Trauma #3 Flashcards
Blast injuries: Secondary
Victim being struck by projectiles from blast force
-penetrating or blunt
Blast injuries: Tertiary
Victim impacting the ground to another object
CO production in burn setting
Any incomplete combustion
-complete combustion is rare
Cyanide production in burn setting
Incomplete petroleum combustion
-especially carpet
Adult UO goal I’m burn pt
30-50 ml or 0.5 ml/kg/hr
Pediatric UO goal for burn patients
Babies: 2 ml/kg/hr
Kids: 1 ml/kg/hr
When are Parkland formula or consensus formulas implemented during burn resuscitation?
Once desired UO are achieved
Parkland formula
4 ml/kg/%BSA
1/2 over 1st 8 hours
1/2 in 16 hours
Consensus formula
2-4 ml/kg/%BSA
Burn mortality %
Age + BSA (2nd&3rd degree) = mortality %
-add 20% if respiratory involvement.
Adult Rule Of 9’s
Head: (front) 4.5 (back) 4.5 Torso: (front) 18 (back w/ buttocks) 18 Arms: (front) 4.5 (back) 4.5 Groin: 1 Legs: (front) 9 (back) 9
Pediatric rule of 9’s
Head: 18% Trunk: 18, back: 18 Arms: 9 Groin: 1 Legs: 13.5
Only chemical burn with which you should neutralize
Hydrofluoric acid.
- copious amounts of fluid,
- 10% calcium Gluconate infiltrated into tissues
Alkali metal burns
React with water
Sweep off and irrigate with cooking oils (absorbs heat)
Acid chemical burns
Most acids cannot penetrate deep into tissues
Cause coagulate necrosis (self limiting)
Acids denature cellular proteins and cause cellular coagulation