Travis Hirschi; Michael Gottfredson; James Wilson & George Kelling Flashcards
Is the Broken Window theory an extension of the Control Theory
What year was the original Control Theory published?
and by who?
1969; Travis Hirschi
Control Theory is an alternative to (3)?
strain theory, sub-cultural theory; neutralization
Empirical study: 3,600 students middle school and high school kids. Richmond, UK
What is Travis Hirschi thesis?
reason why people commit crimes is because they lack self control.
non-criminals have 3, 4, or 5 controls?
4 controls
are these four controls lacking in the people who commit crimes?
Is the control theory an ass-backwars way of looking at deviants?
yes, because it focuses on the non-criminals rather than the criminals.
what is the first control?
Is attachment related to “peer pressure.”
An example of “attachment” is people that you care about will ostracize (reject) you if your behavior isn’t approved
two examples:
1- are strict parents - follow rules or they will think of you negatively.
2- spouse - what will she think of you or will leave you, if you get arrested.
In contrast, criminals don’t have close friends or family that will be concerned with their behavior. No “attachment.”
Orphans, single parents, no strong attachment to community or neighbors are likely criminals due to the lack of attachment. true or false.
true; criminal group that have no attachments.
years invested in Conventional lifestyle; years in school; years at work.
A committed person has a lot to loose if he/she engages in criminals behavior? true or false
people who lack commitment are more likely to engage in criminal behavior. true or false?
commitment is investment in conventional lifestyle; Involvement suggest that being engaged in commitment doesn’t leave enough time to engage in criminal/deviant behavior.
Non-involvement ; idle time is a propensity to be a deviant or criminal. true or false?
Belief is how committed we are to upholding society’s rules and laws. true or false?
Merton sees crime as a “safety valve” which could have a positive function in society. true or false
Deviance is necessary to kick start social change? true or false?