numbers of Puritan families ventured across the Atlantic, seeking religious freedom and a fresh start
The Great Migration
Appointed by Parliament as the successors of King James II.
William and Mary
Method established by the Spanish in order to enslave Native American populations.
First English settlement established by Sir Walter Raleigh in North America.
Spain and Portugal decided how Christopher Columbus’s discoveries of the New World would be divided.
Treaty of Tordesillas
Movement against the Catholic Church
Protestant Reformation
The governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and a Puritan minister. “city upon a hill”
John Winthrop
Believed that God’s chosen people were either predestined for Heaven or not, so they did not have to obey God’s or man’s law.
Anne Hutchinson
Introduced tobacco to Virginia farmers.
John Rolfe
Governor of the Virginia colony. Enraged the poor farmers in the backwoods by remaining friendly with the Native Americans.
Sir William Berkeley
Collective security from attack by surrounding Native American tribes.
New England Confederation
Puritans who felt that they needed to abandon the Church of England and set up a new church.
Protested against the similarities between the Anglican Church and the Catholic Church.
Also known as the Anglican Church. Broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created this Church.
Church of England
These Puritans believed they must remain within the Church of England to reform it.
“First constitution” in colonial America.
Fundamental Orders
Colonies existed to provide raw materials for the Mother coutry.
Native Americans rebelled against Spanish government.
Pueblo Revolt
Gave non converted Puritans partial membership in the Church.
Halfway Covenant
“Inner light” (non-Puritans)
Set aside a parcel of land for public education.
Land Ordinance of 1785
Can’t settle past the Appalachian Mountians
Proclamation Act of 1763
First venture to settle in Jamestown
Virginia Compromise
Taxed sugar. Lost money through Triangular Trade
Sugar Act
Said we had no right to live on lands taken from the Native Americans. Discovered Rhode Island
Roger Williams
Established Calvinism. Said that we were predestined to heaven or hell
John Calvin
Religious freedom in Maryland
Act of Toleration
Aimed to bring colonies under stricter control.
Dominion of New England
Secular body in leadership
Mayflower Compact
Citizens set fire to Jamestown
Bacon’s Rebellion
Lure to Pennsylvania for promises of freedom.
Holy Experiment
Called for confederation if countries
The Albany Plan of Union
Event in response to the Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
Angered about enforcement of the Quartering Act
Boston Massacre
Indians launched attack on colonial settlements from Michigan to Virginia.
Pontiac’s Rebellion
9 of 13 colonies attended. Came to agreement that only colonial legislatures had authority to tax the colonists.
Stamp Act Congress
Challenged the rules of the kings; theory of natural rights
John Locke
Helped construct the Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin
Social structure’s distance gap of the rich and poir
For statehood, at least 60,000 people
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Necessary template for government
Articles of Confederation
Wanting freedom from Britain
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine believed that we should gain freedom from Britain. It advocates natural rights.
Common Sense
Demanded tax relief
Shay’s Rebellion
Met to discuss the reactions of the Intolerable Acts.
First Continental Congress
Left the colonists alone. Britain didn’t pay attention to them
Salutary Neglect
Wrote Common Sense. Wanted our independence from Britain.
Thomas Paine
Letting the French expand on our Ohio River Valley; French expanding boarders
Intolerable Acts
Leader of Bacon’s Rebellion
Nathanial Bacon
His son established Maryland; wanted a safe haven
Lord Baltimore
Movement against Catholics
Protestant Reformation
Closed the Boston harbor until the tea was paid off
Coercive Acts
No distinction with internal and external tax
Massachusetts Circular Letter
Stamp on all papers show a tax had been paid
Stamp Act
Religious fever of the 1630s
Great Awakening
New England colonies provided fish lumber and manufactured goods; in return for molasses and African slaves
Triangular Trade
Indentured servant for 50 acres of land
Headright System
Revivalist ministers who emphasized emotive spirituality and encouraged missionary work among the natives.
New Light Preachers