Exercises Flashcards
Máš trocha času?
Do you have enough time?
Zbal si tašky.
Pack up your bags.
Teším sa že vás spoznávam.
Pleased, to meet you.
Nehnevaj sa na mňa.
Don’t get angry with me.
Niekto bol chamtivý.
Someone was greedy.
Ja a Eva sme si blízke.
I and Eva are close.
Toto auto patrí Danovi.
This car belong to Dan.
Ďakujem za odoslanie.
Thank you for sanding it.
Moje zamestnanie je sekretárka.
My occupation is secretary.
Peter predal svoj bicykel.
Peter sold his bike.
Teraz ste na rade vy.
Now it is your turn.
Prerušil stretnutie.
He interrupted meeting.
Jon kričal na Tinu.
Jon shouted Tina.
Nechala ho v kaviarni.
She left him in the cafe.
Pridala si appku.
She added an app.
Aký bol víkend?
How was the weekend?
Umýva si zuby.
He brushes his teeth.
Karta je v mojej peňaženke.
Card is in my purse.
Martin ožehlil svoju košelu.
Martin ironed his shirt.
Otočil som to.
I turned it over.
Mark nemohol otočiť kameň.
Mark couldn’t turn the stone over.
Kde je diaľkové ovládanie?
Where is the remote control?
Musím sa zastaviť v lekárni.
I have to stop by the chemist´s.
Kniha je na gauči.
Book is on the couch.
Nemám svoj mobil.
I don´t have my cellphone.
Odpadkový kôš je plný.
The garbage bin is full.
Nemám svoj mobil.
I don´t have my cellphone.
Adam čistí umývadlo.
Adam is cleaning the sink.
Nehádž tento kameň.
Don´t throw this stone.
Schovali sa v záhrade.
They have hidden in the garden.
Ako zmením hlasitosť?
How do i change the wolume?
Sme skoro bez benzínu.
We’re almost out of gas
Si pripojený na internet?
Are you connected to the net?
James má koženú bundu.
James has a leather jacket.
Hneď ako sa skončila hodina.
As soon as the lesson ends.
Mala by si pravidelne cvičiť.
You should exercise regularly.
Môžeš si to nechať.
You can keep it.
Mám úplne nové auto.
I have a brand new car.
Nebudem sa môcť zúčastniť.
I will be unable to attend.
Niektoré rastliny sú veľmi vzácne.
Some plants are very rare.
Máš prístup do…?
Do you have access to the… ?