Anarchist Criminology: Peter Kropotkin/Emma Goldman Flashcards
Does Kropotkin believe that we are conditioned to have the state intervene rather than handling the problem ourselves. TRUE OR FALSE
Does Kropotkin say the public is conditioned to believe that if there is a societal problem then must have a new law to resolve the issue? TRUE OR FALSE
According to Kropotkin we are taught to submit and obey all people in positions of authority. TRUE OR FALSE
If you obey authority you thought about as an example; and if you question authority your thought about as a deviant. TRUE OR FALSE
People who believe in laws and leaders interestingly complain about laws and the leaders elected. TRUE OR FALSE
Crime is committed by people who are not secure in their home, clothing, food. TRUE OR FALSE
In monarchy’s vs capitalism, capitalism believed in laws and equality rather than a dictator, but due to “discretion” or “selective enforcement” capitalism wasn’t a much better system. TRUE OR FALSE
Kings and Nobles Vs Capitalism neither represent the peoples interest better. TRUE OR FALSE
candidates are not representative of the population. TRUE OR FALSE
Kropotkin claimed that in a revolution the old order will be replaced by an order that is equal to the old order. A real revolution will have fundamentally different system of authority; no police, no military, no authority. TRUE OR FALSE
Laws represent the desire to dominate other people. TRUE OR FALSE
Laws always favor the ruling class. TRUE OR FALSE
Laws protect the people who exploit labor. TRUE OR FALSE
Laws that exist protect the theft suspect and their is no laws that protect us from the organizations the exploit our labor which is a much bigger theft. TRUE OR FALSE
Laws that hurt us greatly outweigh the laws that protect us. TRUE OR FALSE
Is the majority of population better off if we didn’t have laws, if we consider the totality of the effects of laws. YES OR NO
Are told that we need laws to protect our security? YES OR NO
Is the problem with the above ideology that there is no relation between the severity of punishment due to a law violation and the propensity to break the law. TRUE OR FALSE
Sever punishment does not deter crime. TRUE OR FALSE
Which countries consume more drugs, countries where drugs are legal or illegal?
In countries where drugs are illegal
All of our current, so called solutions to crime, are actually catalyst to crime. TRUE OR FALSE
Who do this laws actually benefit?
The wealthy ruling elite
KROPOTKIN: Abolition of laws and authority is the solution to our capitalistic problems. TRUE OR FALSE
Does Kropotkin points out that no matter how harsh punishment is, it has not relation to the occurrence of crime. TRUE OR FALSE
Kropotkin says punishing crime does not reduce crime. TRUE OR FALSE
Kropotkin says punishing crime, increases crime. TRUE OR FALSE
Does Kropotkin believe that prison is counterproductive to integrating criminals back into society? YES OR NO
Kropotkin believes that friends and family pressure is what will keep criminals form becoming offenders again. Yet the prison system is keeping you away from the people who could help you become a conformist. TRUE OR FALSE
Kropotkin says that prison actually exposes you to the worst element guards and inmates. TRUE OR FALSE
Kropotkin says that having people in positions of authority is a formula for disaster. TRUE OR FALSE
Authority corrupts people, authority makes good people behave irrationally. TRUE OR FALSE
What causes guards to behave irrationally?
The extreme authority that guards have over prisoners and the environment in which inmates have to live.
The structure of the institutions organization creates this disparity, TRUE OR FALSE
3 Prison by definition takes peoples freedom. The lack of freedom has detrimental effects on inmates wanting to learn how to make good decisions in life. TRUE OR FALSE?
In jail the normal inconsequential activities are very consequential. In example clothing. TRUE OR FALSE
4 Prisoners are exposed to the worst humiliating and lack of dignity, dehumanizing experience. TRUE OR FALSE
Inmates that are treated in a disrespectful and inhuman manner are learning to treat others the way they are being treated. It does nothing to help them become conventional and productive citizens in society. TRUE OR FALSE
5 Prisons are universities for crime. TRUE OR FALSE
Inmates have to become aggressive and con artist in order to survive. Inmates learn anti-social ways. TRUE OR FALSE
The solution should be to treat ex cons with dignity and respect. Allow them to re-integrate back into society. TRUE OR FALSE
Emma Goldman
Anarchist Criminology
We are thought to think that the state has monopoly on punishment. True or False
Punching someone in the face is less harmful than being sent to jail. TRUE OR FALSE
Handling your own problems is more effective than incarceration. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman says “manning-up” and handling it is much better system of control than prison system. TRUE OR FALSE
Emma Goldman says treating people nicely is priority but it is much better to hash out our own problems rather than the state handling the problem. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman conceited that if we do have prisons, prisoners should be able to work. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman believes that inmates should be paid minimum wage when working so that they have money to make it when they get out. TRUE OR FALSE
Kropotkin is orthodox - burn all prisons. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman fells inmates should be able to support their family while in prison, not punish the family economically. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman says what do you want? isn’t it better for inmates to re-intergrate by spending money inmate education. TRUE OR FALSE
Unions are against criminals doing work, because they are taking the jobs of workers earning prevailing wages. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman says you are fools for not educating inmates, if you don’t educate them they are going to be union enemies by becoming scabs. Scabs have the ability to deflate any movement the union is attempting to achieve. TRUE OR FALSE
Goldman suggested unionizing the inmates rather than making them possible scabs. TRUE OR FALSE
If inmates become unionized and charge prevailing wages-the whole system will go under in bankruptcy. TRUE OR FALSE