Clothes Flashcards
Tieto rifle sú pekné
These jeans are nice
Jana má oblečený sveter
Jana is wearing a sweater
Nesie tašku na pleci
She carries bag on her shoulder
Vyzliekla sa
She undressed
Tenisky mam na nohách
I have sneakers on my feet
Prsteň mám na prste
I have a ring on my finger
Klobúk dole
Hat down
Sako má na pleciach
He has a jacket on his shoulders
Šaty sú zlaté
The dress is gold
Tričko je biele
The shirt is white
Čižmy sú v skrini
The boots are in the closet
Oblek visí
The suit is hanging
Opasok je na nohaviciach
The belt is on the pants
Hodinky mám na zápästí
I have a watch on my wrist
Ponožky sú farebné
The socks are colored
Sukňa je lacná
The skirt is cheap
Kravata bola drahá
The tie was expensive
Topánky sú tesné
The shoes are tight
Jej šál bol dlhý.
Her scarf was long
Tričká sú voľné
T-shirts are loose.
Šaty sú na vešiaku.
The dress is on a hander.
Ďakujem za zľavu.
Thank you for the discount.
Alan našiel svoju peňaženku.
Alen found his vallet.
Navlečiem si rukavice.
I will put on gloves.