Trauma, OCD, Anxiety, Personality Disorders Flashcards
may result in anxiety, insomnia, grief, and variety of responses
some people return to baseline level of coping and equilibrium after trauma
some people may develop adjustment disorder, ASD, PTSD, or dissociative disorder
duration of disturbance: more than 1 month
person exposed to event that posed actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence:
- direct experience
- witnessing in person as event occurred to others
- learning about the event (close family or friend/violent or accidental)
- repeated exposure to traumatic event (police officers, EMT)
PTSD: Clinical Course
- intrusive thoughts (dreams, distressing memories)
- avoidance of stimuli associated w/ the event (avoid thoughts or feelings of event, avoid situations that trigger memories)
- negative thoughts/alterations in cognition associated w/ the event (inability to recall aspects of event)
- hyperarousal (startle response)
PTSD: Dissociative Symptoms
- depersonalization: person feels disconnected from their body
- derealization: person feels as if world around them isn’t real (experiencing world in a dreamlike state)
PTSD: Co-occuring Disorders
substance use
PTSD: Risk Factors
- lack of social support
- previous mental health hx or personality factors
- adolescent and PTSD: at increased risk for suicide, substance use, academic problems, poor physical health
Acute Stress Disorder
occurs in the aftermath of a traumatic event
symptoms similar to PTSD
time fram = 3days but less than 1 month
precursor to PTSD
therapy (CBT) to help anxiety management
Adjustment Disorder
- emotional/behavioral reaction to a stressful event - causes problems for the person
- seen often in children
- symptoms develop w/in 3 months of the event
- syndrome resolves w/in 6 months
- therapy
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
- onset before 5YO in response to trauma of child abuse or neglect
- inhibited or emotionally withdrawn behavior toward caregiver
- diminished response to seek comfort when distressed
- minimally responsive to comfort
Dissociative Disorders
- dissociation: a defense to protect an individual from the full effects of a traumatic event
- disruption in consciousness, memory, identity, and environmental perception
- dissociation can be seen w/ PTSD
- common in all ages
- associated w/ fear and worry
- fear: immediate response to a threat (identifiable stimulus)
- anxiety: worry about future threats
- problem when it interferes w/ daily living
- w/o tx may become chronic (vs episodic)
- avoidance
Anxiety Disorders: Etiology
incidence: highest prevalence in all mental health condition in the US
most prevalent in: women, people over 45YO, divorced or separated people, people of lower socio economic status
onset: variable
Anxiety Disorders: Neurophysiology
amygdala: involved in detecting threats and response to threats
autonomic nervous system: release of epinephrine (HR/BP), norepinephrine
GABA: decrease in GABA is related to increase in anxiety
highly anxious at least 50% of the time for 6 months
cause is unknown (may be imbalance of serotonin/GABA)
muscle tension irritability sleep disturbance (decreased) energy (decreased) restlessness attention (decreased)
intense illogical fear about an object or situation
a person may have no hx of a negative experience w/ the object or situation that they fear
social phobia
specific phobia
Phobia: Tx
CBT w/ exposure:
- systematic densensitization: gradual exposure in safe space to phobia
- flooding
relaxation techniques
Panic Disorder
Dx: recurrent, unexpected attacks followed by at least 1 month of concern/worry about future panic
no stimulus for the panic
half of people w/ panic have agoraphobia
increased risk of suicidality
onset: late adolescence to mid 30s
Panic Symptoms
sense of dying startle reactions palpitations, chest pressure nausea or diarrhea SOB sweating inability to think chills
Panic Disorder: Tx
CBT Antidepressants (SSRI, SNRI) buspirone Benzos (for acute treatment only) Clonidine/propranolol
positive reframing
decatastrophizing: explores the reality of a feared stimulus
assertiveness training: “I statements”
Mental Health Promotion
well-balanced meals
stress management techniques
hallmark signs:
- repeated thoughts (obsessions)
- repetitive behaviors (compulsion)
- need to achieve perfection
- preoccupation w/ behaviors and thoughts that interfere w/ ADLs
Dx: when compulsion or obsessions interfere w/ personal, social, and/or occupational functioning
person has insight that the thoughts/behaviors are unreasonable but cannot stop them
onset: may be in childhood, in women more common onset in the 20s
periods of waxing and waning sx over lifetime
OCD: Obsessions
recurrent, persistent, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts, images or impulses
OCD: Compulsions
ritualistic/repetitive behaviors or mental acts that a person carries out continuously to decrease anxiety
- SSRI’s (fluvoxamine)
- clomipramine (Antidepressant - TCA)
exposure therapy: confronting situation and stimuli that client usually tries to avoid
response prevention
OCD: Related Disorders
excoriation: skin picking
trichotillomania: chronic hair pulling