MIX 2 Flashcards
Sadnite si na podlahu.
Let´s sit on the floor.
Kate si chytila nos.
Kate held her nose.
On preferuje malé obchody.
He prefers smaller shops.
Viete o dobrom mäsiarstve?
Do you know a good butcher´s?
Je tu dierka na mojom rukáve.
There is a hole in my sleeve.
Chcem zotrieť prach.
I want to wipe off the dust.
Lahni si na chrbát.
Lie on your back.
Prosím, kde je stanica?
Please, where the station is?
Je to veľmi dôležité.
It is very important.
Mohla by si roztriediť papiere?
Could you sort out papers?
Prosím, napíšte svoje meno.
Please, type your name.
Môžeš uvariť trochu vody?
Can you boil same water?
Odpusti mi, prosím.
Forgive me, please.
Mám veľa otázok.
I have many questions.
Som celkom dobrý.
I´m pretty good.
Toto slovo má 2 významy.
This word has two meanings.
Anna rozdala lístky včera.
Anna gave out tickets yesterday.
Nevyhadzujte to preč.
Don´t throw that away.
Dám ti vedieť.
I will let you know.
V čase keď sme dorazili.
By the time we arrived.
Trvalo to 3 hodiny.
It had taken three hours.
Rebrík je starý.
Ladder is old.
Presťahujme pohovku spolu.
Let´s move the sofa together.
Nemyslím si to.
I don´t think so.
Je veľmi užitočný.
It is very useful.
Stôl zaberá veľa miesta.
Table takes up much space.
Jon uvidel mincu na zemi.
Jon saw a coin on the floor.
Poranila som si nohu.
I unjured my leg.
Prečo mi odtiahli auto?
why did they tow my car?
Pribrala som.
I have put on weight.
Mám bolesť v krku.
I have a sore throut.
Bola som nadšená.
I was keen.
Kde sú skúšobné kabínky?
Where are the fitting rooms?
Žijú v neobvyklom dome.
They live in an unusual house.
Susan zaspala.
Susan fell asleep.
Jazdili sme hustou hmlou.
We drove through thick fog.
Môžeš mi to vysvetliť?
Can you explain it to me?
Môžeš zatvoriť okno?
Can you shut the window?
Rodičia sa presťahovali do…
My parents moved the …
Test bol veľmi zložitý.
The test was very difficult.
Neurobila to včera.
She didn´t do it yesterday.
Ona nechodí do školy.
She doesn´t go to school.
Neboli sme tam včera.
We weren´t there yesterday.
Kedy prídeš?
When will you come?
Musím tam ísť?
Do I have to go there?
Bude ona dobrá bežkyňa?
Will she be a good runner?
Urobil som to včera.
I did it yesterday.
Jane to nemá.
Jane doesn´t have it.
Neurobím to.
I will not do it.
Kto bol s tebou vonku?
Who were you out with?