Environmental: hypothermia Flashcards
Increases metabolic requirements of O2 (MRO2) up to 600%
Limited by available glycogen stores
Ceases at 32 degrees C
Metabolic response to hypothermia
Initial increase to produce heat
- decreases by half q drop in core temp of 10 degrees C
BGL response to hypothermia
- Will decrease with mild chronic hypothermia
- sever hypothermia inhibits insulin thus BGls spike
Respiratory reactions to hypothermia
- Respiratory minute volume decreases
- rate becomes inadequate to blow off CO2 = respiratory acidosis
Cardiovascular considerations with hypothermia
CO decreases, increased SVR, capillary leakage
-pt becomes hypovolemic
Hypothermia metabolic considerations
O2 demand is very high due to shivering,
-increases SVR, decrease CO/RR/Ve decrease O2 to muscles
=anaerobic metabolism / acidosis
Enzymatic and medication considerations with hypothermia
Enzymatic function decreases = decrease clotting factors
- enzymes no longer process drugs in liver
- medication bio transformation decreases
Hypothermia mild stage
> 32-34 degrees C
-increased BMR, CO, HR begins to fall at 32 degrees
Hypothermia moderate stage
29-32 degrees Celsius
- no more attempts to preserve or produce heat
- LOC and SVR fall, acidosis, hyperglycemia, CO falls
Hypothermia severe stage
28 degrees C or less. Poikilothermic stage. -hypotension, ECG changes -PT, aPTT increase by 50% -platelets decrease by 40%
Hypothermia EKG changes
Prolonged PR, QRS and QT intervals.
VF risk highest at 22 degrees C
Osborne waves evident at 25 degrees C
Animal kingdom: Animals who assume environmental temps.
Hypothermia intubation consideration
Can induce VF
When to start CPR
VF or asystole only
Not with PEA
Hypothermia medication considerations
Do not administer if less than 30 degrees C
Enzymatic retardation at 33 degrees C
Rewarming: Afterdrop
Warming increases CO
- cold stagnant blood from periphery enters core
- acidotic blood, watch for arrhythmias
Active internal rewarming
IVF, hemodialysis, gastric lavage, rectal lavage, ECMO
Body’s response to cold
Peripheral vasoconstriction, skeletal muscle vasodilation, increased cardiac output and, shivering