Hotel Flashcards
Zmeškali vlak.
They have missed the train.
Už ste zaplatili?
máte už zaplatené?
Have you already paid?
Máte voľnú izbu?
Do you have a free room?
Stíšte hudbu.
Turn the music down.
Máme nové ubytovanie.
We have a new accommodation.
Tvoja batožina je ťažká.
Your luggage is heavy.
Číslo izby je zlé.
The number room is wrong.
Chcem zrušiť rezerváciu.
I want to cancel reservation.
Je tu rezervačný poplatok?
Is there a reservation fee?
Máte nejaké voľné miesta?
Do you have any vocancies?
Nemohli sme sa dostať do izby.
We couldn´t get in the room.
Elektronické zariadenia v izbe.
Electronic devices in the room.
John vypol svetlo.
John turned off the light.
Išli nakupovať.
They have gone shopping.
More bolo pokojné.
The sea was calm.
Bolo bezpečné plávať.
It was safe to swim.
Zabočte doľava za rohom.
Turn left at the corner.
Rezervácia na meno…
Reservation in the name of….