Marxist Criminology: William Chambliss Flashcards
Is Marxist Criminology an extension of the labeling theory? YES Or NO
What year was Chambliss published?
What is the name of the journal Chambliss published?
“Toward a political economy of crime”
Does Chambliss disagree that criminal law is an expression valid morals and values. TRUE OR FALSE
Do some theories believe that crime is due to differences of morals and personal values? YES OR NO
What are some theories that say deviance is dependent on personal values?
Subculture theory (Cohen & Sutherland) different values;
Sykes & Matza thought everyone has same values;
Social Disorganization thought people in certain neighborhoods had different values.
Did Chambliss believe all of these personal value theories about crime to be bullshit? YES OR NO
Did Chambliss believe it is a matter of interest and not personal values? YES OR NO
Under Labeling theory, Mr. Becker said, what is criminalized is determined by political power. Laws are contestations or arguments by different groups in society. TRUE OR FALSE
Unlike Becker who believes there are arguments or struggles to determine laws among different societies, Mr Chambliss believes there is no struggle or argument! The Elite Political leaders do not have a struggle or consider contenders. They do as they please. True or False
Chambliss calls these elites: The ruling class; wealthy elite. TRUE OR FALSE
Does Chambliss believe the ruling class pass these laws through their proxy, which is the State? YES OR NO
Do the wealthy elite use the State as their enforcers? YES OR NO
Why do the ruling class fell a need to make laws?
They feel a need because they are scared of a resistance or protest from the working class.
Are the elite ruling class using the State to suppress and control the working class? YES OR NO
Who would the working class resist?
The capitalist system or the elites property interests.
Chambliss identifies a number of areas where Marxist principals that could define or explain “crime and deviance” TRUE OR FALSE
1 Content and Operation of the law is the first characterisitc the professor explained. True or False
Under Content and Operation, according to Chambliss, the elite ruling class’ behavior is not enforced the same as the working class. TRUE OR FALSE
Are the ruling elite given immunity of punishment for the same behavior of the working class? TRUE OR FALSE
Are the working class people enforced equally when compared to the wealthy elite? YES OR NO
2 Consequences for Society, Surplus Labor Populations Chambliss characterization of Marxist Criminology. TRUE OR FALSE
Does a Capitalist system need a Surplus of Labor Population? YES OR NO
A population of people who are unemployed or underemployed is necessary in a capitalist system. TRUE OR FALSE
What is the strategy behind a capitalist system having a group of unemployed or underemployed people?
Because if the working people revolt or protest, the unemployed will be hired immediately; thereby by shutting down the protest and revolt or at least making it ineffective. In this manner companies avoid having to pay higher wages or avoid pressure for better medical and other benefits.
People who cross the picket line are labeled what?
The problems with the surplus labor population is that they have no interests in the Capitalist system.
Presumably the scabs could be the first people to resist or revolt because they are poor and jobless because of the Capitalist system.
Does crime control this surplus labor population in a few different ways. True or False
Does the job surplus individuals procure work in the crime world? YES OR NO
In a capitalist society does the existence of crime create jobs? YES OR NO
Is there a million plus amount of people who make a living by benefitting from crime? YES OR NO
If for example, drugs were legal, all of the surplus population would literally starve and revolt against the capitalist system? TRUE OR FALSE
Hungry unemployed people could be easily politicized and convinced to revolt against the system. TRUE OR FALSE
Is there another group (POLICE) of surplus population that do nothing for society but are in charge of the first group (CRIMINALS) of surplus population? YES OR NO
Do police create, produce, or mfg.? YES OR NO
Is it true that police wouldn’t have a job if they didn’t have criminals? YES OR NO
Is it ironic that policemen come from the same class and community as criminals? YES OR NO
Is it common for policemen and criminals to be in the same family. YES OR NO
What class are policemen?
working class
Why are policemen paid a lot of money?
the ruling class needs the working class people to enforce their interests.
Is money used to divide and conquer? YES OR NO
The money & prestige is so powerful that officers are willing to separate from family, if they are criminals, and instead opt to make money. TRUE OR FALSE
3 ETIOLOGY OF CRIME AND DEVIANCE essentially means what?
why people do the things they do
Does Chambliss believe that the interests of law abiding and law breaking individuals is the same? YES OR NO
Chambliss believe that people in different classes, rationally pursue their own self interests. TRUE OR FALSE
People who are wealthy do not need to commit crimes, yet poor people do need to commit crimes to supplement their income. TRUE OR FALSE. Which theory is this closely related to?
Did Chambliss say that a community shouldn’t be surprised that poor people commit crimes. YES OR NO
Chambliss says criminal behavior is not “arbitrary” as in Durkheim’s theory, what is criminal is determined by the ruling class. TRUE OR FALSE
In Denmark where there isn’t black or latinos criminalize who?
People from the middle east.
Capitalism creates crime in order to control problem populations (threats to capitalism) TRUE OR FALSE
In contrast to Capitalism, Socialist systems have less crime. TRUE OR FALSE