Transport Flashcards
Pôjdete rovno
You will go straight.
Budova je hneď za vami.
Build is right behind you
Zabočíte do ľava.
You turn to left.
Cestovali sme vlakom
We traveled by train.
Kúpili sme jej lístok.
We bought a ticket her
Tento autobus je prázdny
This bus is empty
Prečo vlak meškal?
Why was train late?
Na semafore je červená
Red is at the traffic light
Idem cez križovatku
I go through crossroad.
Môj návrh na výlet
My suggestion for a trip.
Prechádzal cez cestu.
He was crossing the street.
Davida zrazilo auto.
David was hit by a car.
Som skúsená vodička.
I am an experianced driver.
Mám denný plán.
I have a daily plan.
Praha má metro.
Prague has a underground.
Cestovali sme taxíkom.
We travelled by taxi.
Ľod pláva po rieke.
The boat floats on the rive.
Toto je mapa mesta.
This is city map.
Chodím do školy pešo.
I go to school on foot.
Ako ďaleko je obchod?
How far is the shop?
Sedeli sme pod stromom.
We sat under a tree.
V strede cesty.
In the middle of road.
Pokazilo sa mu auto.
Jeho auto je pokazene
His car broke down.
Autu dôjde benzín.
The car runs out of gas.
Olej vyteká z motora.
Oil leaks from the engine.
Moja batožina váži 10 kg.
My baggage weights 10 kg.
Ukážte mi lístok.
Show me your ticket.
Môj let bol zrušený.
My flight has been cancelled.
Letušky servírovali obed.
The air hostess served lunch.
Zapnite si bezpečnostné pásy.
Fasten your seat belts.
Maťo chodí vlakom do práce.
Mato take the train to work.
Môžete ísť trocha rýchlejšie?
Can you drive a little faster?
Je to trocha veľa, však?
That is a bit much, isn´t it?
Ako dlho potrvá jazda?
How long does it take a drive?
Môžete tu počkať?
Could you wait here?
Ako ďaleko je najbližšia stanica?
How far is the nearest station?
Ponáhľam sa!
I am in a hurry!
Takmer sme sa stratili v lese.
We almost got lost in the forest.
Musíte prejsť cez most.
You have to cross the bridge.
Zoberme si prehliadku mesta.
Let´s take a tour of the city.
Vystúpte z autobusu.
Let´s get off the bus.
Budete meškať do školy.
You will be late for school.
Musí Jessica odísť teraz?
Must Jessica leave now?
Stratila som sa aj tak.
I got lost anyway.
Aká je vzdialenosť medzi …?
What is the distance between …?
Lietadlo sa chystá pristáť.
The plane is about to land.
Toto je priama cesta do Senice.
This is a direct road to Senica.
Potrebujem prejsť cez cestu.
I need to pass through the street.
Vedie to na pláž.
It leads to the beach.
Ako zavolám na recepciu?
How do I call the front desk?
Vyhľadaj si to na nete.
Look it up on the net.
Môj vak je ťažky.
My backpack is heavy.
Naše auto nie je veľmi spoľahlivé.
Our car is not very reliable.
Chodím behať na oválnu dráhu.
I go running on an oval track.
Potrebujem sprievodcu (knihu) v ruštine.
I need quidebook in Russian.
Skvelý výhľad na celé mesto.
A great view of the entire city.
Zoberieme si prehliadku o 4.
We will take a quided tour at 4.
Mala by som vystúpiť z električky?
Should I get off the tram?
Naše lietadlo odlieta skoro ráno.
Our plane leaves early in the morning.
Ako dlho bude trvať prehliadka mesta?
How long the city tour will last?
Počkajte až do ďalšej zastávky.
Wait until the next station.