Natural Flashcards
Strom je veľmi vysoký
The tree is very high.
Trava je zelená.
The grass is green.
Vták je na strome.
The bird is on the tree.
Čo to bol za hluk?
What was the noise?
Pôjdeme večer von.
We will go out tonight.
Počasie bolo hrozné dnes.
The weather was horrible today.
Slnko svietilo.
The sun was shining.
Vtáci spievali.
The birds were singing.
Pracujem v záhrade.
I am working in the garden.
Jablká rastú na stromoch.
Apples grow on the trees.
Vidím jedovatého hada.
I see a poisonous snake.
Pohrízol ho pes.
He was bitten by a dog.
Slnko je zakryté oblakmi.
The sun is covered by clouds.
Bývame na tichej ulici.
We live on a quite street.
Tamtá hora je vysoká.
That mountain is high.
Listy sú farebné.
The leaves are colored.
Cesta bola taká hrbolatá!
The road was so bumpy!
Počasie bolo búrlivé.
The weather was stormy.
On pracuje na poliach.
He works in the fields.
Náš dom je blízko lesa.
Our house is near the woods.
Je podzim.
It is fall now.
Stromy zhadzujú listy.
Trees are losing their leaves.
Môžeš opraviť rozbité okno?
Can you repair a cracked window?
Slnko vychádza.
The sun is rising.
Čo je na programe dňa?
What is the agenda for.
Sedíme v kruhu na tráve.
We are sitting in a circle on the grass.
Mrholenie je veľmi slabí dážď.
The grizzle is a very light rain.
Snežilo celú noc.
It snowed all night.
Presuňte sa doľava.
Move over to the left.
Nechaj to na tomto mieste.
Leave it in this place.
Mali by ste navštíviť Prahu.
You should visit the Prage.
Mohli ste navštíviť Prahu.
You could visit the Prage.
Navštívili by ste Prahu s nami.
You would visit the Prage with us.